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Mini Muff Compendium

Big Muff Style FuzzCustom PedalboardsD-SoundFree Fall DiverFuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionIbanezKO AmpsMooerOneControlSilicon FuzzTone City+-
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Another article nudged into being by Anderton’s Doom Fuzz feature. I’m obviously still a little fixated on the Mini pedal format currently - and so need to follow that trail unto that curiosity is finally satisfied.


When I did the recent follow-up feature on the Tone City Matcha Cream, I got to thinking about the Mooer Triangle Buff also - which I had long intended to acquire, but never got around to. I hadn’t realised that said Triangle Buff had already been discontinued for a while and was in perilously short supply! The first two I tried to buy on turned out to be sold already - and I received almost instant refunds for those. It was third time lucky then - and that one is currently winging its way over from Italy!


Also in this listing is another mini marvel that I’ve intended to get for a while, but not hit the trigger on yet - the Custom Pedal Boards Muff War - pictured first in the listing. That one is very much on the cards for me. I had a real flurry of activity at the end of this month though - and the operating budget is already long since blown - so the Muff War will hopefully be acquired early next month - to complete this set of 8!


Obviously the Tone City Matcha Cream was acquired very recently - while I’ve had the D-Sound Ram’s Head, Free Fall Diver Huge, Ibanez 850, KO Amps Rhino (Mayo), and OneControl Baltic Blue for quite a while - as you can see from the last Mini Fuzz Rundown back in 2022.


All 8 of these have the classic and simple 3-Knob Muff Control Topology :

Variously labelled : Volume / Level | Tone | Sustain / Drive


Here are the 8, note that some are a little more versatile and extended range! :

  • CPB Muff War (Civil War) - $150
  • D-Sound ’73 Ram’s Head Mini Muff - $132
  • Free Fall Diver Huge Fuzz (Multi-Muff) - $186
  • Ibanez 850 Fuzz Mini (Violet-Ram) - $89
  • KO Amps Rhino Mini (Triangle / Mayo) - $150
  • Mooer Triangle Buff - $65
  • OneControl Baltic Blue Fuzz (Multi-Muff) - $129
  • Tone City Matcha Green (Green Russian) - $65

As reported - 6 are already in the reference collection, one (Mooer Triangle Buff) is on its way, and another (CPB Muff War) will hopefully be added early next month.


Across those 8 varieties I’m mostly covered for Triangle, Ram’s Head, R/B Π, Civil War, and Green Russian varieties. Which means I’m short of at least Violet Ram’s Head, IC / Opamp, and Black Russian varieties. It would be nice to complete the set some day. Kevin O’Reilly at KO Amps can do all the Muffs in Mini Format. But I like to share the love as much as I can. I quite like that all those 8 muffs are from different brands - so it would be nice to complete the set with 3 more different brand ones.


Do let me know if you have candidates for those. I know for sure there are more Mini Muffs out there. I don’t really want to acquire any more cheapo ones, unless there is an absolute killer variety that I can’t be without.

I’m happy with where I’m at, but it feels like I’ve got a few more to go - in order to complete the mission.

Here below follow the usual individual details :


CPB Muff War (Civil War) - $150



Classic David Gilmour singing lead tones - with a properly a period correct muff flavour. This one is made in the UK I believe by Custom Pedal Boards. The incredibly close control knob cluster strikes me as a touch odd - not sure why that was done in that manner - while I guess it's vaguely interesting from an aesthetic perspective. This seems to do pretty much what you would hope for it to deliver - I really like what I've heard so far - and as mentioned in the intro - hopefully this one will be in the reference collection very soon!

D-Sound '73 Ram's Head Mini Muff - $132



I've had a unique purple sparkle edition of this one since about 2020 - a Russian-made pedal, so somewhat difficult to get hold of nowadays understandably. Really cool classic Ram's Head voicing - not quite as fabulous as say the Vick Audio compact variety - but close enough for most.

Free Fall Diver Huge Fuzz (Multi-Muff) - $186



A really cool mysterious and impossible to trace Japanese boutique brand (beyond its 'X' account) - I was very lucky to get hold of one of these on Ebay, and in fact I alerted good friend Henry Kaiser to one also on - which is where these pop up very sporadically. Probably my favourite mini fuzz of all time - sounds absolutely immense - really beautifully richly textured, kind of thick - but punchy too. Very well balanced - and incredibly poised - just exceptional really! If you need a mission in your life - then go and track down one of these!

Ibanez 850 Fuzz Mini (Violet-Ram) - $89




Weird! - I just found out that this is no longer listed on the Ibanez website - and is therefore no longer being manufactured. A mini version of Ibanez's Maxon-made original Triangle Big Muff Take. Based on the original Muff circuit - but with a little licence to be slightly different. Actually a really potent mini muff - with some excellent rich muff textures that bely its diminutive format. I always found it to be pretty decent sounding - I'm very surprised that it's no longer seemingly in production - it really does not come up on the Ibanez site at all any more - what happened! 


Would be cool if someone did a mini version of the Japanese Elk Big Muff Sustainar too - which has a very different EQ, and delivers a really cool and kind of different searing tone. Mini pedal geniuses - get to it!

KO Amps Rhino Mini (Triangle / Mayo) - $175



KO Amps' Kevin O'Reilly made me a sort of Skreddy Mayo variant of Muff back in the day - which is a a kind of special Triangle Muff take - with something very unique happening with its mids -  a really special version. I own the actually Skreddy MKII Mayonaise pedal - which is a forerunner to the Mayo. Mark Ahlfs tends to re-label his pedals when he runs out of specific components and needs to change the circuit a touch - hence all the Pig / P19 / Pig Mine etc. varieties for instance. My Skreddy Mayonaise is one of my favourite ever Big Muffs - and Kevin O'Reilly has done a great take on that format - here labelled as Rhino - which name - to add further confusion has latterly been assigned to quite another different variety of Muff. My Rhino is pretty special though!


Kevin can do all the classes Muff circuits in mini format - I've never asked him about the ELK Sustainar though - maybe he can make me one of those! Pricing is up $25 since I bought mine quite few years ago - which is entirely understandable!

Mooer Triangle Buff Fuzz - $65




So still listed on the official Mooer Website, but evidently no longer being made - and already sold out everywhere! I had to wait for the occasional one to materialise on One listed Italian one had no shipping to the UK, and ignored my inquiries, I thought I'd snagged one - kind of twice in a row - but each time I was thwarted and a note was sent to say those had already been sold - and I was instantly refunded - which was kind of frustrating, Third attempt at purchase seems to have worked - and that one has been shipped and is on the way - also from Italy! Sounds pretty great in the demos, but I won't know for sure until I get mu hands on it - a lot of these mini pedals have a tendency to have a low-ish output - and I do like somewhat expansive volume capabilities. I will undoubtedly report back on this subject again when I've added a few more to this Mini Muff Capsule Collection. It's a shame that this one is discontinued! Hence this was not a candidate for Anderton's Ultimate Doom Fuzz roundup - as the Triangle Buffs were all long since sold out by then!

OneControl Baltic Blue Fuzz (Multi-Muff) - $129



I'm actually on my second one of these as they're really quite fragile - very thin-walled aluminium enclosure with somewhat cheap potentiometers seemingly. I dropped my first one from around waist height only - around 1 metre - but the aluminium visible buckled and the stem of the Tone knob entirely sheared off! This is such a beloved Mini Muff of mine - especially before I got the Deep Fall Diver Huge in. Björn Juhl has calibrated this circuit so expertly - that you can access Triangle, Ram's head, and R/B pi tones all through the same clever circuit. Still a favourite of mine - while a little in the shadow of the Huge nowadays!

Tone City Matcha Green (Green Russian) - $65



Obviously I've reviewed this Matcha Green Fuzz very recently - so you can refer to that article for further details. Generally I was kind of impressed - while the Andertons video is a touch misleading vs a clean pedal platform setup. As for Andertons' demos the amps were set a little bit hairy - and so the Matcha Cream sounded somewhat more aggressive than it really is. It also doesn't have the best output volume, but certainly enough to get by. I'm a touch spoiled by the Free Fall Diver Huge though, as most Mini Muffs sound a little pedestrian when compared to that!

Final Thoughts


I really like al my existing Mini Muffs - where the two super-versatile ones kind of get top billing - along with the KO Amps Rhino. Generally the Free Fall Diver Huge annihilates anything within range - so you should definitely try to hunt one of those down.


I may ask my good friend Decibelics' Guillem Vilademunt to do his own exacting take on that circuit  - with possibly just a touch more volume if possible - while that's not really needed - the original is such a potent fuzz - and for that Huge sound to come out of a mini enclosure is just a joyful experience!


Generally, there are concidered to be 12 major 'V'ersions of Big Muff, as follows :


Key Muff Varieties according to EHX / Kit Rae

  • 1969 V1 Triangle Big Muff Pi Original!
  • 1973 V2 Ram's Head
  • 1973 V2+ Ram's Head Violet
  • 1976 V3 Red and Black (R/B)
  • 1978 V4 Op-Amp / IC
  • 1978 V5 Op-Amp Tone Bypass Ed.
  • 1980 V6 - essentially V3+
  • 1991 V7 Civl War / Red Army Overdrive
  • 1994 V7b Green Russian
  • 1998 V7c Black Russian
  • 2000 V8 Black Russian 'Small Box'
  • 2000 V9 NYC 2000 Reissue
  • 2007 V9 Revision A
  • 2008 V9 Revision B
  • 2006 V10 Little Big Muff Nano ≈ V9 NYC 2000
  • 2008 V11 Bass Big Muff
  • 2009 V12 Tone Wicker Big Muff

While I tend to strip them down to these 8 :

  • 1969 V1 Triangle Big Muff Pi Original!
  • 1973 V2 Ram's Head
  • 1973 V2+ Ram's Head Violet
  • 1978 V4 Op-Amp / IC
  • 1991 V7 Civl War / Red Army Overdrive
  • 1994 V7b Green Russian
  • 1998 V7c Black Russian
  • 2000 V9 NYC 2000 Reissue

Each version came about when a particular part ran out - typically a transistor variety! And different parts were sourced has replacement. And so all the Soviet  / Sovtek versions were supposed to be the same pedal - it's just that they kept running out of key components - and so the overall makeup of those pedals changed very slightly!


You also have lots of unique Japanese takes - including Elk, Ibanez and Maxon varieties as mentioned.

I would quite like to have each of those in mini format eventually too! So at least another 4 or half dozen Mini Muffs - starting with an Elk Sustainar, and. Violet Ram's Head probably.

Do let me know if you have your own favourites in this category - i.e. mini format Big Muffs - woe betide to anyone who suggests any larger formats!


I still feel there is plenty of scope for some spectacular Mini Fuzz pedals, and Mini Muffs no doubt in particular!

Any of these tickle your fancy?!?

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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