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Boost and Overdrive

Fowl Sounds collaborates with Extreme Metal Band Inter Arma for the incredibly potent Concrete Cliffs Parametric Opamp Distortion with Boost

DistortionFowl SoundsMetal DistortionMulti-Drive+-
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So Fowl Sounds and Inter Arma have come up with an incredibly potent Distortion + Boost pedal - which features fully parametric Mids, semi-parametric Bass, and a smart Slew Limiter / Gain Structure control - which makes things progressively darker and woolier. The Slew Limiter essentially sets the degree and character of how the circuit distorts - sort of equivalent to different gears and gain stages - where Green is the Lightest, and Red is the Heaviest/ Darkest.


Inter Arma is an Extreme Metal Band - which operates at extreme levels of gain - and that’s exactly what this pedal is capable of - easily reaching HM-2 levels of Chainsaw Death Metal Distortion and more, and everything up to that level!


Controls - Bass ±14dB, Bass Hz, Mid Hz (250Hz-1100Hz), Mid ±14dB, Mid Q, Slew Limiter / Gain Structure (Progressively Darker & Woolier), Treble, Tone (Hi-Cut), Volume, Gain, Boost, Distortion Footswitch, Boost Footswitch.


As mentioned in the manual - turning the Bass, Mid and Treble dials to noon - essentially takes those out of the circuit - and you’re left with just the simple Tone control. So you can go simple, or fully granular - as suits your sensibilities.


The graphics can get a little in the way of the pedal legends - where overall legibility isn’t great. While overall this is a fantastic wide-ranging Distortion / High Gain Distortion pedal - which you should be able to dial in very precisely indeed.


The Concrete Cliffs is currently available for preorders from the Fowl Sounds Webstore - where it goes for $249, and takes circa 2 weeks to ship.


This is a really cool and fairly unique distortion. I obviously love my High Gain pedals - and this very much looks like another one for that roster!




Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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