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Boost and Overdrive

Eventide's new H90 Harmonizer Multi-FX Workstation essentially doubles down on the H9 Max with much improved interface and connectivity and with 10 new algorithms onboard

Ambient EffectsBoostBoost and OverdriveChorus and VibratoCompressorDelayDelay WorkstationDigital DelayDigital ReverbDistortionEnvelope Filter and Auto WahEQEventideFlangerFuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionGuitar Synth and SequencerHarmonizerLooperModulationModulation WorkstationMulti-FXOctaverOddball ModulationOverdrivePhaserPitchPitch-ShiftingReverbReverb WorkstationRing ModulationRotary SpeakerSwellTremoloTunersUni-Vibe and VibeWah and Fixed Wah+-
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As a long-term user and fan of Eventide’s H9 Max, the H90 Harmonizer has been something we have all been clamouring for - for a very long time. There is much to recommend the H9 - but its on-pedal interface has always been somewhat feeble, and without the superb Bluetooth connected App the pedal wouldn’t really have been particularly usable.


Multitudes of us have been asking for a better and more intuitive interface - with more meaningful screen display. And Eventide have really pulled out all the stops on this new and improved edition - where you can essentially consider the new H90 as being 2 x H9 Max’s together as you can select 2 algorithms to play back at a time - with all kinds of clever wiring / cabling and routing options - parallel and series - for ultimate stereo output fidelity.


Eventide has picked up all kinds of cool cues here from both the Line 6 Helix Stomp, and the Boss GT-1000 CORE equivalent - and has a little of the GFI Synesthesia in there too - where the new onboard control interface and topology is massively improved and far more logical and intuitive than the H9 ever was.


You get to see the Preset / Program Name - as well as the two algorithms / effects it consists of - and then the 3 key parameters for immediate tweaking via the Quick Knobs below the display. The display also houses Input Monitor LED’s and 2 state LED’s which indicate when Bluetooth is on among other functions.


Controls - Select Program / Playlist / Bank [hold], Perform / HotKnob, Programs + Routing (System when pressed together), Quick Parameter Knobs 1-3, Presets + Parameters (Tempo when pressed together), [P] Active / On Footswitch, [A] Bank Down Footswitch, [B] Bank Up Footswitch.


Control really seems to be significantly improved with really quick access to Parameters in particular. And Connectivity here has been enormously improved too with 2 sets of stereo ins and outs, and 2 expression jack ports. While the full-size MIDI In & Out/Thru ports sit on the left-hand side of the pedal.


With this new version, we also get 10 brand new algorithms / effects :

  • Bouquet Delay BBD Style Delay with Modulation
  • Even-Vibe Uni-Vibe
  • Head Space Vintage 4-Head Tape Delay
  • Instant Phaser
  • Instant Flanger
  • Polyphony Pitch-Shifted Chords
  • Prism Shift 3-Voice Generator
  • SP2016 Reverb Rack-style Reverb
  • WeedWacker 2-Stage Overdrive
  • Wormhole Hyper Modulated Reverb with Pitch Warp

To go with the already incredibly formidable 52 Effects & Algorithms, for a killer set of 62 :

  • Band Delay
  • Blackhole Reverb
  • Chorus
  • CrushStation Overdrive/Distortion
  • Crystals Pitch-Shifter
  • Diatonic Pitch-Shifter
  • Digital Delay
  • DualVerb
  • Ducked Delay
  • DynaVerb
  • EQ Compressor
  • Filter Pong Delay
  • Flanger
  • H910/H949 Pitch-Shifter
  • Hall Reverb
  • Harmadillo Harmonic Tremolo
  • Harmodulator Pitch-Shifter
  • Harpeggiator Pitch-Shifter
  • HotSawz Synth
  • Looper
  • MangledVerb
  • MicroPitch Pitch-Shifter
  • ModEchoVerb
  • Mod Delay
  • ModFilter
  • MultiTap Delay
  • Octaver
  • Phaser
  • PitchFlex Pitch-Shifter
  • PitchFuzz
  • Plate Reverb
  • Q-Wah
  • Quadravox Pitch-Shifter
  • Resonator
  • Reverse Delay
  • Reverse Reverb
  • RingMod
  • Room Reverb
  • Rotary
  • Sculpt
  • Shimmer Reverb
  • SpaceTime - Twin Modulated Delay with Reverb
  • Spring Reverb
  • Synthonizer Pitch-Shifter
  • Tape Echo
  • TremoloPan
  • Tremoloverb
  • TriceraChorus
  • UltraTap Delay
  • Undulator
  • Vibrato
  • Vintage Delay

I’ve tended to mostly use my H9 Max for the Rotary Effect (Josh Smith), then Reverbs (Blackhole etc.), Delays, and some Harmonizing and Pitch-Shifting - but mostly Rotary and Reverb.


The improved interface will make it a lot easier to deploy and will most likely mean I would use the H90 more often - rather than as a somewhat understudy currently.


You can now very quickly access essential parameters and scroll between them - for a much more tactile and hands-on experience. This is definitely something I’ve been waiting to happen for a while. Of course the all-singing and dancing H90 Harmonizer comes at a price - $899 - which means it’s not going to be a snap purchase. And it comes a little late in the year for me - as I am already committed in various other places as regards budgets and finances - and am actually still tying to fully get to grips with the Meris LVX - it would be foolhardy of me if I got in another complex pedal to soon - that I would need to spend copious amounts of time to adapt / adjust to it.


So I will save up for it and look to land it early next year - when I have more time to spend on its more finer points.

This has genuinely been a really exciting year for pedal development and evolution - and it will be tough to pick out the overall winner of best new pedal for 2022 - so much competition!


I think the Meris LVX is possibly a little more revolutionary, and this H90 rather more evolutionary. While there are some aspects of the LVX I still find challenging - particular the relatively tiny screen from a standing viewpoint - my middle-aged eyesight struggles to pick out exactly what’s going on - and from that distance the text / legends are too small really.


That’s something the Eventide H90 most definitely seems to have gotten right - with its much bigger screen real-estate - that part is a massive move forward.


And for all those who used to deploy 2 x H9’s on their board - you can now make do with 1 x H90! Improvements all-round for sure.


I’m definitely onboard for this journey - it just looks like it’s more likely to happen early next year than particularly imminently - and no doubt there will be availability issues to contend with then too!


They only aspect I’ve not seen any deep details on is the H90 Control App - as to how different / improved that is over the H9 one - which was starting to look a little dated in some places!


Note also the slightly unusual power supply requirement - current draw 1,000mA at 12V [+] - centre positive - which means I would need to further upgrade my power supply infrastructure to accommodate this pedal - meaning an additional Cioks unit - which I would piggy-back off my Cioks 8 unit most likely!


What say all of you - I’m guessing a lot of you are excited by this announcement?


  • Preloaded with 62 effect algorithms:
    • 10 new effect algorithms: Polyphony, Prism Shift, Bouquet Delay, Head Space, Weedwacker, Even-vibe, Wormhole, Instant Flanger, Instant Phaser, and SP2016 Reverb
  • Includes all 52 effect algorithms from the H9 Max Harmonizer with enhanced features and improvements
  • New low-latency Polyphonic Pitch Shifting with SIFT (Spectral Instantaneous Frequency Tracking) technology
  • ARM-based architecture lays the foundation for new and exciting creative effects
  • Use two algorithms at once per Program
  • True spillover between Programs
  • Route effects in series or parallel
  • Instrument or line-level operation
  • Two mono inserts or one stereo insert can be positioned anywhere in the signal chain
  • Dual-mode for processing two independent stereo signals at once
  • Five push-turn knobs for more tactile control
  • Two expression inputs for pedals, up to 3-button auxiliary switches, and CV signals
  • Use H90 Control software to edit Programs, create lists, and update firmware on a Mac or PC
  • Built-in tuner


  • Inputs 1 – 4 : ¼ inch TS mono jack
  • Outputs 1-4 : ¼ inch TS mono jack
  • Exp/Ctl 1-2 : ¼ inch TRS / Expression pedal or Aux Switch
  • USB Type-C : Use USB 2.0 for control, updates, and MIDI
  • MIDI In : Five-pin DIN (Female)
  • MIDI Out/Thru : Five-pin DIN (Female)
  • DC Input Jack : 5.5/2.5mm plug / Center Positive (+)
  • Input Impedance (Inst. Level) : >600k ohms
  • Input Impedance (Line Level) : >80k ohms
  • Output Impedance : 220 ohms
  • Recommended Load Impedance : 10k ohms
  • Maximum Input Level (Inst) : +4dBu
  • Maximum Input Level (Line) : +14dBu
  • Power : 12V DC @ 1A (1000mA) / Center Positive (+), 5.5/2.5mm jack
  • Dimensions : 170 (W) x 136 (D) x 68 (H) mm
  • Weight : 1.85 lbs / 0.84 kg
  • MAP / RRP : $899


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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