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ALABS Audio's NovaDrift Modulator Delivers 9 Classic High Quality Full Stereo Modulations with Enhanced Movement courtesy of Explore Mode Gesture Control and Expression Ramping

ALABS AudioChorus and VibratoEnvelope Filter and Auto WahFlangerModulationModulation WorkstationMulti-FXPhaserRing ModulationRotary SpeakerTremoloUni-Vibe and Vibe+-
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Here follows an in-depth look at the ALABS Audio Adam Adventures Series NovaDrift 9-Mode Modulator.


A pretty decent mix of algorithms - Vibe (Uni-Vibe), Chorus, Multi-Chorus, Phaser, Filter, Rotary, Flanger, Tremolo and Ring.


In my opinion really only missing the Roland/Boss Dimensions Chorus and Harmonic Tremol for a full house!


Generally I cite the Wampler Terraform as the Modulator which has the most perfect mix of Algorithms for my preferences - Auto-Wah, Envelope Filter, Flanger, Phaser, Uni-Vibe, Rotary, Auto Swell, Tremolo, Harmonic Tremolo, Chorus, Dimension.


For a perfect NovaDrift for me - I would probably want to swap out the Multi-Chorus for Dimension, and the Ring Modulation for Harmonic Tremolo - that would make the NovaDrift totally perfect for me!


While considering the innovations on the Orbital, TimeSlip and Cetus - I was kind of expecting at least one majorly innovative Algorithm on the NovaDrift - which we don’t get. What we do get is 9 excellent classic modulations - with plenty of range and flavour.


Nothing at all wrong with this pedal - just that the other ones in the series are a little more unusual and unique! This will still provide most with all the modulation flavours they need - and for sure all the main food groups are well covered!


Controls - Rate (Max 10Hz), Depth, Dry>Wet Mix, Mode : Vibe (X = Feedback) / Chorus (X = Delay) / Multi Chorus (X = Delay) / Phaser (X = Feedback) / Filter (X = Resonance) / Rotary (X = Drum Mix) / Flanger (X = Feedback) / Tremolo (X = Symmetry) / Ring (X = Wave Shape), X Param / Tone knob, Toggle switch : Tap = X Param / Tap Tempo | ∞ Explore Mode 5s Gesture Control, Footswitch Tap : Hold for Tap Tempo | Footswitch  ∞ + Hold activates Gesture Control for Rate, Depth, Mix, and Tone.

Key Features

  • 9 Studio Quality Effects / Modes
  • W.A.V.E. Wizard Audio Virtual Engine
  • Analog Dry Through with Zero Latency
  • True Full Stereo In/Out Operation
  • 32-bit floating-point DSP
  • Selectable highest quality relay-based true bypass with analog buffered bypass option
  • Multi-Function / Multi-Mode Footswitch - including Tap Tempo, Freeze, Expression Ramping etc.
  • Infinity '∞' Explore Mode - a 5 second Gesture Control / Expression Ramping of the 4 main parameters - Rate, Depth, Mix, and Tone
  • 9V DC [-] 250mA Current Draw

9 Modes


MODE | Param X | Depth Alternative

  • VIBE | X Feedback
  • CHORUS | X Delay
  • MULTI-CHORUS | X Delay
  • PHASER | X Feedback
  • FILTER | X Resonance
  • ROTARY | X Drum Mix | % Horn Size / Ratio [Depth]
  • FLANGER | X Feedback
  • TREMOLO | X Symmetry / Duty Cycle | Waveform : Triangle > Sine > Square [Depth]
  • RING | X Wave Shape

Operational Overview


As soon as you know all the Param X types - this is about a straightforward a Modulation pedal as it gets. Actually note also that Rotary and Tremolo have different functions for 'Depth' otherwise all wholly intuitive!


The only complexity really is around the Toggle-switch - which in its Up position allows you to control the Param X variable per Mode, and engage Tap Tempo on the Footswitch (Press-hold and then tap at least twice). In the Down position it controls Tone on the knob to its left (vs Param X), and engages the Infinity '∞' Explore Mode via the Footswitch - which you can hold down to 'program' and 'save' 5 second Gesture Control via Rate, Depth, Mix, and Tone - and then use the Footswitch in that position to essentially Expression-Ramp that unique 5 second movement. This really takes the the Modulation Movement into cool uncharted territory - and can be as rhythmic or random as you like! Certainly a big draw for this kind of pedal.


I've mentioned before that this is not quite the perfect mix of algorithms for my particular preferences - but it runs pretty close. And in some ways this is the most 'Vanilla' of the 4 ALABS pedals - as there are no surprises here really in terms of unique Algorithms - unlike what we see on the other 3 pedals.


Similar to how I would want to replace Root with +2 Octaves on the Orbital - here for the NovaDrift - I would probably like to replace the Multi-Chorus with Roland/Boss Dimension Chorus, and swap out the Ring Modulation for a Harmonic Tremolo. Don't get me wrong - those two modulations sound great as is, but the two alternatives mentioned are 2 of my all-time favourite flavours - and why I often cite the Wampler Terraform as having the perfect mix of Modulation Algorithms.


For the NovaDrift - all of those algorithms sound pretty great - while I tend to focus in and around the Vibe, Phaser, Rotary and Flanger - those are probably my favourite voicings on this pedal. My least favoured modulation - typically the Ring Mod - actually sounds pretty decent here - but I would still prefer to have my own preferences in place - even though there seems to be something of a renaissance currently for Ring Modulations - with both Dr Scientist and Red Panda Labs putting out their own evolved versions recently!


I often worry when you don't get a Level or Volume knob on these Modulation Pedals (potential Volume Drop) - and while I would still quite like one - it's not really missed here as all these modulations don't really suffer noticeable volume drop. Would be nice to have a secondary function on the Mix knob for Level also!


Other that that I can't really fault this pedal - it's still one of the very best Stereo Multi-Modulators out there - particularly in this compact size format and at this price. While in some ways it's also the least interesting of the ALABS pedals for me - as there is nothing specifically unique or unusual about any of its algorithms - but still delivers a pretty great experience all-round!


I've made it no secret that I've been hugely impressed by this ALABS quartet of new releases - while overall the NovaDrift is incredibly somehow the least interesting of the 4 for me - at least in terms of overall innovation and uniqueness!


I still feel it's one of the very strongest compact multi-modulators that you can buy - and elevated by its Infinity '∞' Explore Mode / Gesture Control /  Expression Ramping!


It will likely be one of the best sellers from the range - while for me - the Cetus comes first as my clear winner, then the TimeSlip, then Orbital, and then the NovaDrift - would be cool to hear from other users of these pedals as to which their favourites are and why!


NovaDrift Amazon Listing ($99.99)


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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