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JHS Pedals further expands its 3 Series by 3 - Rotary Chorus, Tape Delay, and Oil Can Delay

DelayJHS PedalsModulationOddball DelayRotary SpeakerTape Delay+-
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Interestingly EQD was the first to issue a $99 Budget Boutique pedal - with its Plumes Overdrive, while Josh Scott and friends were the first to deliver a whole line of Budget Boutique Pedals. Overall I think JHS probably did it best, and their range now has the most variety of all those - with 16 pedals to its roster.


I only have one of these to date - the Harmonic Trem - where ironically the Standard Trem mode / option is the more impressive. My favourite Harmonic Trem to date is the JAM Pedals Harmonious Monk - the 3 Series Harmonic Trem is somewhat weak sauce in comparison to that - but I guess decent enough.


I’ve toyed with adding a couple more from this range - in particularly the Overdrive (Hao Rumble Mod), and the Fuzz (Face). Seems like I’ve always got other priorities so it just hasn’t happened yet. There are some decent ones in the mix here for sure - while I do have other preferences for a number of those takes. Regardless I still think it’s a worthy an admirable effort and I commend Josh Scott for persevering here.


The new ones to the range are a Rotary Chorus - sort of a Leslie style of modulation, but obviously a mono take. I currently have the Hamstead Redwing on the board - which is a rather more expansive stereo modulator - which has a particularly fine Leslie / Rotary style voicing. I’m still actually seeking my perfect Rotary style pedal - I’ve not found one yet that has the right syrupy depth of modulation. The Keeley Rotary comes close - but it has way too low an output for my rig - just not usable for me - while the actual voicing is the closest yet to what I’m seeking. I actually really liked the Tech 21 NYC Rotary Choir - but that has a couple of flaws, and doesn’t to the brake thing! I may collaborate with one of my many pedal builder friends to finally delivery something which has the full flavour that I so desire!


Next we have a Tape Delay which distils a number of the classic Tape delay units into a simplified format - mostly based on the Echoplex and Space Echo. Tape Echo is generally my favourite tape delay sounds - and I have several Space Echo units for instance. I may be intrigued enough some day to try this one out.


Finally there is the Oil Can Delay - where my mind always goes to the Catalinbread Adineko - which is probably the most well known Oil Can variety. I don’t own any Oil Can Delays to date - so this 3 Series one may be a viable option for me one days. I’m not currently feeling the need to add Oil Can Delay - but you never know - I may just hear an interesting tone or texture there that I like the sound of. Generally I’m pretty well catered for Delays and Choruses - but never say never.


All 3 of these will undoubtedly be arriving with International Dealers any day now - will be interesting to see which of these get the biggest following - I would imagine its going to be the Tape Delay!


The various onboard Control Topologies are as follows :


ROTARY CHORUS - Volume, Intensity, Speed, Ambience : Up Room Reverb / Down Off


TAPE DELAY - Mix, Tape Speed, Repeats, Flutter : Up Mild Fluttery Modulation / Down Stock


OIL CAN DELAY - Mix, Speed, Feedback, Modulation Intensity : Up Heavy / Down Light



Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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