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Boost and Overdrive

Kinotone follows up its innovative Ribbons Magnetic Tape Multi-FX with the equally smart Sparks Stereo Analog Harmonic Processor

Boost and OverdriveDistortionEnvelope Filter and Auto WahFuzzGuitar Synth and SequencerKinotoneModulationMulti-FXSwellTremolo+-
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So I’ve always liked the look of the Kinotone Ribbons, in fact I wrote a very favourable review of it back in October of 2022. While I’ve yet to hit the trigger for that - I’m actually still deliberating and determining exactly where I would place it in my rig / signal chain, and which pedal it would knock out of its slot.


I was initially having a similar internal debate for the Sparks - until I spotted that one of the Factory Presets was for Harmonic Tremolo! You should all know by now how much I like that format of modulation. So in an extreme way - I can simply view this Sparks as being another great Harmonic Tremolo for my rig but having several potent extras onboard (e.g. presets) - obviously including all the Wavefolding features, and Variable State Filtering, alongside a pretty potent Overdrive / Saturation voicing.


My write ups are always part-therapy - as I endeavour to reason out each effects pedal and try to fully imagine how I might / would deploy such a pedal within my own rig!


It’s kind of fitting that we have the European Football Championship on currently - as my mind is constantly on Team Selection and Balance. And I think I can apply the same methodologies to a pedalboard arrangement - it’s not necessarily about having the very ’best’ of every effect pedal on the board, but rather achieving a perfect balance or harmony of interactive and positively combining effects. I often talk of a pedalboard as being a Spice Rack or Smorgasbord, and there are various adjacent cooking analogies about timing and balancing of flavour profiles that also apply.


In stacking different pedals together we’re creating a series of sonic cocktails - each obviously perfectly shaken or stirred to our liking. And when I deploy a pedal on my board - it’s always a mixture of how the pedal sounds and performs, and how it fits into the rig.


With the England Team, we have several players playing out of position - and while arguably England has many of the best players on a head-to-head basis - a lot of those are not playing to their best ability - and the balance of the team is all wrong. There’s a little bit of insanity with the coach too as he’s repeating the same patterns of play over and over and expecting different results - which is the very definition of madness!


In any case for the Sparks - I was able to figure out quite quickly where I would deploy it in my chain, and where I could make best use of it. The Ribbons may still be the superstar ’player’ but I’m still not sure where I would slot it in exactly - I am still determined to get one of those at some stage in the very near future in any case - hopefully I will have come to a decision by then. My good friend Cyril Demaegd is a huge advocate of the Ribbons - and loves their Touch Modes in particular - he’s totally convinced my on the merits of the Ribbons - I just need to figure out where to slot it in.


As per usual - I’ve tried to distill most of the pedal’s essential elements into a single visual (as above) but with both Kinotone pedals there’s always a lot more happening under the surface, and both varieties include a hidden / buried Synth Mode!


Controls - Mode [Blend], Filter Cutoff [LFO Spin], Filter Resonance [Gate], Gain [Level], LFO Rate [Wave Shape], LFO Map, LFO Range, 3 Modes : Drive / Low-Cut / Fold, Envelope Attack [Sensitivity], Layer (Black / White Controls / Parameters), Envelope Map, Preset Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch.


Ports : 9V DC [-] 280mA, CV / EXP in, TRS Stereo In, MIDI In, TRS Stereo Out.


Factory Presets

  • Harmonic Reverse
  • Gentle Drive
  • Harmonic Tremolo
  • Auto-Wah
  • Crinkled Tape
  • Dynamic Envelope Tremolo

Capable of : Overdrive, Fuzz, High Gain, Tremolo / Oscillation, Chip Tune Synth, Auto-Wah, Volume Swells, Warble etc.



  • Waveshaping and Utility
  • State-Variable Filter
  • Low-Frequency Oscillator (LFO)
  • Envelope Follower
  • SID Chip-Inspired Synthesizer

Waveshaping and Utility

  • Crossfade from warm soft clipping to 4-stage wavefolding
  • Designed for instrument and line level inputs
  • Optional low-cut before the drive reduces bass and adds clarity to polyphonic material
  • Blend knob to mix in or boost your dry signal
  • Gate can be used at high gain settings or for creative effects

State-Variable Filter

  • Sculpt your sound with a musical 12dB/octave multimode filter
  • Continuously-variable between high-pass, band-pass, and low-pass filter types
  • Crank the resonance to create a self-oscillating voice
  • Pair the filter with Sparks’ modulation options to explore a wide range of texture, movement, and rhythmic effects

Low-Frequency Oscillator (LFO)

  • Map the LFO to any knob control or to multiple
  • Mapped parameters act as attenuverters, letting you set the intensity and polarity of modulation with a single knob
  • Morph between waveform shapes: sine, triangle, sawtooth, square, sample and hold, and random ramps
  • LFO speeds range from 10 seconds well into audio rate
  • RANGE instantly doubles or quadruples the LFO speed
  • SPIN shifts the left and right LFO channels out of phase to create stereo movement
  • Waveforms can be synchronized to MIDI clock

Envelope Follower

  • Map the envelope follower to any knob control or to multiple
  • Use the intensity of your input signal to create dynamic effects like auto-wah, auto-swell, ducking, and more
  • Classic, Compressor, and AR envelope styles
  • Adjustable attack and sensitivity

SID Chip-Inspired Synthesizer

  • Play Sparks as your instrument using a MIDI keyboard
  • Recreate warm and gritty lo-fi sounds of the SID Chip — the iconic synth engine behind the C64 home computer
  • Switch between waveform shapes: sine, triangle, sawtooth, pulse, and 23-bit Fibonacci LFSR noise.
  • Modeling of ADSR envelope, hard sync, and ring mod
  • Controls for bit depth, pulse width modulation, pitch modulation, and glide.
  • 4 voices of polyphony with optional mono mode
  • +/- 5 semitone pitch bending
  • Synth voices are mixed with any input audio and can be processed through Sparks. The synth is
  • disconnected from the analog signal path when not in use

Presets, MIDI Control, CV

  • Save your settings with 6 onboard presets, or up to 32 using MIDI
  • Presets can be activated momentarily or latched for performance effects
  • All parameters are fully controllable via MIDI, CV, or an expression pedal
  • Directly compatible with your favorite MIDI controllers — no external MIDI box required
  • Internal jumpers available to switch between TRS MIDI Type A (default), B, or CBA
  • CV control up to 500Hz
  • Free Max for Live device to control Sparks with MIDI in Ableton


  • Input/Output: TRS stereo
  • Processing: 100% analog signal path
  • Microcontroller: 170Mhz mixed-signal ARM processor
  • Power: +9VDC, 2.1 mm, negative tip PSU
  • Boosted to 18Vpp internally for increased headroom
  • Power Supply Protection:
    • Reverse polarity protection down to -20VDC
    • Over voltage protection up to +14VDC
  • Current Draw: ~280mA
  • Frequency Response: 24Hz – 20kHz
  • LFO rate range: 0.1Hz – 1kHz
  • Input Impedance: 1MΩ
  • Output Impedance: 1kΩ
  • Bypass: Ultra-low-noise buffered bypass with +18dBu of headroom
  • Dimensions: 12.1 cm x 6.6 cm x 6.2 cm
  • Manufacturing:
    • 100% lead-free
    • Circuit boards fabricated in China
    • Circuit boards assembled in Minneapolis, MN
    • Enclosures drilled, painted, and printed in the USA
    • Final assembly and testing performed in Minneapolis, MN
  • MAP / RRP : $399, Delivery to London, UK : $45, Total for me in £ = 366

The Sparks is available for pre-order currently from the Kinotone Webstore. I've ordered mine - looking forward to having it in place on slot #33!


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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