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4 of a Kind - One Knob 2-Stage Phasers

4 of a KindDOD EffectsElectro-HarmonixJAM PedalsModulationMXRPhaser+-
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NOTE! - I made a mistake here - the EHX Small Stone is a 4-stage type - will need to re-do this article. Looks like I now have enough for a One-Knob 4-stage rundown - but so far can only find 3 One-Knob 2-Stage types - do let me know if you discover a worthy 4th!


I was originally going to focus on the Phase 90 4-Stage types, but could not find enough for a significant full house - while there seemed to be a lot more of the 2-Stage variety - which is what this selection consists of.


All 4 here are One-Knob 2-Stage Phasers - where the EHX Small Stone alone has that extra ’Color’ toggle-switch - and so has a slight advantage overall. Moreover it’s the most affordable one here at $84. Where at the other end of the scale we have the JAM Pedals Ripple - which is an artisan hand-crafted and hand-finished pedal - where JAM Pedals is known for its fuller flavour pedal output.


The original 2-Stage Phaser was 1970’s EHX Small Stone as far as I’m aware, while there is a lot of reverence too for 1975’s MXR Phase 45. I pictured it in its original 1975 livery.  Where we had a Script Edition Reissue of that in 2010 with the different artwork - which went for $99 at the time, but is now long since discontinued. I myself have 3 MXR Phasers - the Deep Phase, Phase 95 (which includes the Phase 45 Voicings), and the Phase 99.


The 2-Stage phaser is quite vibey and syrupy at times, and sounds quite distinct from the 4-Stage varieties. For your average player - they will mostly typically favour one or the other of Phase 45 or Phase 95 types.


There are obviously some parts differences here - particularly among the supporting components - but overall these all operate in the same ballpark!


Here is the selection of 4

  • DOD 201 Phasor - $109
  • EHX Small Stone - $84
  • JAM Pedals Ripple - $209
  • MXR Phase 45 - [discontinued] - 2010 Script ’75 Reissue was $99, originals as pictured are as much as $800

I actually have none of those to date - but have long has the JAM Pedals ripple on my wishlist - I may end up getting a few of these for the Reference Collection, and I may eventually even have all 4 - we shall see!


Further details below as usual! :


DOD 201 Phasor - $109


This one I believe was very much originally a MXR Phase 45 replica but has had some parts variations over the years. Recently reissued once more via the Cor-Tek / Cort renaissance of the DOD brand - and generally available now at international dealers.

EHX Small Stone - $84


Color switch : Carved-Hollow / Full Frequency


I believe the original Small Stone was the very first 2-Stage Phaser back in 1970. And this latest version of that pedal carries all that vintage flavour in the most accessible format to date - and with an extra tonal / textural 'Color' variation switch - which none of the others have. So this has a more extended featured set (but not by much), and is still the most affordable in this selection. Probably all-round the easiest of these to get your hands on!

JAM Pedals Ripple - $209


The dearest here for sure - at almost twice the price of the most affordable one. While if you have the funds for it - it's still probably worth it. JAM Pedals are known for always delivering a fuller and richer flavour of effects - so you can generally guarantee that you're getting the most flavoursome variant. Every aspect about its manufacture is done by hand here - including those very iconic hand-painted artworks. I feel that JAM Pedals were very much inspired by Zvex, while the student is now seemingly overshadowing its former pseudo-mentor! Because of their analog roots, JAM Pedals don't typically have the most expansive of feature sets - often delivering very simple pedals - as in the case of this Ripple - but you can always guarantee that you're going to get a fuller flavour with those pedals!

MXR Phase 45 - [discontinued] - 2010 Script '75 Reissue was $99, originals as pictured are as much as $800


So this was the second of MXR's Phaser pedals - appearing first in late 1975, where the Phase 90 first appeared in 1974. It was considered overall slightly more subtle than its 4-Stage forerunner sibling - but very nuanced and vibey, and delivering a beautifully textured sort of syrupy sound. Often considered more nuanced and versatile than its sibling, funnily this is also referred to as the vintage style of flanging - even though it came after the Phase 90. I deliberately pictured the very original 1975 Block Logo Edition, while it was most recently available as a Script Artwork Reissue in 2010. Those reissues were $99 at the time, while if you try to acquire an original Phase 45 in pristine condition - you might be paying somewhere between $800 and $100. I believe the only was to get this flavour nowadays from MXR is via the Phase 95 - which has both Block and Scripted varieties of that circuit onboard!



As before - it's up to you to apply your own criteria here - make your choices, and take your pick. There are compelling reasons for each one of these. And as I keep saying - it's not about which is the 'best pedal' overall - it's more to do with which one is best for you and your preferences!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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