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Boost and Overdrive

October Audio's new MNTNS compact pedal is a cool hybrid Analog 2 & 4 Stage OTA Phaser with additional Vibrato and JFET Opamp Gain Stage Playback Modes

BoostBoost and OverdriveChorus and VibratoModulationOctober AudioOverdrivePhaser+-
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So the MNTS is obviously inspired by the classic 70’s - Phase 45 and Phase 90 Phase-Shifters - while it applies a cool spin to the formula with some additional controls and features - including a JFET Opamp Gain Stage and Vibrato playback mode.


Controls - Feedback : On / Off, Rate / Speed, Gain Level, Stages : 2 / 4, Mode : Gain / Phaser / Vibe.


2 Knobs and 3 toggle-switches makes this a really simple but actually highly versatile pedal - with really cool vibrant output textures per the below referenced demo. It’s not like I desperately need any more Phaser pedals as I already own a pretty potent 18 phasers to date as below.


I still really like the MNTNS though and it most definitely warrants a place on the wish / acquisitions list. These are very reasonably priced at $159 on the October Audio Webstore - while the first batch has already sold out. I spoke with October Audio's Mike just before Christmas - so I'm not sure why I wasn't clued in on the launch day this last Monday. These are deliberately made in small batches - so you need to keep your eyes peeled to be in with a chance of snagging one. There's certainly much to like here.


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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