Lawrence has carved out quite the reparation for superior Marshall style devices over the years - including his fantastic Sixty8, Seventy4, and Eighty7 circuit takes on classic Marshall amp voicings.
I only have the Eighty7 variant to-date, but the aim has always been to complete the set - it just hasn’t happened quite yet. And now we have another sort of later period Plexi - which came just before the JCM800 variant - and kind of sits between the Sixty8 Super Lead Plexi, and Eighty7 JCM800 style circuit.
I tend to like my Marshall pedals to have full 3-Band EQ’s - and was hoping that we would get a more evolved Sixty 8 take - where I guess the JMP79 is that candidate. I’ve often linked the colour red to Marshall style pedlar - so it’s nice to get a slightly different Hue of Marhsall from LPD.
Controls - Treble, Middle, Bass, Bright Switch, Master Volume, Presence, Preamp.
You get the full roster of amp style controls on the JMP79 which I very much like - in fact I like pretty much everything about this pedal, and it is a target for my reference collection. I’m still looking to complete my LPD Marshall collection at some stage - and this seems like a really good next step towards that.
My friend Steve at FX Pedal Planet is currently the sole UK dealer as far as I’m aware - so I will be looking to get my JMP79 from him as soon as it comes into stock - whoever that may be!
Currently said pedal is not in stock in the UK - I’ve already checked the FX Pedal Planet Store a few times - I very much look forward to said pedal’s arrival.
I’m obviously a huge Marshall Overdrive and Distortion fan - with around 75 pedals or so of that ilk to-date - this JMP79 would make an excellent addition to that capsule collection. Interesting too that Lawrence has broken with his usual naming convention - where you might otherwise have expected this one to be the Seventy9!
In any case the JMP79 (2203) is currently available for $220 on the LPD Pedals Webstore. I had had my eye on the Lucent Boost 24 too - which also is not yet available at the UK Dealer. LPD Pedals have been a little elusive for us Briths - with Steve at FX Pedal Planet mostly bridging that gap now. We just need to get those new models in stock now on this side of the pond!