Pedal acquisition is so much about timing - and alas I’m often the victim of my own success as I typically have around 20 to 30 projects and collaborations on the go at any given time - so inevitably while you’re vested and invested in other priorities - various pedals slip through the net or don’t always get added to the collection in the mos expedient of ways.
Case in point is the 2 King Tone miniFUZZES - where I’ve owned the Ge version for quite a few years - but only picked up the Si pair to that a few weeks ago - in fact very shortly before Jesse Davey started teasing this fantastic V2 version! For sure a pet peeve of my when you finally buy a pedal and there’s a new version the very next day - that’s actually happened to me twice!
This is one of the ultimate practical / modern / versatile Fuzz Face pedals - in combining both Germanium and Silicon circuits / transistors in the same unit. So on the front panel / facia of the pedal we get a Si / Ge Type toggle-switch along with all the other controls we’ve become accustomed to.
Controls - Volume, Type : Si / Ge, Mode / Voicing : Fat / Zonk / Vintage, Bias, Fuzz.
Side-Mounted Dip-switches :
The only thing that really needs explanation is the 2 Tone switches - where Jesse advises :
"Leave the Tone switches off for bright gritty tones or select one of the Tone 1 / Tone 2 options for a smoother, silkier tone’ - this makes them sound like a sort of progressive Hi-cut.
The Buffer switching is a little odd with Off and On modes on different switches - but there’s probably a good mechanical circuit-wise explanation for that. It’s great to have further degrees of tone-shaping at your fingertips - and it’s great to see Jesse carry on innovating and improving his pedals - which was kind of started off on the recent Duellist updates.
I love both my existing miniFUZZES and see the V2 as being a more expansive and more practical version all-round. We have some really interesting fuzz faces recently on the market - where I still need to pick up the Fredric Effects DuoFace - just waiting for that to move across to its new mini wedge enclosure - where it will hopefully join this V2 miniFUZZ, the recent SGFX If 6 was 9 BC183MKII, Chase Bliss Audio Bliss Factory, DanDrive Austin Pride, Expresso FX Ge/Si FFuzz, Zander Circuitry Siclone, and of course Zvex’s Vertical Fuzz Factory - as some of the best extended range Fuzz Faces out there - I really can’t understand why anyone would still prefer an over-sized discus over one of these???
So I’m definitely onboard here - and I just need to wait patiently for these to come into stock at sole UK King Tone Dealer Peach Guitars - where I got my Silver V3 / 2022 Duellist from. I will certainly be going for the Silver edition of the miniFUZZ - and I might hold out on the Octaland until there is a Sliver edition available for that too. I did ask King Tone if they were considering making sad variety - but I never got a reply!
In any case the miniFUZZ V2 is available for pre-orders right now on the King Tone Guitar Webstore - for the same price tag as the Octaland - $299.99. Peach Guitars told me the Octaland black edition was 6 weeks out - a week or so ago - so still plenty of waiting time there - and like I said - I may hold out in the hope of a Silver Octaland materialising at some time - will 100% be getting the Silver V2 miniFUZZ - however long I have to wait for that to reach these shores! Notably that will be my 74th Fuzz Face variety!
I already know several of you are fully onboard for both Octaland and V2 miniFUZZ - I would love to hear from you and get some insights as soon as you get your hands on yours. We Europeans need to be a little more patient - actually I note that Effekt Boutique and Loopers Paradise get their King Tone Pedals almost instantly along with the USA dealers - so its really just the UK that is left in the lurch!
There’s scant demo material out yet - we already know what these will sound like - but there is a nice sort of teaser explainer - per the one existing demo reference to date - as below :