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Boost and Overdrive

Zorg Effects unveils new super versatile Love Filter V2 - inspired by Moogerfoogers and 80's Oberheim Synths

Envelope Filter and Auto WahModulationPhaserZorg Effects+-
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It’s been a while since I last featured Zorg Effects on the site - and I’m delighted to have them back in the mix again with their new Filter Pedal.


In effect there are 3 vertical sections to the pedal - overall 11 Controls, but then also 9 Control Voltage ports which give you remote control over pretty much every parameter and Expression. You can very evidently see the Moog / Moogerfooger influence, while the pedal’s core chipset is the same as used in 80’s Obergeim synths.


The Love Filter delivers classic resonant envelope filter flavours alongside various modes of Auth-Wah and 2-Stage Phaser. It also produces those really cool pew-pew laser sounds that I had so much fun with on the PastFX take on the MF-101. This is a really great sounding filter all-rounder. Not quite as potent as the Subdecay Prometheus 3 - which is still kind of king of the filter pedals. The Zorg Love Filter is a fantastic genuine vintage sounding filter - surely one of the finest of that kind.


Controls - Frequency, Resonance, Mix, HP/LP Button, Release, Attack, Amount, Invert Button, Waveform : Random Smooth / Random Stepped / Half Sine / Sine / Triangle / Square / Saw (Down) / Saw (Up), Rate, Depth, Bypass Footswitch, Tao Tempo Footswitch.


CV Ports / Inputs - Resonance, Frequency 1, Frequency 2, Envelope, Expression, LFO, Offset, Depth, Rate.


The Love Filter V2 is available right now on the Zorg Effects Webstore - where you can currently get one for €280 ($289).


I feel Zorg was the first to implement those wood veneer facias on its pedals - ahead of its neighbour to the south - Anasounds. The Love filter is a really attractive / appealing pedal with that wood facia onto raw aluminium enclosure, and then punctuated by those striking pink knobs.


This is a really great sounding filter playground - which I’m sure many are going to love!



Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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