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Boost and Overdrive

Massive restock of Lichtlaerm Audio Pedals at Joe's Pedals in the UK - Compact Range Overview

Ambient EffectsBest of BrandsBoostBoost and OverdriveDigital ReverbEQFuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionKlone and Transparent OverdriveLichtlaerm AudioMetal DistortionModulationNoise GateOpAmp FuzzPhaserPreAmpRat Style FuzzReverbShimmer ReverbSpacey ReverbTubescreamer Style OverdriveUni-Vibe and VibeUtility+-
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It’s been quite the epic journey for me to get to Lichtlaerm Audio - which goes all the way back to February of 2020 - where I believe I was the first Pedal Blog to feature Daniel Ringl’s original first incarnation line of pedals - which had white graphics onto black facias , on top of wine-red gloss-finished enclosures (Update! - looked like white print in photos, but Daniel says - "the old line-up was silver prints directly on smooth black enclosures - the photos looked a bit white but it was indeed silver color printed with silkscreen."


Also the current lineup actually features genuine Gold Plate graphics rather than prints - which is why those pedals look so impressive. ’Jewel boxes’ indeed!


The very original lineup then consisted of the MKI Altar Doom Sludge Fuzz, V1 Gehenna Metal Distortion / Preamp, as well as the Trugbild Lo-Fi Chorus. I had meant to get all of those in at some stage - but before I could get to them, Daniel had closed up shop and gone to work for someone else!


That specific work placement did not work out - not everyone is suited to working for someone else - and a fierce independent streak meant that a little over a year later - Daniel was back making his own pedals again - this time around with the even more appealing beautiful genuine Gold Plate graphics onto all-black enclosures. You really need to see those facia plates in the flesh so-to-speak - as they look totally glorious up close and personal - as they reflect the light - the most beautiful gold finish I’ve seen on any pedals - and some of the best graphics - like say the recent Medusa are just stunning. These are the very epitome of small jewel boxes - as if made by Peter Carl Fabergé himself! - Intricate and beautiful!


In any case Daniel contacted me next almost exactly 2 years ago (half-way along this journey) and said he would very much like to work with me and to have me feature his updated line of Lichtlaerm Pedals. While I guess both of us have been incredibly busy over that period, and it took one further ingredient to make all this happen. And that happened when my good friend Joe Light at Joe’s Pedals - became the official UK Dealer for Lichtlaerm, This was towards the middle of last year (June I believe), and it has taken this long to get an agreement in place between Daniel, Joe and Myself. The results of which, and as has been much requested! - is that I now have some Lichtlaerm Audio Pedals in the reference collection and will be doing a series of features on the brand - starting with this compact range overview. Note that there is also a 1590BB size larger Total Distortion Worship pedal in the range - which I will feature later, and there is also a killer 2-Channel Prometheus Metal Amp recently added to the range (Note - no Amps at Joe’s Pedals!).


Here are the dozen current Lichtlaerm Audio Compact Pedals then :

  • Aesahaettr Modern Metal Boost - €159 / £149
  • Altar MKIV Heavy Doom Sludge Fuzz - €199 / £179
  • Amber Spyglass Studio Grade Hybrid EQ - €179 / £169
  • Aquaria Legendary Overdrive (Klone Extreme) - €199 / £179
  • Kassandra Multi Waveform VCA Phaser - €199 / £179
  • The Key and the Gate (Noise Gate) - €169 / £149
  • Gehenna Metal Distortion / Preamp - €199 / £179
  • The King in Yellow Parallel Blending Overdrive (TS808) - €179 / £169
  • The Medusa Grinding Death Metal Distortion (HM-2) - €199 / £179
  • .Ritual. Post Metal Distortion (Rat Extreme) - €199 / £179
  • Transcendence Otherworldly Reverb - €199 / £179
  • Untiefe - Nautical Multi Modulation Reverb - €199 / £179

I already have the Altar, Gehenna and The Medusa - what I call the 'Heavy Brigade' or Lichtlaerm's High Gain Trifecta. Each of those has a proper killer punishingly powerful output. I've long spoken about how I love super granular pedals with a tonne of shaping abilities - and this Lichtlaerm form factor is pretty much perfect for my own preferences - and those pedals look so gorgeous when the light catches their beautifully executed gold graphics.


Of course I will be doing individual reviews on each of my 3 pedals pictured above, there are several more Lichtlaerm varieties due to be launched this year - including a further update of the Aquaria Legendary Overdrive (Klone) - which I will most likely look to add to the reference collection. In fact I've already decided that the next trio of Lichtlaerm Pedals that I will acquire - will be The Aquaria Klone, Kassandra VCA Phaser / Vibe, and .Ritual. Extended Rat Style Distortion - you all know how much I love a good Rat Pedal! In any case we're off to a very strong start here.


There are some really cool and distinct controls on many of those pedals - like for instance the 'Cut' (Low-Cut < 1.5kHz) and Depth knobs. Those allow you to really smartly further finesse and shape your output - in fact I don't believe any pedals do that as well - besides of course the Sinvertek N5 varieties! And even though there are a lot of controls on some of the pedals - these are mostly consistent from pedal-to-pedal - so you quickly get to grips with the range and feel of each of those! Also makes learning curve much shallower on new pedals - as you're often dealing with the exact same EQ circuit and Boost stage.


The full range of Lichtlaerm Audio Pedals is available from the Lichtlaerm Audio Webstore and Joe's Pedals in the UK. 


Please find the individual pedal details below as per usual :


Aesahaettr Modern Metal Boost - €159 / £149


Controls - Level, Cut (Low-Cut < 1.5kHz), Bass, Lo-Mid, Hi-Mid, Treble, EQ Footswitch, Boost Footswitch.


A really smart Dual-Footswitch +36dB Boost and EQ - where both halves can be applied independently, Featuring Lichtlaerm's clever 'Cut' (Low Cut) control - which you find on so many of these Licthlaerm pedals. It can bring instant tightness - then with fine-tune-able independent EQ, I've long talked about EEA's Mud Killer - and this Aesahaettr (Subtle Knife) is equally impressive.

Altar MKIV Heavy Doom Sludge Fuzz - €199 / £179


Controls - Bass, Mids, High, Boost, Gain, Level, Grind, Depth, Comp, Boost Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch.


The first of the Lichtlaerm Audio pedals I properly got to grips with in its latest MKIV incarnation with 3 mini knobs. When I covered the original V1 edition of this - it had just the 6 large knobs - it's in its perfect optimal format now - which means it was exactly the right time for me to get involved! This is reminiscent of my Blackhawk Balrog - with a little more granularity - 9 Controls vs 6. Both sound amazing though - full review coming! The Boost is the standard independent +36dB of Boost - which is found on a number of these Lichtlaerm Audio Pedals.

Amber Spyglass Studio Grade Hybrid EQ - €179 / £169


Controls - Bass (40-100Hz), Level, High (4-10kHz), Lo-Mid (400Hz), Mid ±, Hi-Mid (1kHz), Mid Freq (400Hz > 1kHz), Mid Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch.


In some ways a little similar to the Aesahaettr above without that expansive boost - and with slightly different emphasis and semi-parametric Mids - which are also foot-switchable via the left-hand footswitch. Each EQ Band has +16dB available of shaping.

Aquaria Legendary Overdrive (Klon) - €199 / £179


Controls - Tone, Clip Germanium / Schottky / Silicon, Gain, Level, Boost, Clean, Bass, Lo-Mid, Hi-Mid, High, EQ Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch.


Before this I thought I had about reach peak levels of Klone - with 15-20 of that genre already in the reference collection. Wile this is another really interesting variant, and supposedly being refined further some day soon. This is a long long way from you typical 3-knob Klon / Klone. Most of these Lichtlaerm pedals are next level in terms of their extended featured set - sure this is a Klone but nowhere close to what you already know!

Kassandra Multi Waveform VCA Phaser - €199 / £179


Controls - Rate, Feedback, Depth, Waveform : Ramp Up / Ramp Down / Square / Triangle / Sine / Lumps / Stepped / Random, Phaser / Vibe Switch, Level, Tap Tempo Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch.


I'm a sucker for dual Phaser / Uni-Vibe pedals - where this is a somewhat more granular extended range variant to my recently added SolidGoldFX Aurras. I'm looking to acquire this one in my next trio of Lichtlaerm acquisitions - there are some really cool features here that I'm looking to put to good use.

The Key and the Gate (Noise Gate) - €169 / £149


Controls - Threshold, Key In / Key Out Loop.


Really smart and well-loved Noise Gate, I'm unlikely to shift away from my favourite Custom Modded Boss NS-2 - but if I ever do - the competition is most likely between this and KMA Machines Pylon. All three of those have the much needed secondary Loop that I make such good use of in my chain.

Gehenna Metal Distortion / Preamp - €199 / £179


Controls - Gain I, Cut (Low-Cut < 1.5kHz), Gain II, Bass, Level, Treble, Depth, Lo-Mid, Hi-Mid, Presence, Gain Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch.


Another of the ones I covered back in 2020 - but now at least 3 generations on from that. One of the most potent Metal Distoritons out there - with just the right degree of chunky low end that I so love. All those controls really allow you to shape the quality of the output. I tend to have the Red Channel Gain II at Max, and Gain I at Noon. Really beautifully calibrated pedal for maximum sonic impact - full review coming soon of course!

The King in Yellow Parallel Blending Overdrive (TS808) - €179 / £169


Controls - Level, Gain, Low, Lo-Mid, Hi-Mid, High, Clip : Symmetrical / Asymmelectrical / LED, FX Loop Blend, FX Loop Polarity, Parallel Send & Return FX Loop.


Another really smart take on an overdrive - this time mixing up a Classic Screamer voicing with a Parallel Blend FX Loop - so you can beautifully combine two really complementary pedals together - like say a Blues Breaker! Again - this is far removed from your typical 3-knob Tube Screamer variant.

The Medusa Grinding Death Metal Distortion (HM-2) - €199 / £179


Controls - Gain, Level, Cut (Low-Cut < 1.5 kHz), Low, Mid, Grind, Presence, Gate, Mid-Frequency. Blend, Mode : Modern / Classic, FX Loop Polarity, Parallel FX Loop Send.


I've covered the Boss HM-2 and variants a lot on this blog - it's one of the metal voicings that I'm very much in love with - and here is another great example of that - with Parallel Blendable FX Loop - so you can create your own Klirrton Grindstein-alike - blending the Gehenna in for that added depth of profile!

.Ritual. Post Metal Distortion (Rat+ Distortion) - €199 / £179


Controls - Bass, Cut (Low-Cut < 1.5kHz), High, Boost, Gain, Level, Boost Range : Flat / Mid / Treble -Focus, 3-way Clipping, 3-Way Comp via 2 More Diodes, Boost Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch.


As with everything else on this roster - yet another smart expanded edition pedal - this time taking the ProCo Rat Distortion into uncharted territories. I believe I have somewhere around 50 Rat Distortion variants - it's not like I need any more - but will of course make space for this exceptional variety. This has already been earmarked for my next trio of Lichtlaerm acquisitions - which will likely happen in a month or two - always juggling a 100 priorities at any given time! Again featuring a number of the essential Lichtlaerm proprietary functions - the Low-Cut, +36dB of independent Boost, 3-Band EQ, 3-way Clipping and Compression! Note that the traditional Rat Filter control is also in the circuit as an internal Trim-pot.

Transcendence Otherworldly Reverb - €199 / £179


Controls - Rate, Effect, Decay, Level, Mix, Dampen (Wet LPF), Ramp Type : Rate / Feedback, Mode : Nova Shimmer / Sample & Hold / Collapse Aliasing + Ring Mod, Trails : On/Off, RMP (Ramp) Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch.


The first of two intriguing Lichtlaerm Reverbs - this one is a little bit on the more experimental side of things - particularly the Collapse Aliasing + Ring Mod Mode - also with clever dynamic Ramping abilities. Alas only a mono variant - so not suitable for my own rig - sounds pretty great in any case.

Untiefe - Nautical Multi Modulation Reverb - €199 / £179


Controls - Rate, Depth, Decay, Level, Mix, Dampen (Wet LPF), Ramp Type : Rate / Feedback, Mode : Siren Soft Shoegaze / Phase / Shiver Trem, Tails : On/Off, RMP (Ramp) Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch.


Lichtlaerm's Modulated Reverb is more on the Shoegaze tip - but equally as potent as its Transcendence sibling. In fact its mono nature here works fine - as I would use it in front of Fuzz pedal - for peak Shoegaze sounds. Another smart 3-Mode Reverb with the same Ramp functionality as on the Transcendence - will probably look to add his to the reference collection - where I will probably add Catalinbread's Soft Focus Reverb around the same time - for the same sort of duties!

Final Thoughts


So of the 12 featured here, I already have 3 as mentioned - the Altar, Gehenna and Medusa - all excellent - and for which reviews are inbound! I will next be getting in the new variant of Aquaria (Klone) when that materialises - alongside the Kassandra VCA Phaser / Vibe, and .Ritual. Extended Range Rat Distortion. With the Untiefe Shoegaze Reverb - following on some time after that second trio.

Once I have those 7 - there will most definitely be further Lichtlaerm Varieties added to the collection as Daniel Ringl has mentioned recently that there are several more in the works - including hopefully a Lo-Fi Chorus (Trugbild V2?) at some stage - which is still on my list since 2020! So there should be even further varieties in the reference collection. And while I love the overall look and feel of these pedals - I still feel a couple of the graphics / artworks could be improved - I'm not overly enamoured by the King in Yellow and Transcendence graphics - those really need more detail work - a la Medusa - so come up to the same level if impact. Most everything else looks pretty stellar though!


As before - the full compact pedal range pictured here is available for orders from the Licthlaerm Audio Webstore - where prices range from €159 - €199, and at Joe's Pedals in the UK with prices at £149 - £179. These pedals are truly exceptional value, for superior quality - a bargain really! These should surely and veritably fly off the shelves as soon as people are properly aware of them. I apologise for being a little late to the party - but I've finally entered the fray with all guns blazing! All's well that ends well as they say!

I know a number of you are already fans of this brand - and have been asking where I'm at with it - now you know!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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