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Boost and Overdrive

KMA Machines Re-Tools and Refines its Fuzzly Bear Bosstone style Silicon Fuzz - now in evolved V2 Edition

FuzzKMA AudioSilicon Fuzz
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This is KMA Machines’s really smart take on the zingy 1967 Jordan Bosstone Fuzz. Where the first model was actually the pedal that launched KMA Machines in the first place nearly 10 years ago. The original 2013 KMA Fuzzly Bear came in 1590B enclosure size - with regular footswitch and side-mounted jacks.


The new V2 edition is very slightly larger in 1590N1 / 125B style enclosure - to accommodate top mounted jacks. The footswitch has also been upgraded to a silent soft-switching relay type. And the internal electronics of the circuit have been updated and refined.


Controls - Volume, Gain, Skin Meat (Bias).


Controls are as before - where the only unusually labelled one ’Skin Meat’ is just a Bias control. The extended Gain range remains the same as before. In fact the pedal’s output is just as visceral as ever - where largely the changes are external. The Bosstone is one of the great 60’s fuzzes - and the Fuzzly Bear is a superb take on that format.


I have a few Bosstone types in my collection including also the Bearfoot FX Burgundy Bosshorn and Animal Factory Baron Samedi - and the Fuzzly Bear is definitely right up there with the best of them.


As I already have the original V1 Fuzzly, I’m less in a hurry to acquire the new edition - that is filed under ’nice-to-have’ for me really, while I also intend to get the the Basic Audio Texsur, and possibly a Jordan / Mahoney Buzz Tone too at some stage - within that category. The V2 Fuzzly Bear will for sure feature in the collection at some stage in the relatively near future.


The new V2 Fuzzly Bear is available right now from the KMA Machines Webstore - for €179 | $199 | £149. It will for sure be coming into dealers too pretty imminently.

Key Features

  • Modern re-imagining of the classic ‘Jordan Boss Tone’ Silicon-Fuzz
  • Vintage '70s Fuzz sounds
  • Tones ranging from a sizzling and chunky overdriven tone, to furry wall of fuzz
  • SKIN/MEAT knob - provides control over Bias
  • GAIN control - delivers a whole range of different fuzz shapes
  • Compact enclosure with top-mounted jacks - will fit into any setup
  • True Bypass, with silent relay-based soft switching
  • Handmade in Berlin, Germany
  • Powered by standard 9V PSU (9V DC, centre -, 2.1 mm, 35 mA current draw)


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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