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Boost and Overdrive

Blammo Electronics fully enters into the Christmas Spirit with a cool free transparent Snowman Ornament / Pedal coming with every pedal ordered between now and Christmas

Big Muff Style FuzzBlammo ElectronicsBoostBoost and OverdriveFuzzGated and Velcro FuzzGermanium FuzzOctave FuzzOpAmp FuzzOverdriveSilicon FuzzTone Bender Style Fuzz+-
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So Chase Bliss obviously laid down a seasonal marker with its magnificent take on the Mystery Box. And now it’s Blammo’s turn to impress - where all its pedals for the remainder of the year come with a free Snowman Ornament Transparent Lexan Pedal Bonus for the festive season - where said Ornament / Pedal can also hit your pedalboard if you so desire! Or else just hang from your tree!


The following Instagram post carries those details that currently exist :


Details on what manner of circuit this is are scant at the moment but no doubt some sort of OpAmp based gain pedal of some description (overdrive / fuzz most likely) - and quite obviously with dual controls.


I’ve always meant to acquire more Blammo pedals - the only one I own to-date is a really cool transparent Lexan edition of the Tomb Sender - which mostly sits on my desk nowadays - where I use it to explain how circuits work to various members of my extended family!


So I guess now’s a good time to be adding more of these to the collection, where I’ve long intended to acquire a Skronk Machine and a few of the others. All currently available at a discount on the Blammo Electronics Webstore - apart from the Tomb Sender seemingly - the one I’ve already got fortunately!


This visual took a while to produce as I had to decide which 8 of Blammo’s pedals I would favour / feature - and in what order! Alongside some degree of Photoshop compositing! And a whole lot of iterating!


And what we ended up with was : 

  • Skrambler (Ampeg Scrambler) - $154.99 > $131.75
  • Skronk Machine (Germanium Zonk Machine) - $169.99 > $144.50
  • Buzzaround (Burns Buzzaround) - $164.99 > $140.25
  • Tomb Sender (Tone Bender MKIII) - $164.99 (no discount!)
  • Slob Octave Fuzz (Prescription COB) - $149.99 > $127.50
  • Voltage Driver (Colorsound Overdriver) - $169.99 > $144.50
  • Fuzz Banger (Sam Ash Fuzz Stainer) - $144.99 > $119.99
  • Bad Bluff (Black Russian Big Muff) -  $159.99 > $136.00

Individual Details below as usual :


Skrambler (Ampeg Scrambler) - $154.99 > $131.75


Controls - Blend, Voicing : Stock / Mod, Texture, Volume.


A cool take on the Ampeg Scrambler Bass Overdrive- for deep tones!

Skronk Machine (Germanium Zonk Machine) - $169.99 > $144.50


Controls - Swell, Tone : Hi-Cut > Flat, Fuzz.


Sleek take on the original John Hornby Skewes Zonk Machine - Tone Bender-adjacent Germanium Fuzz.

Buzzaround (Burns Buzzaround) - $164.99 > $140.25


Controls - Volume, Sustain, Timbre, Balance.


Superior take on the Tone Bender MKIII Baldwin Burns Buzzaround Germanium Fuzz.

Tomb Sender (Tone Bender MKIII) - $164.99 (no discount!)


Controls - Level, Bias, Noise Gate : On/Off, Tone, Attack.


The only one I have to-date - mine is the Transparent Lexan Limited Edition of this - with 3 searing Soviet Germanium Transistors - a really great take on the Tone Bender MKIII edition.

Slob Octave Fuzz (Prescription COB) - $149.99 > $127.50


Controls - (Signal) Level, Octave, Blend.


Blammo's take on the Prescription Electronics COB Clean Octave Boost Octave Fuzz - great naming here - as is often the case with Blammo's output!

Voltage Driver (Colorsound Overdriver) - $169.99 > $144.50


Controls - Maste, Power : 9V > 18V, Bass, Gain, Treble.


The less well known iteration of the Colorsound Power Booster - with subtle but distinct variation in output to its sibling - a grittier style of overdrive really, where the Power Booster is smoother but more intense!

Fuzz Banger (Sam Ash Fuzz Stainer) - $119.99 pre-order price (regular is $144.99)

Controls - Level, Fuzz, Tone.


The most recent of Blammo's releases - still in its pre-order phase, in fact so early in its lifetime that there is no official demo as yet. Many are familiar with the Sam Ash Astrotone, this is the equally potent but less-well-known Sam Ash Fuzz Stainer circuit. In fact the same circuit so massively extended my the Cachalote 214 Fuzz that I recently featured.


Alas no demos of this pedal yet!

Bad Bluff (Black Russian Big Muff) - $159.99 > $136.00


Controls - Sustain, Clipping : Modern (Asymmetrical) / Stock (Symmetrical), Mids, Sustain, Tilt EQ.


A cool extended range take on the Black Russian Big Muff - with additional Mids control, and Clipping options : Modern (Asymmetrical) / Stock (Symmetrical).

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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