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Boost and Overdrive

October Audio Refreshes and Improves its Single Knob Mini Range

BoostBoost and OverdriveFuzzOctave FuzzOctober AudioOverdriveSilicon Fuzz+-
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All 4 Minis here have been recently refreshed - all consisting of a single knob design, while 2 have a further 2-way switch for even more versatility.


As some of the older demo videos attest to - some of these used to be larger 125b designs - while all are now mini format - with revised colours and graphics, and further refinement within the circuit - to make those pedals more consistent and robust in their tonal delivery.


Even the one-knob types here offer a lot of versatility - where it is essential for you to make use of your guitar volume control to adjust the nature / gain of the pedal’s output. The single knobs here are largely Master Volume controls - where they impact on both Output Level and Gain - while they’ve been specially engineered to take advantage of being controlled via guitar volume.


All 4 are really potent and flavoursome circuits and deliver high quality outputs which bely their smaller size. I’ve always said that there is a certain satisfaction to getting big tones out of small pedals - and all these fit the mould.


These are all gain pedals, and cover boost, overdrive and fuzz territories - hard to pick out a winner!


All are available now on the October Audio Webstore.


October are in the process of revamping their 125b compact pedal range too - and I will follow that up in similar fashion to this - when said range has been updated.


nvmbr fuzz - $132


Control - Master Volume.


Strong upper octave fuzz that cleans up well via your guitar volume. Loosely based on an Octavia fuzz, but with enhanced filtering for a more consistent output. Designed for low noise floor, maximum octave flavour, and the ability to still play chords without them turning to mush.

nvmbr gain - $109


Control - Master Volume.


Smart clean to dirty boost / ending in light overdrive. Soft Clipping Diodes engage at around 1 o'c - where it transitions from a clean to dirty boost. +10dB of boost on the clean, and a further +5dB on the clipped portion. Really smart engineering for sure!

heavy peaches silicon fuzz with high pass filter - $132


Controls - Master Volume, Switch : UP - Less Saturated, More Treble / DOWN - Thick Fat Fuzz.


Refined classic 2-transistor fuzz with a smart high pass filter - which cuts out a fair amount of the low end - for 2 distinct voicings. A smart modern take on the classic fuzz - delivering the maximum impact from just 2 controls.

robotic celebrity head drive & fuzz - $132


Controls - Master Volume, Switch : high gain fuzzy drive / medium gain overdrive.


Transistor-based amp-like drive and fuzz - derived from 1970's single-transistor booster and fuzz circuits. The switch engages further full diode asymmetrical clipping which lift the gain profile from medium gain overdrive to more of a fuzz-like profile.

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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