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Colortone Pedals' RoundHouse is a Gorgeous Sounding, Versatile Tremolo / LFO Modulator with some really smart extras

Colortone PedalsModulationTremoloUni-Vibe and Vibe+-
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At its core the RoundHouse is a 3 Mode Modulator - with Optical Tremolo, Harmonic Tremolo and Uni-Vibe algorithms / voicings - generated by a Custom Electrosmith Chip. So at the core of the pedal are Three voicings and 3 Wave-shapes - Triangle, Sine and Square, in-between the main Speed and Mix knobs - but then we have the really smart 2nd row of additional options and parameters - which vastly expand the range and versatility of the pedal’s output.


The Phase Control allows you to adjust the Centre-Point of the Phase / Waveform - to move the ’hump’ as such backwards or forwards within the waveform - so you get either a faster ascent and slower descent at fully CCW or slower ascent and faster descent at the other extreme. The Reverb knob obviously ramps up the ambience of the effect and enhances the detail of the pedal’s output. The Grain control is essentially the pedal’s preamp - which is best used for cleaner inputs - to warm up and accentuate the modulation. While the Cut / Boost knob at the end allows you to adjust the overall output volume of the pedal. The main footswitch engages the effect, and the second left-hand footswitch allows you to tap in the Speed / Rate of the Modulation - and if you press-hold it, it momentarily ramps up the Speed / Rate of the modulation.


Controls - Speed, Waveform : Triangle / Sine / Square, Mode : Optical Tremolo, Harmonic Tremolo, Uni-Vibe, Mix, Phase Centre-Point, Reverb, Grain / Preamp, Output Cut / Boost, Tap Tempo Footswitch (Hold for Speed Ramp), Bypass Footswitch.


I seem to be somewhat torn between Triangle and Sine waveforms, and Harmonic and Vibe Modes as my current favourites. The Modulation is the strongest for me with the Phase knob in the centre positions, and as I already have Reverb at the end of my signal chain, I tend to have the Reverb knob here as low as 9 o'c, but often ramp it up somewhat - where it really enhances the detail of the modulation and adds further ambience. With cleaner inputs - I tend to turn the Grain up - often to as much as Max, while most of the time it sits between 9 o'c and Noon, and I seem to prefer to have the Cut / Boost set fairly high.


When I engage a modulation effect - I prefer for the flavour to come through fairly strong - so Mix and Cut / Boost controls tend to be 'up' a fair bit here - obviously if you want a more subtle effect - then turn down the Mix, Reverb, Grain, and Cut / Boost controls.


While this is not an analog style of tremolo - it really sounds and feels like it is. The algorithms are beautifully calibrated - with the overall character leaning towards elegant and musical. AD Hauser makes exceedingly musical pedals - and the RoundHouse is a perfect Multi-Modulator really for those classic LFO Modulation Styles. It doesn't go quite as throbby as some others - where I suppose the JAM Pedals' Harmonious Monk it still the throbbiest of Harmnonic Tremolos. While the RoundHouse takes you to places few other Tremolos / Vibes can. The addition of Reverb and Grain / Preamp are a really brilliant touch - and you can run this pedal as vanilla and traditional as you like or as ethereal and ambient as where your imagination takes you.


Readers will know that I typically prefer vertical vs horizontal BB-format enclosures - while the orientation of the RoundHouse is smartly per its control topology - so I'm totally fine with this one exception to my rule!


This is yet another Colortone Pedal which sounds just as gorgeous as it looks. AD Hauser is so meticulous in his approach to all aspects of pedal and circuit design - the circuit and enclosure design are exquisite and the neatness of the pedal's interior testifies to the superb quality and dedication to the fine crafting of this pedal. This is why I like sharing pedal gutshots - as they are often the best indicators for the quality of a pedal / circuit.


Colortone Pedals have recently been picked up by Japan's LEP International - who are one of the key, if not the key pedal tastemaker for the Japanese market - so congratulation to AD for that accolade. These pedals really ooze quality - and people are rightly starting to take notice!


The RoundHouse is available at several dealers now, and of course courtesy of the Colortone Pedals Webstore - for a very reasonable AUS $350. You're getting a timeless piece of Sonic and Visual Art!


I tend to largely lean into analog modulations, while many of the current more sound-designed models are getting to be indistinguishable in output. The RoundHouse really does have the fluttery nuance and feel of an analog effect - I would have thought most would be delighted to own one of these - just an exceptional piece of 'pedal art'.


I often have a Tremolo and Uni-Vibe on the board at the same time and this gives me great coverage of those core effects - with an actually fairly neat form factor - compared to two separate compacts.


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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