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Two cool new Lichtlaerm devices have arrived at Joe's Pedals - the As Above So Below Octave and Shimmer Reverb, and the 60W PandorA Pedalboard Power Amp

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2025 GPX Lichtlaerm Ae Above PandorA 700

You should know by now that I’m a huge fan of Lichtlaerm Audio and have a special relationship with Joe’s Pedals here in the UK as well as Lichtlaerm’s Daniel Ringl. I own five Licthlaerm pedals to date as per my January update, and there are now two further candidates here - a 2-way Octave and Shimmer Reverb, alongside a really potent 60W Pedalboard Power Amp.


The As Above So Below Reverb is a fairly expansive and full fat Octave Shimmer type unit with FX Loop and ports for Ramping and Expression - and a footswitch for Freeze / Infinite Sustain. It’s seemingly a mono format, and not quite suitable for my back-end stereo rig - it does sound pretty fantastic regardless though - really expressive.


Where the PandorA is a super potent 60W pedalboard power amp utilising all of Daniels’ Amp engineering prowess. Unlike a lot of those kinds of power amps which just have a power level control, the PandorA comes with a twin-band EQ of Presence and Depth.


Both of those pedals are priced exactly the same across all their key target territories - going for the median price of £179 / €199 / $219. Check Joe’s Pedals in the UK, Eastide Music Supply in the USA, and Licthlaerm direct on the Continent. Seems like Joe is the only one that is stocking both currently!


Further details to follow :

2025 GPX Lichtlaerm Ae Above PandorA 700

As Above So Below Octave & Shimmer Reverb - £179 / €199 / 219


Controls - X, Y, Decay, Level, Mix, Dampen, Mode : Above / Both / Below, Trails : On / Off, Freeze Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch.


'Both' Mode : X = Sub Octave Level, Y = Upper Octave Level
Above / Below Modes : X = Pre-Delay, Y = Octave Level


Ports - In, Out, 9V DC [-], Return, Sound, Ramping, Expression.


A really expansive and expressive, majorly cinematic 2-way Octave and Shimmer reverb - sounds amazing really with just its mono output. I personally would have preferred full stereo here, but I can't really argue with how good this pedal sounds - a fantastic representative of that specific Shimmer Reverb genre and so atmospheric - it instantly sounds like a classic sci-fi soundtrack!


And you have a high granularity of controls here to fully shape the Reverb's output profile - alongside an FX / Insert Loop, and separate ports for Ramping and Expression. Also optional Trails and a Freeze / Infinite Sustain Footswitch. Lots of elements to get really excited about here then!


I really like this one!

PandorA Compact Pedalboard 60W Power Amp - £179 / €199 / 219


PandorA 4


Controls - Level, Presence, Depth.


A really potent Compact whole 60 Watts Power Amp with additional Presence and Depth controls - capitalising on Daniel's amp engineering expertise. The PandorA gives you all kinds of smart options for different output profiles and performance scenarios. It's not a solution I personally need at this moment, while I can fully appreciate the pedal's appeal - I would imagine a lot of players are going to like this one!

2025 GPX Lichtlaerm Ae Above PandorA 700
Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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