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Native Audio's new Commodity Octave Fuzz is a very unique take on that effect - with substantial historical significance

FuzzNative AudioOctave FuzzSilicon Fuzz+-
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Native Audio’s Mike Trombley is a highly unique pathfinder - navigating his own distinct trails through the pedal landscape - and imbuing his effect pedals with deeper historic and symbolic meanings.


His latest Commodity (Octave) Fuzz, knits together various Blackfoot Tribe historical threads - concerning the oppression of Native Peoples, the trail of tears, buffalo being hunted to near extinction by white settlers, and the need for Native communities to rely on food handouts from the U.S. Department of Agriculture - (FDPIR) Food Distribution Program of Indian Reservations.


"That's why the Commodity Fuzz is more than just a pedal — it's a celebration of the creativity and resilience that have always defined our Native communities."


The Commodity Fuzz isn't just a fuzzed octave chord mangler— that has a smooth yet chaotic bite, its main story is also a tribute to Native People's ingenuity and vigor. 


This is a Silicon-based fuzz with active octave generator - as opposed to traditional passive designs - where it allows you to have plenty of volume and tones on tap.


Controls - Volume, Filter (LPF), Fuzz.


Mike shares the following 'tasting notes' :


Fuzzed-Out Octave : The foundation of Commodity Fuzz — a clangy, bitey texture with sharp upper harmonics that sets the baseline for an in-your-face tone. This isn't your run-of-the-mill octave; it's a beast with a distinctive edge.


Chaotic and Aggressive : Building on that solid octave, the pedal unleashes raw, abrasive tones that cut through the mix with unapologetic intensity. It's the sonic breakup that gives your sound its wild, untamed character.


Dissonant Chord Mangler : Adding the final layer, it warps complex chords into beautifully chaotic, distorted textures, delivering the flavor and depth that make every note a bold statement.


This is a beautifully calibrated, richly textured Octave Fuzz - with a somewhat smooth edge.


The Octave Fuzz is available from the Native Audio Webstore right now - for $249. And fittingly - comes in a can! CORRECTION - no CAN! Cans are for context and illustrative purposes only, and alas do not form any part of the packaging.


I'm a huge fan of Octave Fuzzes - and this is surely the next one earmarked for acquisition. I love everything about this release!



Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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