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Boost and Overdrive

That Pedal Show collaborates with Mythos Pedals for the extended range Argo Boost Deluxe

BoostFuzzMythos PedalsOctave FuzzSilicon FuzzThat Pedal Show+-
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I believe this is very specifically a Mick Taylor signature pedal - and he was the one that instigated this collaboration - based on how he liked to deploy his single Argo Octave Fuzz. This Deluxe model takes the Mythos’ Argo Octave Fuzz, based on the Prescription C.O.B. - and adds a sort of Solo Boost into the proceedings. Supposedly the components selected make for a slightly higher gain version of the core octave fuzz!


Controls - FUZZ } Volume, Fuzz, Blend, BOOST } Boost Level.


At the same time this is now a significantly bigger enclosure - which is not exactly to my liking - but I mostly don’t mind it. I already own the Mythos Argo - in an earlier enclosure design. I’m not sure I necessarily need this edition - I would certainly have preferred it in a more slimline iteration - but you can’t really fault it - as this is obviously a Mick Taylor signature pedal made to his specifications - and for sure it will sound great!


The first batch 100 unit run goes up for sale on the TPS Store at 9pm this evening (21:00 hrs!). And as a TPS Patreon I’ve already had a few alerts! This pedal has been teased quite a bit over the last few weeks and months even - so I don’t feel I’m really jumping the gun here - this is really just a Public Service Announcement to make all of you aware of when this goes live this evening!


Somewhat oddly - no pricing has been revealed as yet! While the pedal this is based on (Argo Octave Fuzz) is priced at $179 / £179. I would imagine the new pricing would be around £50 more at a maximum - I’m guesstimating around $229 / £229 (it could also be as much as $249 / £249) - I will of course update when all the final details materialise at 9pm.


I will attach the relevant demos too - for now, I will simply refer to the source pedal’s demo!


The TPS Store link has still to be revealed - there’s currently a teaser stub in place - I will update this URL also when revealed!

Update - I was spot on with the pricing @ $229 / £229 - pedal is now live on the TPS Store - but won’t be for long!



Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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