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Matt Kauffman's Flower Pedals Delivers Really Smart Castilleja 2-voice Phaser

Flower PedalsModulationPhaserUni-Vibe and Vibe+-
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I’ve noted a few times on this site that I’m a significant fan of Matt Kauffman’s output and really rate his Dandelion Harmonic Tremolo and Hosta Wah-Filter pedals in particular - the latter of which is my current filter pedal of choice and pretty firmly rooted to the board, while the Dandelion has long been on the wishlist and would probably be in the collection already had it not been pipped by JAM Pedals’ fantastic Harmonious Monk. I do still intend to acquire one such Dandelion, and it seems that the new Castilleja Phaser will indeed complete that Flower Pedals Modulation Hat-Trick / Trifecta.


The Castilleja very cleverly combines two fantastic voicings - an excellent industry standard 4-Stage Phaser and a very decent Uni-Vibe option. You also have Tap-Tempo here and Ramping - which really makes this a must-buy for me as I have 4 analog modulation slots - while I have 5 favourite analog modulation flavours - Chorus, Flanger, Tremolo, Phaser and Uni-Vibe. I already have a pseudo Uni-Vibe voicing on the Harmonious Monk - so adding the Castilleja would allow me to ramp up the options - both literally and figuratively.


The Castilleja’s full controls are : Intensity, Voice : Phaser/Vibe, Waveform : Ramp Up/Triangle/Sine/Square | Secondary : Ramp Up Speed/Depth of Drift, Ramp : Momentary/Latching/Drift, Level, Feedback : High/Medium/None, and Speed | Secondary : Destination Speed/Speed of Drift.


Right-hand footswitch is On/Hold for Secondary Functions, and left-hand footswitch is Tap-Tempo (Hold in conjunction with On footswitch to cycle between - half, quarter, dotted eighths and eighths divisions). Left footswtich also alternates between speed ramping for some settings and tap-tempo for others.


This is a superb sounding 4 stage analog optical phaser, and is one of the smartest options currently on the market. I have another brand new and amazing phaser currently in that slot which I hope to reveal soon - while that launch date has been pushed back to May 27th. I expect that phaser to be semi-glued to the board for a while - so the Castilleja won’t get an innings necessarily any time soon - but I like it enough to have it in the arsenal - and will certainly be acquiring one in the not too distant future.


These are available on the Flower Pedals Webstore right now with a $250 price-tag. I expect these to sell pretty well!


I really like near enough everything Matt is putting out these days - and will follow this article up with a compact and bijoux range overview article within the next week or two!


Which is your own favourite phaser currently?

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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