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Kinotone's Ribbons Pedal is a cool Multi-FX Mix of Lo-Fi Tape-style Modulation, Reverb, Touch Manipulation, 4-track Looper, 4-voice Synth, and with 8 Presets onboard

Bitcrushing and Lo-FiChorus and VibratoDigital ReverbGuitar Synth and SequencerKinotoneLooperMulti-FXReverbTape DelayUtility+-
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A couple of my readers - including good friend Cyril - asked me for my take on this intriguing pedal - which I was still trying to figure out at the time - and in fact questioned why I personally would be considering this when I was still waiting for my Gen Loss II to land, and possibly had a Red Panda Tensor on the way too. I believe this is the very first commercial pedal design by electronic engineer Jaak Jensen. And in any case, after further due-diligence these pedals are all pretty different overall - even though there is some slight degree of overlap. And of course each has its own advantages.


Controls - CTRL1 (LP•WD•DD•RM), CTRL 2 (HP•WF•DF•RD), CTRL 3 (MX•FD•CR•T1), CTRL 4 (CP•FF•NO•T2), Modes / Page : 1 Mix / Utility, 2 Wow and Flutter, 3 Degradation, 4 Reverb & Touch, Touch Footswitch (Magnetic Dance / Tape Stop / Broken Machine / Repeater), Bypass / Engage, Press Both Footswitches to scroll through 8 presets - refer to above visual for context!


Essentially there are 4 control knobs - each covering 4 params apiece - depending on where the Pages / Mode selector is set - i.e. those 4 different coloured roundels in the middle (operated by the white push-button) - green, blue, magenta and red. You essentially select said mode and that determines which quartet of params you have at your disposal - as I’ve indicated in my above visual.


Further to that you have 4 additional ’Touch’ effects applied via left-hand footswitch, and a total of 8 Factory Presets aboard as follows :

  1. Reset - use this to clear out all your param values so you can start from a clean slate (a sort of utility mode)
  2. Classic Vibrato [blue W&F mode]
  3. Classic Chorus [blue W&F mode]
  4. A Bit Lo-Fi [green Utility mode]
  5. Crushed & Mangled [green Utility mode]
  6. Really Nice Compression [green Utility mode]
  7. Lo-Fi Ambient [red Reverb/Touch mode]
  8. Wobbly Friend [blue W&F mode]

We then also have a 4-Track Asynchronous Looper and a 4-voice Sinewave Synthesizer as bonus features & functions - so a really broad range of effects and functions onboard - eclectic for sure!


8 Factory Presets is pretty good for a compact pedal - so there is much to like here, while the $400 price tag is high - and impractical really for those of us on this side of the Atlantic - and with the rising shipping and import charges. By contrast the Chase Bliss Gen Loss II is €469 in Europe including fees and customs charges - while we would be paying well over $500+ and therefore £500 in this neck of the woods for the Ribbons - which is rather too pricey for most as I see it - especially considering how much more depth the Gen Loss delivers overall for the core tape modulation. The Ribbons though is Stereo too - also via TRS cables - and it does deliver a fair amount of bang for your buck. While I already have a far superior Reverb workstation on the board, and superior Simulated Tape and Analog Modulations - and yes Loopers and Synths too.


So I think it would be unfair to call this the jack of all trades - and I’m sure that for many - this delivers exactly the right mix and types of effects they’re after - and while I’m a little quietly impressed I’m also still a little on the fence with this one.


The pedal is very well documented on the Kinotone Site - where you will find much deeper coverage, and can order a unit for $400 as mentioned - when it’s in stock. It currently seems like it’s being produced in relatively small batches which sell out very quickly - so you certainly need to be on their mailing list to secure one.


I know a few of you have voiced interest in the Ribbons - in particular on the back of some impressive demos - it would sure be interesting to know who’s getting one in - and if anyone has any first-hand insights on these yet!?



  • DSP: 480Mhz ARM Processor
  • Processing: 32-bit floating point
  • Ultra low-noise audio codec: 24 bit, 48kHz, >110dB Dynamic Range
  • Max Input Level: +2dBu
  • Max Output Level: +5dBu
  • Latency: 1 msec
  • Power: +9VDC, 2.1mm, negative tip PSU
  • Power Supply Protection:
  • Reverse polarity protection down to -14VDC
  • Over voltage protection up to +14VDC
  • Current Draw: 160mA
  • Frequency Response: 24Hz to 20kHz
  • Input Impedance: 400 kOhm
  • Output Impedance: 1.5 kOhm
  • PCB: 6-layer PCB with two ground planes
  • Bypass Options:
    • Stereo true bypass (using relay)
    • Stereo buffered bypass
    • Stereo buffered bypass (with trails)
  • Manufacturing:
    • 100% lead-free
    • Circuit boards fabricated in China
    • Circuit boards assembled in Minneapolis, MN
    • Enclosures drilled, painted, and printed in the USA
    • Final assembly and testing performed in Minneapolis, MN
  • RRP : $400


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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