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2022 Best New Fuzz Pedals of the Year

AC NoisesAcorn AmpsAnasoundsBardic Audio DevicesBest in ClassBig Ear PedalsBig Muff Style FuzzBlack Mass ElectronicsCalico EffectsCatalinbreadCoffee Shop PedalsColortone PedalsDrunk BeaverElectro-HarmonixFjord FuzzFrost Giant ElectronicsFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionFX TeacherGated and Velcro FuzzGermanium FuzzHeather Brown ElectronicalsKeeley EngineeringKing Tone EffectsKMA AudioLoe SoundsMaestro Style FuzzMastro ValvolaModulated FuzzOctave FuzzOddball FuzzOpAmp FuzzOscillating FuzzPigtronixRainger FXRed Noise PedalsReeves Electro Guitar PedalsSilicon FuzzSilktoneSolidGoldFXStomp Under FootSuper-Fuzz StyleTampco PedalsThorpyFXTone Bender Style FuzzTriungulo LabWalrus AudioZander Circuitry+-
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So for the end of year Fuzz selection the only pedal of note that came a little too late to be included in this roundup was the very recent Reeves Electro BlackHatSound Deluxe Wedge - of which only 15 units have been made so far. Markus has promised me I can get copper insides when the next batch comes around - so I can complete my set!


Other than that everything of note that I’m aware of is included here in this selection. Again I own most of these - while there are still some down on the wishlist to consider acquiring next year, these include :

  • AC Noises Urla CMOS Dual Resonant Fuzz - €205
  • Calico Effects Antlers Green Muff Fuzz - $149
  • Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi Hardware Plugin - $329
  • King Tone The Octaland V2 Octave Fuzz (Silver Edition) - $299
  • Pigtronix Star Eater Super Jumbo Contour Fuzz - $179

With probably the EHX BMP Hardware Plugin and King Tone Octaland (Silver) at the top of that list for acquisitions.


We also have some honourable mentions which just missed the cut :

  • Acorn Amps Kakarot Hybrid Fuzz - $149
  • Anasounds Collector’s Edition Full Story 7-in-1 Modular Muff - €350
  • Black Mass Electronics Kill-Chain Fuzz - $135
  • Drunk Beaver Donetsk JD-01 Ibanez Jet Drive style Ram’s Head Muff - $180
  • Drunk Beaver Mykolaiv Grunge Extended Slider PW-2 style Muff - $175
  • Fjord Fuzz Kvasir D882 Silicon Power Transistor Fuzz - $180
  • Keeley Electronics Fuzz Bender Ghost Prism Edition - $179
  • Missing Link Audio Germanium Limited Edition Statesboro Bluesman - $179
  • ThorpyFX BC108C Spiced Pumkin Fallout Coud Triangle Muff Fuzz - £239

Another really strong year of fuzzes for sure - where there were numerous here that massively impressed me - including of course Thorpy’s killer Boneyard Multi-Bender in particular.


I thought I should feature the Reeves Electro BlackHatSound Deluxe Wedge here - to remind me to have one in mind for 2023! (With copper insides!).


Here are the individual details :

AC Noises Urla CMOS Dual Resonant Fuzz - €205


Controls - Volume (Filter), Blend, Volume (Fuzz), Low Pass Cutoff, Low Peak, Expression : High Pass / Low Pass, High Peak, High Pass Cutoff, Filter Footswitch, Fuzz Footswitch.


I featured this together with the not too dissimilar Dreadbox Disorder which is also eminently worthy - while the form-factor and overall feature set of the Urla is a little more to my preferences. And I really like that the Filter portion of the circuit is separated onto its own Footswitch - a really cool take on a Filter Fuzz.

Acorn Amps ADHD Adaptive Droning Hyperfuzz Device Simple PLL style Harmonizing Fuzz - $149


Controls - Threshold (Drone), Frequency (Drone Pitch), Level, Balance (Oscillator to Fuzz Mix), Tone (Bandwidth).


I also acquired the cool manga-cartooned Acorn Kakarot Fuzz this year - which is largely just a Fuzz Face (with added Red LED's for more potent output), while this ADHD Fuzz is more like a streamlined mini PLL Fuzz Harmonizer. Combining an LFO Drone with a really potent square fuzz voicing - sort of like a more usable Beetronics Swarm. This generates wonderful textures for sure.

Anasounds Full Story Modular Muff Standard - €279


Controls - 2 x Output, Tone, Gain, Mid : Stock (Scooped) / Enhanced, Left Channel 2 Footswitch (Tone Card 2), Right Channel 1 Footswitch (Tone Card 1).


Honourable mention to the original Large Full Story Collector's Issue with the full selection of Tone Cards - while I actually prefer both the smaller units to the big one - as for some reason that one has a much lower output volume than the two follow-ups - including this vertical BB edition. I actually prefer the topology of this one to the Collector's edition, and its output level is much improved.

Anasounds FX Teacher Full Story Modular Muff - €179


Controls - Output, Tone, Fuzz, Clip : 1N914 Diode / No Clipping / 2 Red LEDs or Custom Module, Mid : Enhanced / Scooped / Flat or Custom Module.


My favourite one of the Trio - Large Collector's Edition, Medium Standard Edition, and this Compact FX Teacher Edition actually sounds the best of the bunch. The fact that you get Clipping options here and a 3-way Mids Control - makes this fuzz much more usable for me, even though it only holds one of the Tone Cards at a time. It's just more practically granular than its siblings, and actually weirdly sounds better too!

Bardic Audio Devices 2 Stroke Beaver 5-Band Opamp style Muff - $220


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Controls - Level, Clipping x 8, Sustain, 5-Band Graphic EQ, Clean Blend Control, Left Engage Footswitch, Right HM-2 EQ Footswitch.


This has to be one of the greatest Multi-Muff pedal created in Compact Enclosure - what with its 9 controls and 2 footswitches this gets you into areas other Muffs just cannot venture. Having that HM-2 Frequency Profile on a second footswitch is really cool, and actually really usable too. You can really shape the full frequency output here with the 5-Band EQ - which means you can sculpt tonal variations here that just aren't possible on a standard regular Muff - everyone should have one of these!

Big Ear Pedals Slice of Pie Pizza Fuzz Triangle Muff - $199


Controls - Gain, Tone, Volume.


This is such a cool overall package - it's fun, but relevant, and actually a fantastically voiced Triangle Big Muff style Fuzz - one of the very best out there - despite its somewhat novelty format. I would have liked some Olive-shaped mini-knob toppers here, but apart from that oversight this Muff is near perfect for its concept.

Black Mass Electronics The First Herald V2 Ram's Head style Muff Fuzz - $189


Controls - Volume, Tone, Scoop, Sustain, Clip : Mosfet + LED / Diode Lift / Silicon Diodes, Boost Level.


Another pretty strong shapable Muff - this time based on the V2 Ram's Head circuit. It has all the same controls as its larger predecessor and really delivers visceral textures in particular with the Boost engaged. There's no shortage of fantastic Compact Muffs, and this is for sure one of the best.

Calico Effects Antlers Green Muff Fuzz - $149


Controls - Volume, Tone (Dark > Bright), Distortion (Sustain), Mids : Boosted, Flat, Scooped (Stock), Gain : More Gain / Less Gain (Stock), Lift (1st Stage Diodes Lift).


Another really cool Compact Muff - based on the Green Russian circuit this time with those smart additional extended range switches. I had intended to acquire this earlier in the year - but other priorities kind of got in the way - will look to pick this one up somewhat opportunistically in the near to middle distance future.

Catalinbread Fuzzrite Germanium - $179


Controls - Volume, Depth, Mode : Modern / Vintage.


I've always really liked the somewhat spiky visceral, and garage-punky Fuzzrite Fuzz - it's always ranked as an essential Fuzz variant, but not necessarily one of my favourite ever flavours. That is until this fatter, juicier Germanium version came around. So I like the original Silicon Edition, but I truly Love this one - and particularly on Modern Mode - this edition just has the most amazing fuzz texture - effortlessly simple but potent!

Coffee Shop Pedals Affogato Programmable 3-Band, 3-Preset Muff stye Fuzz - $239 CAD / USD $185


Controls - Bass, Mid, Treble, Volume, Fuzz, Preset Footswitch (Red > Green > Blue), Bypass Footswitch - Press Both to scroll through Presets and Press-Hold Preset Button to enter Preset Mode where Bypass then scrolls through the Preset slots and Preset finally saves them to selected slot.


Yet another smart take on a sort of Muff-derived circuit - here with a sort of Chase Bliss approach of Analog Heart, Digital Brain - where you can set 3 instantly recallable presets. This is also one of the very few fuzzes with full 3-Band EQ - which just works wonderfully. I've always found it something of a mystery why more fuzzes don't use this kind of tone-stack. The Affogato is certainly leading the way into more innovative areas - a really handy and fun to deploy fuzz.

Colortone Fuzzball Black Russian style Muff Fuzz - AUS $279 / USD $180


Controls - Sustain, Mids : Scoop / Boost, Volume, Tone.


Another Superior Compact Muff - this time based on the least replicated Black Russian Circuit - with is known for its particularly smooth output. The Tone-Stack on the Fuzzball is pretty special - where it seems like it has filters on either extreme of the dial - as you get the smoothest of tones with the output cranked in either direction. This pedal is perfect for those melodic smooth and singing solos - another real cool take on the Muff format.

Drunk Beaver Ivan Mazepa 70's Poltava Fuzz-Wah


Controls - Greatness (Volume), Resistance (Gain), Diplomacy (Tone), Mode : BMP / Poltava, Liberty (Bias).


Based on the cult-classic treadle-based 70's Poltava Fuzz-Wah - this extracts and improves that circuit as is Drunk Beaver's way - and you have a cool 2-in-1 here with a Muff voicing to the fuzz too - while for me the punchier Poltava voicing is the star of the show here - a really cool smooth foghorn style of fuzz - with a hint of Tuba!

Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi Hardware Plugin - $329


Controls - Direct Monitor Switch, Headphone Level, USB > DAW output Gain with clipping monitor, ’Panic’ USB Connection Reset Button, Volume, Sustain, Tone Bypass Switch, Tone, Wicker (High Boost Switch), Preset Rotary 1-10, Preset Scroll Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch, Full Stereo Ins and Outs, Full-size 1/4" Headphone Jack, USB B.


I have all the EHX Compact Muff revivals mostly is modded editions - while this is like a smarter take on the same Ram's Head circuits - but with Presets onboard and a couple of extra controls. I would be using this as just a standalone fuzz - not as a DAW or mixing desk utility. I mostly see this as just a cool analog Ram's Head Muff - with presets! It's kind of pricey for just that purpose - but it's definitely on the cards - will probably wait for an opportune moment to snag this when the price has dropped a touch!

Fjord Fuzz Berserk V2 Silicon FF - $179


Controls - Volume, Thickness, Gain.


Fjord Fuzz Daniel's superb everyday Fuzz - just a brilliantly consistent and effortlessly usable Silicon Fuzz Face style fuzz - for maximum impact. This is so easy to dial in and sounds every way magnificent all the time. Daniel uses his as an always-on primary gain stage, underlying everything he does - while most will find this as just the most consistently great sounding silicon fuzz - effortlessly usable.

Fjord Fuzz Freia Uni-Fuzz - $219


Controls - Level, Bias, Gain.


The Fjord Fuzz Frei Uni-Vibe plus Freia Uni-Fuzz Paring (both share the same preamp section) is just superb - and one of my absolute favourite pairings this year. The Freia Fuzz has the smoothest and warmest of saturating outputs and works really well when combined with almost any other gain voicing as it works superbly as a tone enhancer too. The Freia + Frei Uni-Vibe though is really special - where the Frei goes into the Freia Fuzz. Fjord Fuzz has really been on a roll this year.

Frost Giant Electronics Soma V2 Hybrid Fuzz Device - $175


Controls - Volume, Tone, Fuzz, Bias, Mids.


The Soma is the kind of extended take on Frost Giant's One-Knob Massif Doom Fuzz - which is sort of in that Meathead / Colorsound 1 Knob mold. The five controls massively extend the range and granularity of the Massif and go well beyond the sort of equivalent Meathead Deluxe - the Soma is another great take on the format - while it can be a little tricky to dial in on occasion.

Heather Brown Electronicals Sensation Fuzzdrive - $249


Controls - Volume, Saturator : 3-way Gain-Stage Rotary, Mids : ø / + / ++, Bass : ø / + / ++, Gain : Lo / Hi.


I got this at the same time as the Okko Holy Grit - where both are sort of Fuzzy-Drive units - but that one leans much more into the overdrive side - never really getting properly fully fuzzy - while this is the opposite where even on the lowest level of gain it still sounds more like a fuzz than an overdrive. This is another really handy take on Fuzzy-Drive while there are other pedals with more refined granularity - this one's still pretty special though.

Keeley Electronics Moon Quad OpAmp Fuzz - $149


Controls - Level, Filter (Tone / EQ), Fuzz (Gain), EQ Profile : Flat, Full, Scooped.


Robert Keeley extracts and beefs up the Fuzz Circuit from his Darkside Gilmourish / Pink Floyd style pedal. This is a really potent take on an Opamp fuzz - with actually significantly more range than the Darkside original - Robert certainly knows his way around fuzzes. The Bardic Audio 2-Stroke Beaver takes his sort of format even further forward - while both are really potent.

King Tone miniFUZZ V2 Hybrid - Silver - $299


Controls - Volume, Type : Si / Ge, Mode / Voicing : Fat / Zonk / Vintage, Bias, Fuzz.


Just as I finally get around to pairing up my miniFUZZ Ge with its silicon miniFUZZ Si sibling - King Tone then goes and makes both available in an even better extended range 2-in-1 pedal - with a slew of dip-switch tone-shaping options now on the right-hand-side of the pedal. One of the cleverest full-range Fuzz Faces released yet - and all the better in that classy Silver colourway - with elegant wood knob topper.

King Tone The Octaland V2 Octave Fuzz - $299


Controls - Drive, Volume, Blend : Clean > Blend > Heavy > Octave, Voice : Cream > Warmth > Enhance > Heavy, Mode : Full Fat / Glass / Vintage, Side Dip-switches : High Gain / Vintage (def), Overdrive / Clean (def) / Warm / Bright (def), Fat Synth / Classic (def), Dynamic (def) / SAG, Moment / Toggle (def).


I was right on the cusp of pulling the trigger for this one when I belayed that decision in favour of waiting for a Silver colourway edition to emerge - to match my recent Duellist V3 and mimiFUZZ Hybrid acquisitions. This improved versions has a range of tone-shaping dip-switches on the side of the pedal and a killer LED colour-changing feature. This has long been on my wishlist - originally in brown, then blue edition, but the one to get is undeniable this new one - hopefully in satin silver edition.

KMA Machines Chief Disruptor Fundamental Fuzz Distortion Multi-Muff - €199


Controls - Voicing / Gain Structure : Tight / Vintage / Heavy, Lows, Highs, Blend Order : Pre-EQ / Post-EQ, Master Volume (Level), Disruption (Gain), Clean Blend, Mids Cut / Boost, Top Boost : Off / On, Mids Frequency, Mids On Footswitch, Engage / Bypass Footswitch.


Enrico Preuß retires his Dead Stag Multi-Muff and delivers an even more potent Multi-Muff in the guise of this Chief Disruptor which has an even smarter set of controls with still more range and versatility. This is one of those rare full-featured Muffs which sits at the top of the tree alongside the Tone Electronix Animalizzer MufferFuzzer and Toneczar OTP.

Loe Sounds ♀ Fuzz - $275


Controls - Mids, Tone, Level, Gain.


Aisha Loe's fuzz circuits have the most exquisite harmonic textures - she has a real knack for extracting uniquely nuanced timbre from these circuits. This is in part based on the EQD Hoof variety but with a very unusual hybrid selection of Germanium and Silicon Transistors - it's one of the most exceptionally harmonic and beautifully textured Muffs that I have ever heard - a true artisan gem.

Mastro Valvola OFF1 Octave Fuzz Filter - €290


Controls - Dry (%Dry), Sub 1 Level, Sub 2 Level, Up (Octave) : On/Off, Gain, Mid : Up is Flat / Down is Cut, Tone, Volume, Cutoff (Frequency), Resonance, Filter : Off / On.


I often refer to Mastro Valvola as Italy's Strymon - based on their exquisite extended-feature square-format mid-size pedals. The OFF1 has an exceptional feature set - where its only niggle is a slightly underpowered output level. Everything else works fine and sounds great, there's just not quite as much volume on tap as I feel this circuit needs - meaning I have to use it with a couple of my boost pedals in addition.

Pigtronix Star Eater Super Jumbo Contour Fuzz - $179


Controls - Sweep (Filter / Tone - only active for Contour), Volume, Hunger (Gain), Contour : Bump / Scoop, Voice Si / GE, Contour Footswitch, Engage Footswich.


A really cool take on a shapable fuzz with a foot-switchable Mids / Contour section. I like everything about this fuzz apart from its format - I feel this could have been placed in a compact enclosure, or even a vertical orientation of this BB-size format. Pedalboard footprint is an important consideration for me - and this is not optimised in that direction. I still quite like this pedal but am sort of stuck in two minds currently!

Rainger FX DFST-1 Stealth Mini - £229


Controls - Altitude (EQ), Overtone (Harmonic Overtones), Speed (Modulation Rate), Silence (Output), Awareness (Envelope Sensitivity), Pad : Guitar / Line-in, Mode : Step Modulation / Envelope.


A cool shrunken derivation of the Dr Freakenstein Chop Fuzz - this diminutive pedal encapsulates most of what makes that fuzz so great - with those same modulated choppy overtones. Actually really surprisingly versatile with a pretty distinct enriched fuzz texture.

Red Noise Pedals Stone Blender Ge Edition Multi-Clipping Bender - £195


Controls - Volume, Fuzz, Tone, Diode Clipping Options : Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, De-Clip.


This is a sort of different take on a Germanium Multi-Bender which is centered around a sort of MKII voicing with 4 additional clipping options - which take you into really interesting territory not really calibrated against any other specific Tone Bender voicing unlike some of its ilk. This sounds suitably superb - just really elegantly voiced.

Reeves Electro Zo Silicon Zonk - £345


Controls - Dwell (Volume), Texture (Open <> Broken), Drift (Bias + Fuzz).


All of Markus Reeves' fuzzes are superb, and this Silicon Zonk II variety is no exception - varying on that typical topographical lineage of 2 knobs + 1 switch. Each of these variants perfectly encapsulate their genres, and Markus manages to eke out extraordinary Germanium-like textures from his cleverly discovered and expertly selected components.

Silktone Germanium Fuzz (Face) - $250


Controls - Volume / Output, Fuzz / Transistor Gain, Cleanup (same as guitar volume cleanup), Bias : 0.00 to 9.00, Mode : Classic / Raw.


A genius innovative take on a Germanium Fuzz Face with smart Bias Meter which reads out exactly where your Transistor Bias sits - for more reliable dialling in of the fuzz. Everything about this fuzz is great apart from the enclosure format - I always use mine on its side - so this should really have been made in vertical orientation to be fully pedal-board friendly - works beatifully though and sounds fantastic.

SolidGoldFX 76 MKII Super Fuzz Octave Fuzz - $199


Controls - Level, Octave : On/Off, Fuzz (Gain), Color (LPF / High-Cut), Texture (Mid Scoop > Bump).


One of my all-time favourite fuzzes gets an upgrade with additional granularity and controls - while the essential character of the fuzz has been maintained. This is simply one of the best octave fuzz voicings out there. Looks even cooler now too!

SolidGoldFX If 6 Was 9 BC183 MKII Fuzz - $199


Controls - Volume, Bias (Q2), Fuzz, Volts : 5-15V (Power Feed), Body : Fat / Treble Boost / Classic, Saturate (Input Gain Trim / Impedance).


Another of my SGFX favourites gets a very significant upgrade - taking it into Fuzz Factory territory with its now 6 controls. Really difficult to say whether I prefer this approach or the multiple external dip-switches of the new King Tone Hybrid miniFUZZ. Both are superb and at the peak of what Fuzz Faces are capable of.

Stomp Under Foot Electric Warlord High Gain Fuzz - $195


Controls - Level, Fuzz, Mids, Tone.


A really cool saturated fuzz - relatively smooth in profile and not quite as visceral as similar Blackhawk takes on these kinds of fuzzes. It has the perfect complement of controls - while I feel that it could do with actually just a touch more volume and gain.

Tampco Pedals All-Bender Multifuzz Unit - €207.50


Controls - Gain I, Gain I.V, Gain II, Gain III, Tone III, Level, Type : I / I.V / II / III.


Rodolphe Puccio’s smart All-Bender is an all-Silicon take on the 4 key Tone Bender voices. It accomplishes its main task with aplomb on all but the MKI voicing really - where that voicing is incredibly difficult to achieve with Silicon - and doesn't get quite the same authentic dry-reedy edge. Otherwise a fantastic accomplishment. I would quite have liked the Tone Control to be available to all voices - but understand why Rodolphe too this approach - really decent value too.

ThorpyFX Boneyard Germanium Multi-Bender Fuzz - £299


Controls - Level, Attack, Feed / Volts, Tone : Dark > Bright, Tone Bypass, Engage Fuzz.


The most extraordinary of Germanium Tone Bender style circuits made to date. The Boneyard genuinely gets you into all those different voicings with its ingenious set of controls. It's everything a Tone Bender should be - huge sounding and fully visceral. I'm really proud of the work I did on exploring the different voicings - which many use as the defacto reference for dialling this pedal in - of course there will be variations depending on your own specific rig - while I feel that it can truly replicate the proper full-fat character of each of those 6 classic voicing profiles. This is a supremely capable fuzz - and the very best Multi-Bender made to date as far as I'm concerned.

Triungulo Lab Scar Fuzz NYC 2000 style Muff - €189


Controls - Bias, Tone, Sustain, Clean (Blend), EQ : Mid Boost / STD (Stock) / Flat, Fuzz (Output Level), No Name = Feedback + Oscillation, Bypass = Engage Fuzz. Internal switch = Phase Inversion.


Triungulo Lab's clever take on John Frusciante's favourite Muff - the Black & Red 2000 NYC edition. This is quite the extended range fuzz - with 6 controls and dual footswitches. Could do with a little more volume while it sounds otherwise really great.

Walrus Audio Eons 5-State Fuzz - $229


Controls - Volume, Voltage / Starve : 3V-18V, Gain, Bass, Mode : I-V (as above), Treble.


The Eons is simply one of the most versatile everyday fuzzes ever released. The combination of 6 controls is ingenious and the 5 different clipping options give you incredibly wide coverage. Supposedly deep down based on a Ram's Head Muff (hence the illustration), but capable of going far beyond that with smooth and classic, and really spiky and aggressive voices. This and the Thorpy Boneyward were probably the two most fun fuzzes this year.

Zander Circuitry Cafetière Distortofuzz - £149


Controls - Gain, Tone, Starve, Input (More Gain + Low End), Blast Level (Max Gain Level), 8-way Clipping, Level, Engage Fuzz Footswitch, Blast Footswitch (Max Gain).


And finally Alex Millar's cool take on a Harmonic Percolator - release in tandem with the Terra Firma Model-T as the last 2 of the Medium > Compact range revamp. All of Alex's pedals are killer extended range formats - and the two most recent ones have that amazing potent raw edge - they both sound really great. This for sure is one of the best ever evolved takes on  Harmonic Percolator.

Final Thoughts


Fuzz is typically me favourite pedal genre - and even though this is the oldest of the pedal categories representing the very earliest of guitar effects. This still seems to have ample scope for innovation and evolution.


Much like with the Overdrive and Distortion categories - I'm always most impressed by the really potent all-rounder fuzzes - with maximum range. In this selection the Bardic Audio 2-Stroke Beaver, KMA Chief Disruptor, SGFX I6W9 MKII, Thorpy Boneyard, and Walrus Eons represent the best of that.


While we also have some of the coolest textured fuzzes - Acorn ADHD, Colortone Fuzzball, Drunk Beaver Ivan Mazepa, Fjord Fuzz Berserk II and Freia, Loe Sounds ♀ Fuzz, Rainger FX DFST-1, and Cafetière.


These are fuzzes for all occasions, including ones for players that don't particularly like fuzz. There should genuinely be something for everyone.


A really fine crop for me with just a handful still to acquire.


How about you - which fuzzes stood our for you this year - and which is your favourite?

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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