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Electronic Audio Experiments Retools and Revives its Dude Incredible Dual Channel Percolator + IVP

Electronic Audio ExperimentsFuzzFuzz-Drive and Fuzzstortion
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I am rather partial to the Harmonic Percolator Fuzz Format - and the original Dude Incredible was actually my very first of that type. Slightly more unusual in that it combines a Harmonic Percolator with an Intersound Instrument Voice Preamp style circuit. The combined might of those two circuits delivers tones and textures that no ordinary Percolator can!


Controls - (IVP Tube Voice side) : Level, Hi/Lo Gain Switch, Gain, Bass, Treble; (Percolator side) : Diode Switch (More Compression), Harmonics (Gain), Balance (Level). Separate Footswitch to engage each Channel.


John Snyder states that the newer edition has been re-calibrated with slightly different components to make it sound even ’nastier’. And where the obvious differences are those two additional Toggle-switches - where the left-hand one allows you to select different gain ranges for the IVP / Tube Voice circuit - ’Lo’ is -15dB to +12dB, and ’Hi’ is +9dB to +36dB. On the other side - the Diode switch delivers More Compression in the Down position, Less in the Up position.


The 6 knobs are split 4 to 2 - where the IVP side is controlled by Level, Gain, Bass and Treble, while the Percolator side just as Harmonics (Gain), and Balance (Level).


The Percolator is already a pretty visceral and ’nasty’ sounding circuit - very textural. And the Dude Incredible raises that up a further level by combining those two complementary circuits.


I’ve alwayss considered the Dude Incredible and Electrofoods Pigpile to be at the top of the Harmonics Percolator field - alongside the compact editions Drunk Beaver Secret Sauce, and Zander Circuitry Cafetiere - all those are excellent.


I had been intending to get the Electrofoods Pigpile next - to complete my Percolator capsule collection - while this new Dude Incredible makes me somewhat conflicted in terms of whether I should get that next before the Pigpile. The fact that I already have the original Dude Incredible - which is absolutely incredible as is - means I’m most likely to get the Pigpile first before I consider getting a second Dude Incredible.


I really like the original Dude Incredible so it’s likely that I will add the updated edition at some stage - while it really depends on what else is coming down the line when I make that consideration.


The Dude Incredible is available right now on the EAE Webstore and imminently at dealers for $299 and equivalent.


Are any of you Harmonic Percolator fans - and does anyone here have the original like me. Would be great to hear your opinions and insights of this pedal too!


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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