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Boost and Overdrive

JAM Pedals Adds Tap Tempo and Divisions to its new MK3 Analog BBD Delay Llama

Analog DelayDelayJAM Pedals
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Don’t  mess with a winning formula is always JAM Pedals’ way - so the MK3 contains every bit the same warm, organic analog BBD delay as it’s predecessor  now just with the added convenience of a second Tap Tempo Footswitch and associated 3-way Divisions selector  - Eighths, Quartesrs and Dotted Eighths.


The BBD chips on duty are the Panasonic MN3205 replicas from CoolAudio - or V3205SD as is their designation - exactly the same as the MK2, as is the maximum 600ms delay time.


The added electronics for the Tap Tempo and second Footswitch result in a very slightly higher current draw - 120ma vs 45ma - otherwise everything is the same - for that same lush experience as before - just with an easier and more dynamic tempo control.


Controls - Level, Delay Time, Repeats, Divisions : Eighths / Quarters / Dotted Eighths, Bypass Footswitch, Tap Tempo / Hold (Oscillation) Footswitch. Upper central Internal Trimmer (Square) set the trails’ fade out time, Lower central Internal Trimmer (Vertical Rectangle) sets Max number of repeats.


This lacks the Modulation of something like an MXR Carbon Copy - but there is little that can match it for beautifully elegant repeats. The revised artwork also give Larry the Llama longer legs - which make the graphic better balanced within the design of the enclosure.


If you’re looking for about the most elegant and easy to deploy Analog Delay around - then surely this is a fine choice. You want more of the funky flavours - you need to upscale to the Delay Llama Supreme. As with all JAM Pedals - this one sounds as good as it looks - at about the right price too all things considered - $259 / €249 / £219. Available right now on the JAM Pedals Webstore and at most of the usual dealers - including Andertons in the UK.


I’m more a tape delay guy really - so this isn’t perfect for me - it also lacks the stereo output I need for my rig. If you’re looking for an elegant and easy to deploy analog delay - this should surely be high on your list. Anyone here a Delay Llama fan?


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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