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Boost and Overdrive

16 Weird and Wonderful Guitar Noise Pedals

Adventure AudioBitcrushing and Lo-FiDelayDigiTechDr ScientistEarthQuaker DevicesEnvelope Filter and Auto WahFlangerFuzzGated and Velcro FuzzGlitchGranular DelayGuitar Synth and SequencerHexe EffectsIron EtherLastgasp Art LaboratoriesMantic EffectsMcSpunckle EffectsModulationMontreal AssemblyOddball DelayOddball FuzzOddball ModulationOscillating FuzzRed Panda LabSubdecay EffectsWMD DevicesZvex+-
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I’m getting really close to finalising the first proper sweep of my pedal chain - just getting to adding the final 2. Of course the Tone Quest never ends, but it can be broken down into distinct phases, and I’m at a point in the first phase - where I have acquired sufficient numbers and sufficient quality to be able to render any type of conventional guitar sound superbly - using all the different levels of overdrive, fuzz and distortion and all the relevant key modulations, delay, reverb, etc.


The next phase will consist of more adventurous exploration along a trajectory of bitcrushing and various extreme signal processing effects. The most fun ones I have come across to date - the videos thereof are listed below. These videos are entirely taken from two YouTube Channels - the most prolific pedal reviewer of all time (as far as I can see) - Dennis Kayzer, and mysterious ’reviews as an artform’ - ’Knobs’. Each of the ’Knobs’ videos is a mini movie masterpiece and if I could I would only consume YouTube videos of this nature - I would love to get the artist involved in something for Affino at some fortuitous juncture in the future.


It must be noted that the vast majority of these pedals are in rare supply - nearly all are hand-built and made in either small batches, or to-order. Median price is around £200, ranging from cheapest at £129 to dearest at $469 - the former (Dirty Robot) is generally available, while the latter price tag is attached to a Fuzz Factory 7 - some examples of which do occasionally pop up in the UK, but typically have to be bespoke ordered direct from ZVex. There are at least a good 5 or so here I would love to get my hands on eventually... guesses on a postcard to the usual address...


Many will find the following sounds somewhat disharmonious, some will question why not leave those types of sounds to a keyboard players or separate noise-boxes. We adventurous guitar players though have a different outlook / take, and those who appreciate the ’Knobs Channel’ should understand a little of where we’re coming from, and how broadly we like to be able to express ourselves.


The guitar FX landscape really is a weird and wonderful place, and these following 16 mini adventures are just a tiny fraction of everything that is available out there - long may the innovation continue!


Pedals in alphabetical order by name:


Bit Commander

Type: Bitcrusher
Manufacturer: EarthQuaker Devices

Available from: £195 - Andertons


BitCrusher III

Type: Bitcrusher
Manufacturer: Hexe Guitar Electronics

Available from: £250 - Occasionally found on Reverb



Type: Bitcrusher

Manufacturer: Dr Scientist

Available from: £229 - Joe's Pedals


Count to Five

Type: Granular Delay Looper
Manufacturer: Montreal Assembly
Available from: $250 - Montreal Assembly (latest batch sold out)


Dirty Robot

Type: Synth Emulator

Manufacturer: DigiTech
Available from: £129 - GuitarGuitar


Dream Reaper

Type: Fuzzy Feedback Modulator

Manufacturer: Adventure Audio
Available from: $225 - Adventure Audio (latest batch sold out)


Flex Pro

Type: Pitch Shifter Modulator

Manufacturer: Mantic Effects
Available from: $350 - Mantic Effects (back order)



Type: Bitcrusher

Manufacturer: Iron Ether
Available from: $235 - Iron Ether - (latest batch sold out)


Fuzz Factory 7

Type: Fuzz Modulator

Manufacturer: ZVex -
Available from: $469 - ZVex - examples occasionally show up in UK - usual suppliers


Geiger Counter

Type: Bitcrusher

Manufacturer: WMD Devices
Available from: £279 - Sounds Great Music



Type: Subharmonic Fuzz Modulator
Manufacturer: LastGasp Art Laboratories
Available from: £143 - Musik Produktiv


Gnomeratron VTF

Type: Extreme Fuzz Modulator

Manufacturer: McSpunckle
Available from: $267 - Etsy (made to order)


Harmonic Antagonizer

Type: Fuzz Modulator

Manufacturer: SubDecay
Available from: £149 - Hot Rox UK



Type: Granular Delay / Pitch Shifter

Manufacturer: Red Panda

Available from: £263 - DV247


Starlight DLX

Type: Extreme Flanger / Envelope Filter

Manufacturer: SubDecay
Available from: £349 - Hot Rox UK



Type: Envelope Filter

Manufacturer: WMD Devices
Available from: £329 - Sounds Great Music

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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