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JAM Pedals Unleashes the Harmonious Monk Harmonic Tremolo in Collaboration with That Pedal Show

JAM PedalsModulationTremolo
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All these special collaboration pedals have compelled me become a That Pedal Show Patreon, while I’m a touch late for this round as half of the 250 run first batch has already been claimed by members. The remaining go for sale on TPS’s Store tomorrow this evening at 9PM. I don’t really hold out much hope for snagging one of those, but feel I will have more luck with Batch 2 which should be slightly more numerous and will be released via JAM Pedals, Andertons, Pedal Empire and That Pedal Show - possibly late December, but more likely really early January.


I’m not to perturbed really - while I do certainly intend to snap up one of these - and I feel once again they’ve underestimated the numbers of likely customers as such. I admit I myself am suffering somewhat from Limited Edition fatigue - and don’t see why companies don’t just do the same as Zvex and PRS for instance - where they have a limited pre-order period of say 2 weeks - and then produce that. Or do a Kickstarter campaign like CBA’s Blooper - I feel those are fairer and less open to abuse and ill-feeling.


I’ve heard a few demos of this pedal now - and as a long-term Harmonic Tremolo fan, this certainly seems like my sort of pedal - run in Intense Harmonic Mode - for a sort of phasey Uni-Vibe style. I love that the pedal is actually quite simple really, but has been really highly considered to extract the maximum variability and functionality form the least amount of surface controls - which are 7 really - as I include the left-hand double-speed footswitch :

  • Depth
  • ± : + is Intense LFO, - is Subtle LFO
  • Speed
  • Level
  • H/A : Harmonic or Amplitude Mode
  • M : Dry-Wet Mix
  • Speed x 2 : Double whatever you have set on the Speed dial

You also have 3 Internal EQ Trim-Pots :

  • Left is Treble | Middle is Mids | Right is Bass

The right-hand footswitch is ON/OFF / Bypass (True Bypass), and these units are priced at €249/£249.


I expect there to be something of a bunfight this Friday night - I will still give a go - but the numbers aren’t particularly favourable and weird things have a habit of happening with these TPS events. I’m hoping to be lucky, but will be fine too if I have to wait a couple more weeks.


I just wish these things could be done in a more orderly and civilised fashion - it’s a little to much like jostling at a trough - which really isn’t my style.


This will become my 5th JAM Pedal as such, and my 3rd Harmonic Tremolo after the Chase Bliss Audio Gravitas and Anasounds Ages - which both have a significantly more extended feature set. It’s nice to have a few in rotation though - as you can really explore the boundaries of this format.


I’ve mentioned how I’m down to 4 stand-alone analog modulation pedals in my chain - where at one stage I also had a 5th JHS Unicorn Uni-Vibe. Having a dual or multi-mode Tremolo / Harmonic Tremolo pedal means you can both to classic tremolo sounds, as well as sort of pseudo Uni-Vibe sounds too!


From what I’ve heard this one can go plenty syrupy - and so I’m kinda taking out two birds with one stone as it were. Interestingly Dan has just 2 analog modulations on his board now - the Thorpy Camoflange Flanger - and this new Hat-sporting Harmonious / Thelonious Monk Seal!


Are any of you down for one of these?

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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