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Chase Bliss Reboots its Mood Micro Looper & Ambience Generator with significant enhancements including Stereo and Overdubbing

Chase Bliss AudioDelayGlitchLooperOddball ModulationReverb+-
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Since the Mood is Chase Bliss’s all-time bestseller as far as I’m aware - it makes perfect sense that they would do the same kitchen-sink exercise on this device as was fairly recently done for the Generation Loss MKII.


Superficially - at least facia-wise everything seems to look largely the same bar the major colour-change - with still the same labels present on the pedal’s front :


Controls - Time, Mix (Ramp), Length, Modify (Spatial / Wet), Clock : 2K-64K, Modify (Looper), Modifiers (Spatial / Wet) : Reverb / Delay / Slip, Routing : Input Signal Only / Both / Looper Signal Only, Mofifiers (Looper) : Envelope / Tape / Stretch, Engage Spatial Footswitch, Presets, Engage Looper Footswitch.


However you can witness the depth of engineering innovation for the new device by glancing at the dip-switches which differ significantly :


  • Time
  • Length
  • Modify (Spatial / Wet)
  • Clock
  • Modify (Looper)
  • Bounce
  • MoTB (Spatial / Wet)
  • MoTB (Looper)
  • Time
  • Length
  • Modify (Spatial / Wet)
  • Clock
  • Modify (Looper)
  • Shape
  • Trails
  • Sweep


  • Time (Spatial / Wet)
  • Modify (Spatial / Wet)
  • Clock
  • Modify (Looper)
  • Length (Looper)
  • Bounce
  • Sweep
  • Polarity
  • Classic
  • MISO
  • Stereo Spread
  • Dry Kill
  • Trails
  • Latch
  • No Dub (Looper)
  • Smooth


And still give you access to all the irregularities of the original - via the 'CLASSIC' switch.


Some deeper diving reveals a whole plethora of hidden and secondary features, functions and parameters.


Such that on the MOOD MKII, the front facia controls actually govern several additional features as per square brackets below (hold down both footswitches to access hidden modes) :


Time [Stereo Width], Mix [Ramping Waveform], Length [Fade], Modify-S [Tone], Clock [Level Balance], Modify-L [Direct Micro-Loop], Modifiers-S [Sync], Routing [Spread Solo], Modifiers-L [Loop Length].


Much like with the Generation Loss MKII - this reboot really just gives you more of what you love for the Mood - following an extensive consultation with how players used and wanted to use this device. Much like the Gen Loss II it's also something of an Iceberg or Tardis - with infinite buried depths of nuance. While the device has generally been 'tidied up' and refined in this edition - less Clock Noise etc. - the CLASSIC Mode can bring all those glitches back into play!


There's so much to cover here that I can only really scratch this surface - and essentially cover what's new for the MKII (per my above visual with a few added details! :

  • STEREO - Full Stereo In / Out via TRS Cables, each Mode creates unique Stereo Image
  • OVERDUBBING - Record on top of you Micro-Loops - with no recording limit
  • FREEZE - Capture and Repeat / Sustain indefinitely and Wet Channel Sounds
  • 2 X LOOP LENGHT - Double your Micro Loop Size!
  • PRSERVED LOOPS - Move from Mode-to-Mode without erasing your loops
  • REVERIBLE STRETCH - Forward and Reverse Stretch Mode
  • FULL MIDI CONTROL - All Parameters, including Hidden Options, Clock Sync, as well as Note and Velocity manipulation via external keyboard (or equivlalent).
  • SMOOTH CLOCK - Smoother variability of Clock knob
  • REFRESH MODE - Turn Micro-Looper into slightly-delayed time-stretching and warping effect
  • CHANNEL SYNC : Sync either Channel to follow the other
  • LEVEL BALANCE : Fine-tine Stereo Volume Balance to equalise both Channels
  • FADING LOOPS : Set you Micro-Loops to gradually fade away
  • TONE CONTROL : Mellow-out Wet / Spatial Channel with Hi-Cut Filter
  • DIRECT MICRO-LOOP : Blend in some of your dry, unprocessed micro-loop when routed through Wet / Spatial Channel.

I was of course very quick off the mark sir the MOOD II - springing into action at around 14:00 GMT 09:00 CDT when the pedal went live on the site (announced via mailer) - I believe I was in the first wave as I was very quick to get my order in - but this is Chase Bliss - so you never know how many got ahead of you in the queue!


In any case I paid one dollar and a dime less than $490 - which presumbly covers both shipping and import tax to the UK! USA customer price is of course a more reasonable $399. It will be interesting to see how long until these start to drop into people's homes!


Did any of you get an order in - I know a lot of you are fans of the original Mood?

Announcement Video

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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