Chris Benson makes incredibly musical devices - and that is very much the case once more with his Jessica Dobson signature Deep Sea Diver Fuzz-Echo pedal. I don’t always gel with the horizontal medium enclosure format with is inoptimal dimensions - I don’t understand why this cannot be a vertical format - as it’s the pedal’s width which is mostly the limiting factor for pedalboard compatibility. All that needs to happen is that the enclosure layout is rotated 90 degress clockwise - so the skinnier side is down!
I can’t really quibble about anything else here. Benson Amps pedals are always incredibly well made - and they’re never short of awesome on the output profile.
The control topology here is very elegant and straight forward!
Controls - MASTER } Volume, FUZZ } Bias, Gate, ECHO } Echo Level, Feedback, Rate.
I love the colour accent here - there evidently seems to be something of a pink phase going on nowadays - Guitar Nerds Joe and Matt should be very pleased.
I love near enough everything that Chris Benson releases, while I do have a slight hangup about the horizontal orientation for this enclosure format - which Chris seems to very much be attached to. I of course would much rather those 6 knobs be at the top of the pedal, and the footswitch at the bottom - which just involves rotating the enclosure 90 degrees clockwise and having the ports on top for that new pedalboard-friendly orientation.
In every other way this pedal is perfect - and can be yours for just $249 and equivalent from various dealers, and direct from the Benson Amps Webstore of course. Looks like its pricing for the UK is going to be £265.
I quite like these combination effects, but sometimes find it hard to justify their inclusion in my already 52 strong pedal-chain - which already features a number of fuzzes and delay effects! Certainly a nice-to-have though!