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Boost and Overdrive

2022 October Pedal-Chain Update - Episode X - Another Lost in the Post Edition!

Ambient EffectsAura AmpsBig Muff Style FuzzBlues Breaker Style OverdriveBoostBrown Sound DistortionChorus and VibratoCoffee Shop PedalsDigital ReverbDigiTechDistortionDrunk BeaverEmpress EffectsEnvelope Filter and Auto WahFlangerFrost Giant ElectronicsFuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionHorrothia EffectsKlone and Transparent OverdriveLooperMarshall Style DistortionMetal DistortionMidValleyFXModulationMulti-DriveOctave FuzzOld Blood Noise EndeavorsOverdrivePedal ChainPitchPitch-ShiftingPlate ReverbRack Style ReverbReverbReverb WorkstationReverse ReverbShimmer ReverbSilicon FuzzSolidGoldFXSpacey ReverbSpring ReverbSuper-Fuzz StyleTone InkTubescreamer Style OverdriveUni-Vibe and VibeWalrus Audio+-
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Boy have I had some delivery troubles this month! - with pedals taking an absolute age to materialise - being held up at various junctures - including a now protracted period in customs clearance. In fact one of these took 3 weeks no less to make it through UK customs, and then another week and a half to get to my local delivery office - which is just insane. Hitherto customs clearance has never been more than a handful of days - occasionally you get outliers of a week or two - but it’s happening all too often now. And I’m getting frequent notifications of ’Your Shipment / Delivery has been delayed!’. Sometimes several days in a row. You get a notification saying delivery is happening between 12:00 and 14:00 Today! - but then it is inevitably delayed, delayed again and twice more - and eventually not delivered until two or even three days later! Of course we also have postal strikes in the UK currently to make things even more interesting!


I had intended to do two significant group rundowns this month - including my 32 of the Best Compact Metal Pedals edition - and I started organising all that early September - in the hope all would be in place by the end of this Month. But I still have several pedals not landed yet - which means those features have to be pushed back at least a month. So much for that Halloween theme!


October has also been a tricky month for several of my pedal builder friends - my Ukranians in particular - who in the aftermath of the recent Drone strikes have been without heating, electricity and water for extended periods - just when the temperatures are dropping to uncomfortable levels. So please share a thought for them.


A few of my pedal builder buddies have also been suffering mental health issues this month. These intricate pedal builds can really take a toll on your mental health long-term - so it’s important to take breaks every now and again to allow yourself to get properly reinvigorated and refreshed - so share a thought also for all those who suffer in silence.


I occasionally suffer in silence too - particularly when neglected and overlooked by existing collaborators - I’m not sure how or why - put people seem to Forget about Dre all too often!


Regardless of those various shenanigans there are still a lot of things to be positive about. I’ve gone from having no Brazilian pedals in my collection to now having 3 - courtesy of Aura Amps and Tone Ink. I’ve also at long last landed a long-term target in the guise of the Empress Reverb. And of course I attended the superb Boss 'In The Loop' event at Studio 9294, Hackney Wick - which inspiration now means I have the very pro Boss RC-600 Loop Station to fully get to grips with! I was also planning to do ’Pedal Hero’ articles on the 3 featured artists from that event - but they’re proving somewhat elusive to pin down!


Notably the Boss DS-1W was launched this month - which I predicted in July of last year (Boss Pedal Month)! We also have recent innovations from Muir Audio Design, Kinotone, Acorn Amps, Drunk Beaver, and 29 Pedals - along with the milestone of GPX reaching 5,000 followers on Instagram.


And I currently have 4 Mesa Dual Rectifier capable / style high gain distortions in the chain - Aura Amps Diamond, Goosoniqueworx Kult, MidValleyFX Peaks V3, and Tone Ink Raven. All brilliant, each distinctive and each with its own advantages. There are compelling reasons to own each, and even to own all 4 in fact - like me!


Because of delivery issues - a significant number of pedals did not make the cut-off point - we did though land 26 this month - would obviously have been a record if everything had landed when it was supposed to. Current standing record is 32 pedals in one month (October 2021), while this March came close with 31!


Next week is going to be particularly exiting with killer new pedals being released on 3 subsequent days - by Boss, Empress Effects, and ThorpyFX - I’m really looking forward to share all of those with you.


Here follows the usual rundown of what landed and what ended up in the chain this month!

Acquisitions Update

So 26 pedals is still a very decent haul - even though there were supposed to be a lot more arriving. Of course Distortion was the heavy hitter this month in every way - particularly for High Gain Distortions - and a total of 12 Distortions being added to the collection.


We then had 6 new Fuzzes - including the best of the Walrus Audio 5-State Trifecta - the Eons. 5 Overdrives landed too - all quite superb each in their own way.


And then we had individual Modulation, Reverb, and Looper pedals.


September also had so many new pedals that there was a significant backlog throughout October - and now a lot of pedals arrived at the tail end of this month - including the Blackhawk Uruk-hai, pair of Horrothia pedals, and pair of Victory V1 pedals - all of which will be reviewed throughout the next few weeks. There are of course some embargoed pedals arrived too as usual - awaiting their imminent launch dates.


All in all a very impressive month with some serious pedal-chain long-termers / high-rotation pedal contenders!

5 Overdrives


5 really superb Overdrives added to the collection this month - including the 2 superb new Drunk Beaver ones, the MXR Duke of Tone, Pedal PCB custom Pot & Kettle Snouse BlackBox clone, and Horrothia Discrete JFET Preamp - the latter two of which I have still to publish reviews for :

  • Drunk Beaver Bloom Expandora style Ovedrive, Distortion & Fuzz
  • Drunk Beaver Inglorious Bastard Blues Breaker Overdrive
  • Horrothia Triage Discrete Transistor Pre-Amplifier
  • MXR Duke of Tone Analog.Man Mini Overdrive
  • Pedal PCB Snouse BlackBox 2 Stage Pro White/Gold edition

12 Distortions


Of course October was supposed to be all about my Full Metal Racket Compact Pedal overview - so a great number of these are for that category - including the Aura Amps Diamond, Blackhawk Uruk-hai, Engl Powerball, Hardwire TL-2, Midvalley Peaks V3, Tone Ink Raven and Victory V1 Kraken.


October was also the month that the Aura White Sugar, Boss DS-1W, Drunk Beaver Mykolaiv Grunge, Frost Giant Athos V2, and Victory V1 The Jack landed. Several of those arrived quite late in the month - so I've still to do reviews on the Aura White Sugar, Blackhawk Uruk-hai, and Victory V1 Jack and Kraken - all those will be appearing next month :

  • Aura Amps Diamond Dual Rectifier Distortion
  • Aura Amps White Sugar Plexi + JCM800 MIAB
  • Blackhawk Amps Uruk-hai V5 LM308 High Gain Distortion (Parcelforce!!!)
    Boss DS-1W Distortion
  • Drunk Beaver Mykolaiv Grunge PW-2
  • Engl Powerball EP645 High Gain Distortion
  • Frost Giant Electronics Athos V2 Doom Sludge Distortion
  • Hardwire TL-2 High Gain Distortion
  • MidValleyFX Peaks V3 Heavy High Gain Distortion
  • Tone Ink Raven Brute & High Gain Distortion
  • Victory Amps V1 The Jack Preamp
  • Victory Amps V1 The Kraken Preamp

6 Fuzzes


Once more we have a strong contingent of fuzzes with some really potent and wide-ranging performers here. I actually haven't had an opportunity to road test all - I still have to put the Acorn Kakarot through its paces, while the Coffee Shop Affogato, King Tone miniFUZZ V2, SGFX 76 MKII, SUF Electric Warlord, and Walrus Audio Eons have all been on the board this month.


Winners always stays on - which this time around means the Affogator, miniFUZZ V2 and 76 MKII are pride of place!

  • Acorn Amps Kakarot Hybrid FFuzz (Blue variant!)
  • Coffee Shop Pedals Affogato Programmable Fuzz
  • King Tone Dual V2 miniFUZZ Ge + Si
  • SolidGoldFX 76 MKII Octave Super Fuzz
  • Stomp Under Foot Electric Warlord Velcro Fuzz
  • Walrus Audio Eons 5-State Fuzz



I'm a huge fan of analog modulations and have targeted various effects in sequence - with sizeable capsule collections now for choruses, flangers, phasers and tremolos in particular.


My Uni-Vibe selection is still somewhat fledgling - with only a handful of pedals to date - including the DigiTech Ventura Vibe, JHS Unicorn, DryBell Vibe Machine and I'm also including the Ritual Devices Fay - which also has a superb uni-vibe style voicing. I've targeted a few more to acquire including the Formula B Vintage Vibe - while for a long time the Horrothia Berkeley has been at the top of my list - and it certainly does not disappoint!

  • Horrothia Berkeley 60's Liquid Leslie Vibe

Time Based Effects


The Empress Reverb has been a target for the longest time - especially since I acquired the superb EchoSystem many years ago and determined that was best in class. I was hoping that the Empress Reverb might be revised at some stage in the future to include the dual channel / parallel processing of its EchoSystem sibling - it was supposedly considered at one stage but is no longer on the cards. Of all the Reverb Worksations the Empress Reverb has by far and away my favourite mix of algorithms - with no less than 32 varieties onboard. Since there was not going to be a V2 - it was about time I got with the program! :

  • Empress Effects Reverb Workstation



I mentioned in the intro how much I was captivated and inspired by Boss's 'In The Loop' event - to the extent that I now have a major journey ahead of me with Boss's flagship pro floor-based Loop Station - the RC-600. The Artists featured at the event were all superb - Claudio Passavanti (Doctor Mix), Jo Quail, and Chris Woods - the last of which mentioned is now a firm friend. I'm more 'acquainted' with Claudio at the moment - he made some positive statements at the time - but has not responded to correspondence. And I've yet to make proper contact with Jo Quail.


My mission is to fully get to grips with pro-looping using multiply inputs - meaning I need to hunt down various 'accessories' and other instruments, including a dynamic microphone, Kalimba, Kala U-Bass Ukelele, and various percussion instruments and implements - where I might end up with some sort of drum pad system too.


I've been more of a casual looper up until now - while I will for sure be doing more effects-laden atmospheric soundscapes - building sci-fi style pads and phrases in layers - much like the best Detroit techno tracks. I've even set Chris Woods the challenge of doing his own take on seminal DJ Rolando's Aztec Mystics Knights of the Jaguar. Chris has tracks in his repertoire which are somewhat similar structurally - and I feel he could do a brilliant version of his own.


I will be starting from some more basic principles - the goals are pretty clear though :

  • Boss RC-600 Loop Station

October Infinite Wishlist Additions!

I've picked up a number of pedals along the way and thoughout October - including Ola Englund's new one right at the end - but there's always new and interesting ones on the horizon - and like I keep saying no one can get them all - not even Josh Scott!


Some of the following are higher priority targets, others as usual I will try to negotiate a discount on or bide my time until a sale or discounted one becomes available.


7 pedals were added to the Infinite Wishlist in October :

  • 29 Pedals FLWR Gain-Staging Overdrive
  • Black Mass Electronics Kill Chain One-knob Fuzz
  • Kinatone Ribbons Tape / Multi-FX
  • KSR Amps Vesta 3-Channel High Gain Preamp
  • Missing Link Audio AC/OD
  • Muir Audio Design Morphtone EQ
  • Pladask Elektrisk Falma V2 Random Modulator (new version forthcoming)

October Pedal-Chain Status


17 Slots changed in October - #2, #4, #5, #10, #11, #12, #15a, #15b, #19, #20, #21, #23, #24, #27, #30, #32, #40.


A number of these saw several pedals in rotation, and the final snapshot is always who the eventual winners were - winner stays on as I like to quote. It's not always the case of one pedal being necessarily better than the other - it often also just inspired a certain something in me which made me want to explore it further. Certain pedals have hidden depths which take a while to uncover - while many pedals are quite instant really - and even though they have a wide variety of outputs they don't always inspire further long-term explorations.


Sometimes it's to do with mood or timing or other factors - a good example of this for October was the King Tone miniFUZZ V2 - which was on slot #5 for a long time - but where I had more fun with the the SGFX 76 MKII overall - so that one stayed / extended its rotation.


Often there are various themes for the month - and certain pedal types and genres take priority - and October / Halloween was supposed to be all about High Gain - but not everything materialised as planned - so some went on the board - and other will go on next month - while still more are yet to land!


In any case these are this month's runners and riders :

Slot #02 : Octaver / Pitch-Shifter / Harmonizer / Modulator / Bitcrusher / Utility


I can't go too long before bringing my perennial favourite DigiTech Whammy Ricochet Pitch-Shifter back into the mix. I use it 99.9% of the time for that Tom Morello sweep-up / sweep-down effect - but sometimes simple is best - and this pedal does this one task perfectly!

Slot #04 : Envelope Filter / Auto-Wah / Fixed Wah / WAH


This was a tough one for me as I still really love the Beetronics Zzombee Filtremulator - and haven't really finished exploring that. While I also have the Old Blood Noise Endeavors Float Dual Moving Parallel Stereo Filter just sitting there! Another amazing pedal which I've only just scratched the surface with so far. I worried that it would be tricky to accommodate - but managed to slot it in fine. In fact all my many pedal changes recently have been pretty smooth running!

Slot #05 : Germanium / Sensitive Fuzz


Two fuzzes in the main were vying for this slot during October - the King Tone V2 miniFUZZ and SolidGoldFX's 76 MKII Octave Fuzz. Both are superb - and the V2 miniFUZZ is about as good and versatile a Fuzz Face as you can get. But I still prefer the 76 MKII - which was already one of my favourite fuzzes in its previous edition, and is even better now.

SLOT #10 : Mid Gain / Dynamic / Blues Breaker / Harmonic Overdrive / JTM45 / Screamer


I actually really like Walrus Audio's 5-State series and all 3 pedals in the series are worthy. I have the Eons Fuzz as the MVP, then this Ages Overdrive, and finally the Eras Distortion - which I feel would have really benefitted from a Mid / 3d-Band EQ. While all actually sound really decent. And with those 6 controls each has a very significant amount of versatility and different tones onboard - where the Eons definitely stretches into the most directions - but the Ages is pretty handy too - covering of Tube Screamer and Klon duties and extending into sort of Dumble and other mid-gain delights. While the lack of a Mids control on the Eras definitely limits the prowess of that pedal - and particularly if you're going for vague Marshall adjacent tones - where chewy mids are essential!

Slot #11 : Mid Gain / Blues Driver


I quite like the Eras - but it's far from the most versatile distortion I own - leaning more into vintage styles of distortion  without what I feel is an essential tone control for distortion pedals - the mid range. Typically vintage style distortions are slightly bass-heavy and scooped, while modern styles are much more mid-forward and punchy - tight even! As I say the Eras is decent, but not quite the all-rounder distortion I would like it to be - I have a lot of other more versatile and more extended distortions than this. I supposed it does what it was intended to do - string more in the vintage distortion camp - but I feel it would have been better for me with a mids control in place of the Blend knob!

Slot #12 : Mid Gain / Dumble / Expandora / Fuzzy-Drive / Mostortion / OCD / TrainWreck


And so to the best of the bunch - the Eons Five-State Fuzz - which is supposedly based on a Ram's Head Muff deep in its core - but with the different clipping options and volts / starve control in particular you can really get the most massive range of different styles of fuzz - pretty much touching on all the key classic varieties. I really like that the top middle control is volts - I could probably have done with an external bias control too to tweak the character further - but this pedal is pretty much perfect as is and is one of the most versatile fuzz pedals out there - just uniformly brilliant. Funnily I have two of the most versatile Fuzzes on the board at the same time - this and of course the Coffe Shop Pedals Affogato which is also superb.

Slot #15 (a) : Main Multi-Drive - Oversize


The new Drunk Beaver Inglorious Bastard V3 Blues Breaker style Overdrive is one of the most glorious sounding of that genre. Has a phenomenal rare NOS Toshiba opamp onboard and is beautifully textured. warm and bluesy every  which way. Definitely one of my very favourite takes on the Blues Breaker.

Slot #15 (b) : Custom extended slot


The other killer half of the pair of new mainline Drunk Beaver pedals most recently landed - this V2 of the Bloom expanded range take on the Expandora is another fantastic evolution of the format. It sounds even warmer and more expansive than the original. All 4 Modes sound superb - and the LED options beautifully extends the range and output - probably my favourite of that genre now.

Slot #19 : Multi-Fuzz / Fuzzy-Drive


It's cool that I have two of the most versatile Fuzzes on the board at the same time - this and the Walrus Audio Eons - both have a hugely extended range through their extended tone-shaping topology. The Coffee Shop Pedals Affogato Programmable 3-Band EQ Fuzz is one of those rare fuzzes that have full 3-band EQ - and there is plenty of range on each of the dials - much like on the Eons - so you're never short of Volume or Gain, but can set the pedal anywhere up or down that scale. The added advantage of the Affogato is that you can then save 3 of those sweet-spots as presets. Both are kind of Big Muff adjacent but go well beyond the one genre.

Slot #20 : Silicon & OpAmp Fuzz / Big Muff / Octave Fuzz / Oscillating Fuzz / High Gain Fuzz / PLL / Rat 2


The two Horrothia pedals - this Triage Discrete JFET Preamp / Overdrive and the Berkeley Late 60's Liquid Leslie Vibe - are just freshly arrived really and are bedding in nicely - expect full reviews of those very soon. The Triage sounds particularly great with the extended headroom of 18V input. A very warm, expressive and dynamic pedal with a handy mid-hump switch to get you into rough TS808 / Klon territory - while I mostly prefer it in its full frequency mode. Plenty of range onboard from an elegant low gain to a nicely crunchy mid gain. Full review coming veyr soon as mentioned!

Slot #21 : High Gain Fuzz 1 / Fuzzstortion


First to land of the new high gain pedals was the Frost Giant Electronics Athos V2 Sacred Sustaining Device Doom Sludge Distortion - which sits right on the crossover of distortion and fuzzstortion for some lovely doomy sludge flavours - but slightly more mid-focused than my similar Blackhawk Amps pedals. It's a decent sounding proper high gain distortion with really great breakup texture.

Slot #23 : Brown Sound / EVH / JCM800 / Liquid Distortion


One of the later arrivals this month after some unusual delivery delays - this was recommended to me by a reader a good couple of months ago - when I first ordered it. It was purported to be the most authentic of the various MESA/Boogie Dual Rectifier Preamps and it indeed does a superb job of matching the output and feel of those heavyweight amps. The inclusion of 3 different Rectifier types onboard is very unique and unusual - and really allows you to explore that format to the ultimate degree. It's the first of 4 pedals in the chain which are wholly or in part inspired by those legendary High Gain Distortion Amps.

Slot #24 : High Gain Fuzz 2 / Modern Metal 1 / Mid-Pushed High Gain


Another monster high gain pedal inspired by the MESA/Boogie Dual Rectifier - this MidValleyFX Peaks V3 has been somewhat tuned up for a meaner and punchier output - it delivers less of a grind than the Aura Diamond but is every bit as good in its own way. Purists will probably say that the Diamond is more authentic sounding, while the Peaks generates an equally distinctive soundstage which is a little more modern in its profile - more articulate, punchier and more open-pored as I like to describe it. 

Slot #27 : Modern Metal 4 / High Gain Metal 3 / Extreme Saturating Distortion / Rectifier / Diezel / Orange


The Tone Ink Raven Brute & High Gain Distortion also has a Dual Rectifier voicing onboard - but it's just one of three Modes alongside the Bogner Ecstasy Red and Peavey 5150. This one really turns on the sizzle on 18V power and is capable of some truly brutal tones across the range. What you have here is a proper triple threat - with 3-band EQ, 3 great voicings and 2 really clever triple EQ / Character switches. I was hugely impressed by this one!

Slot #30 : Analog Phaser / Rotary / Uni-Vibe


One superb Vibe replacing another prime contender - as the Horrothia Berkeley Late 60's Liquid Leslie Vibe takes over the slot from the Ritual Devices Fay. Just a pure throbby delight - everything that Tom Oakes turns his hand to has a magic tasteful elegance about it. I have this down as his flagship pedal - everything here is just perfect formed - including the placement of controls, font choices and spacing. It's the perfect Horrothia pedal and fully embodies every high quality facet of that brand. Full review coming very soon!

Slot #32 : Analog Flanger (typically)


The DigiTech Nautila Stereo Chorus / Flanger has actually been a long-term target of mine - and I finally picked it up last month as part of my Flanger roundup then. There are still a few more flangers to come over the next few months - so I will probably carry the main overview article into next year when all those have landed. In the meantime I acquired the Nautial mostly for its superb Flanger voicing - which is really quite distinct - albeit digital vs my usual analog choices - it does have beautiful stereo separation though - and sounds really great.

Slot #40 : Stereo Reverb Workstation 1 / Studio Reverb


Another long-term target finally came to fruition with my acquisition of the best Reverb Workstation for my preferences - where the 32 algorithms aboard the Empress Reverb are my absolute favourite mix - and include Lo-Fi and Reverse varieties. I was kind of holding out for a possible updated version of the Reverb with all the dual-channel / parallel processing that the EchoSystem has. While I finally managed to arrange a conversation with Steve Bragg who confirmed that such was not on the cards and therefore I should really get it now. I've long said that the EchoSystem is my favourite Delay Workstation of all time - I'm still fully trying to get to grips with the Meris LVX - which is not quite as immediate and hands on for my as the Empress workstations. I still have a way to go to get to grips with both these new additions and there will be full review once I have uncovered all the delicate nuances of each!

Final Thoughts


The last couple of months have been incredibly hectic for me - and I'm somewhat suffering the burn a little - with a significant backlog of reviews to get done - and with a whole slew of pedals already in transit for November.


I'm hoping hat November slows down a touch - I'm certainly not rushing to get any pedals in for a specifc roundup article. I still need the remaining pedals for the two intended roundup articles for October to land - which surely should happen in November - but you actually never know for sure as certain pedals seem to get waylaid for long periods. I have several backups now in any case so I will have more than enough to do my 32 pedal roundup - anyone who fails to meet the cut-off point will simple be overlooked. Commitments have been made although not necessarily kept in the spirt intended - so I apologise that those two articles failed to materialise as promise. I'm often sidelined by the pedal gods as some essential component fails to turn up in a timely fashion - which usually involves further postponement or very occasional total abandonment.


In any case I'm always hopeful of better and brighter days ahead and the first week in November should be killer - with string releases from Boss, Empress and ThorpyFX on subsequent days. I still need to write up the new DryBell Module 4 Orange Squeezer style Compressor, and I've yet to decide if I do my Ola Englund / Solar Guitars Chug feature once I receive my pedal - or in advance. The existing pictures aren't really right for my house style - so most likely later - and for sure that pedal will feature in the Full Metal Racket Rundown.


I'm always interested to know what you've been up to - what you've liked the look of and what' you've added or are planing to get. Do let me know if you feel I've overlooked something of significance I pretty much get introduced to a new brand every other day - and there are so many pedal builder brands out there nowadays - especially since the onset of Covid - that it's impossible to keep up.


I'm still very selective in what I feature on GPX and I try to only recommend the very best to you - but it's for sure a struggle to keep up with everything some days!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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