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Flower Pedals New Sunflower Deluxe Stereo Harmonic Tremolo massively expands on the Dandelion original

Flower PedalsModulationTremolo
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I’ve always been a fan of the Flower Pedals Dandelion Harmonic Tremolo - which I first covered in April of 2018 - when it was at the introductory price of just $209. It has been on my wishlist ever since - and I’ve come close to getting in in on numerous occasions - but some other priority always managed to put that acquisition back.


Of course had I already acquired the Dandelion - the Sunflower would have made that entirely redundant for me - so It’s actually a real stroke of luck that it will be the Sunflower edition that becomes my first Flower Pedals Tremolo. Readers should know that I’m a huge fan of the Flower Pedals Hosta Wah-Filter, and Castilleja Phaser too - both of which I own and really like. It will be nice to finally complete that modulation trifecta!


Obviously I already loved the concept of the Dandelion - but this Sunflower goes much further than that - with two more variable controls and a host of additional secondary functions. Then of course you have the Full Stereo Ins and Out, 1/4" MIDI jack / Expression, and 5 Onboard Presets - easily accessed by pressing both Footswitches simultaneously.


The only tiny weakness in all of this is the actual manual - which I don’t feel does a quite good enough job of properly referencing / mapping all those secondary functions. I feel the overview is well presented - but we could do with a proper notated visual too!


Controls - Boost / Ramp Speed, Speed (Primary / Secondary / Drift), Randomness, Ramp : Latch / Momentary / Drift, Shape / Drift Shape : Triangle / Sine / Randomised, Depth / Drift Depth, Division / Harmonic Division, Width / Harmonic Width / Stereo Width. On / Hold / Alt Footswitch, Tap/Ramp Footswitch - Momentary / Latching / Drift. Press both Footswitches together to scroll through 5 colour-coded presets.


The 6 variable knobs and 2 toggle switches are pretty well labelled - while in vivo those labels for me are pretty illegible at their size. That said there is a proper logic to how functions are applied - and it shouldn’t take too much hands-on time to get up to speed - as my other 2 Flower Pedals have shown.


I’ve always favoured Harmonic Tremolos - and while the JAM Pedals Harmonious Monk is likely still the richest and juiciest sounding variety to date - that doesn’t have Presets or Stereo Output. Will be interesting to compare and contrast the two!


A lot more has gone into the new Sunflower edition, and it benefits from some elegant milled aluminium knobs also - it does though come at a $100 premium over its predecessor. For me this is a definite must-have. I look forward to scheduling in its acquisition and eventually running it though its paces. Available of course right now courtesy of the Flower Pedals Webstore - for $349. Indeed also available on Flower Pedals’ Store - from which I just ordered mine!


I’m currently down with Covid and don’t actually have much of an appetite for anything at the moment- my brain is jelly and vision is blurred as I write this (very slow going) - so hopefully it mostly makes sense!




  • Sunflower Stereo Harmonic Tremolo
  • Analog signal path, digital control layer (to enable presets)
  • 6 Variable Knobs : Boost, Depth, Speed, Division, Shape, Width - all with Secondary functions
  • 2 Toggle-switches : Ramp, Shape / Drift Shape
  • 2 multi-function Footswitches
  • Full Stereo Ins and Outs
  • 5 Onboard Presets
  • Multi-Use Control Jack : External Tap / Expression / 1/4" MIDI In
  • Power Supply : 9-18V DC [-], 200 mA Current Draw
  • MAPP : $349


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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