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Boost and Overdrive
All' Andreas Zhukovsky brings his Magical Eurorack Multi-FX to the Pedal format via Ghost Pedal collaboration with Andrew Huang

Bitcrushing and Lo-FiBoostBoost and OverdriveDelayDigital DelayDigital ReverbDistortionDriveEndorphin.esEnvelope Filter and Auto WahModulationMulti-FXOverdriveReverbTremolo+-
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One of my readers alerted me to this pedal quite a while back, but it was a little too far away then, and with not enough final details on the pedal yet to really pique my interest - while when I see it now in all its final glory - it seems to me to be the most obvious pedal to stand in for my Hologram Microcosm on slot #39 - and I am therefore very interested in acquiring one for just such a purpose.


It’s of course a magnificent Multi-FX pedal - in fact here labeled a ’Multi-Dimensional Effects Chain Processor’ which seems very apt. And while its feature set is somewhat broader in most ways than the Microcosm - that’s the territory I would / will be targeting with it - for all those cool twinkly and fluttery ambient effects most likely. But of course also to supplement the other pedals in the chain.


The Ghost and Microcosm are set up quite differently - where the latter is more based on fine-tuning key algorithms / presets - while the Ghost is more of a Modular Sound Designer - like say the Strymon NightSty, and Meris LVX and Mercury X.


There are a number of building blocks here - Delay, Reverb, LFO Modulator, Filter, and Distortion - where those are split into 3 core categories of ’FX’, ’Filter’, and ’Distortion’ - that can then be routed it any order - or 6-ways per the options provided.


The Ghost Pedal has a brilliant interface too where the Secondary Parameters light up and are accentuated by different colours (White, Red and Blue) for ease of use - both in terms of setup and where on the dial the presets have been set too - for ease of recall.


The Modulation control of this pedal is superb too as to how you can apply LFO Modulation and / or Expression to any and every control knob.


In my visual I’ve highlighted a mix of voicing possibilities as set out in the manual, as well as some of the key features - while there is so much to get to grips with here that you really need to consult the manual - and this is really just the briefest of overviews.


I see lots of ways I could use the pedal from the various demos already up there - and a number of those sounds are very much along similar lines to how I most typically deploy the Microcosm - each pedal does its own thing in its own way - but there is some significant overlap - and what’s more is that you can deploy the Ghost Pedal very conventionally too if you wish to! The Ghost Pedal though for me would be my more Experimental / Glitchy type - so playing with shimmery and twitter effects with added Lo-Fi warble and smear and such like - lots of territory to explore here for sure.


Controls - VOLUME / crush, DELAY } DELAY / tone, TIME / midi clk, REPEATS / taps, REVERB } REVERB / tone, DECAY / predelay, MODULATION } Shape / midi ch : sine / falling sawtooth / square / stepped random (S&H) / smooth random, SPEED / midi clk, MODULATION / exp (Assign), FILTER } Filter / resonance, DIST } DISTORT / tone, MIX } MIX / cabinet. REVERB / filter : HALL/SHIM / REVEVERSE / SPRING / lp/hp / bp / comb, ROUTING / midi dump : dist-filter-fx / dist-fx-filter / filter-dist-fx / filter-fx-dist / fx-dist-filter / fx-filter-dist, SHIFT / , TAP / assign Footswitch, BYPASS / preset load Footswitch, hold to save / PRESET Footswitch : 1-9.

Key Options

9 TAP DIVISIONS / TIME : x2 / 7/4 / 3/2 / 5/4 / x1 / 3/4 / 1/2 / 1/3 / 1/4


6 LFO MODULATION SHAPES / TYPES : sinewave / falling sawtooth / squarewave / stepped random (Sample & Hold), smooth random, envelope.


3 REVERB MODES : hall.shimmer / reverse / spring


3 FILTER MODES : lp/hp / bandpass / comb


6-WAY ROUTING : dist-filter-fx / dist-fx-filter / filter-dist-fx / filter-fx-dist / fx-dist-filter / fx-filter-dist


I've been hugely impressed with what I've seen so far of the Ghost Pedal - and it's perfectly equipped and proportioned to take over from the Microcosm on slot #39 for sure!.


I will be reaching out to Andreas over the next week or two to see if there's any deal to be done here for me - to do a more in-depth review / overview!

Key Features

  • Unique user interface showing parameter values and real-time modulations via colour-coded LEDs
  • Line or high-impedance instrument inputs with cabinet simulator
  • Full MIDI control over every parameter incl. MIDI clock over LFO and delay
  • True relay full stereo in and out, buffered and trails bypass modes
  • LFO and expression pedal assignments to any parameter
  • Delay with looper, 3 reverb and 3 filter types, incl. comb with resonator, six possible routing variations
  • Reverb freeze, delay looper, spring reverb with virtual spring excite
  • 24 bit 96 kHz audio I/O with 32 bit internal processing
  • Three footswitches let you change assignable parameters (tap tempo/looper/freeze/spring excite), select presets and bypass with your feet

Of course the Ghost Pedal can be ordered direct from the Webstore - where it retails for €445 and equivalent. Considering how much there is onboard and how capable this pedal is - and comparing it with the Microcosm's $459 the price seems about fair - there's only about $10 between the two on current exchange rates!


How about you - are any of you tempted?


Is anyone thinking of having this in alternative rotation for the Microcosm like me?


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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