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Boost and Overdrive

Brian Wampler builds his ultimate Klon - the Germanium Tumnus Deluxe

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Brian’s Tumnus has always been a rather unique Klone - with that extra low end heft to its frequency profile. While until the recent Germanium Mini - the Diodes of choice were not those legendary USA-made crystal 1N34A’s that Bill Finnegan chose from the start. I’m assuming rather they were Silicon, most likely some variety of Schottky.


In any case, a brief while ago Brian managed to get his hands on a secret stash of those legendary Diodes - where first he rolled out a series of Mini Tumni - while now it’s the time of the more granular compact Deluxe Edition.


I’ve of course long since had the two sizes of standard Tumnus in my reference collection. While I’m so loyal to Decibelics on the Golden Horse front - that I did not get the Mini Germanium Tumnus. While I really wanted the compact edition - and spent circa 9 hours yesterday in multiple attempts trying to acquire one!


Controls - Bass, Mids, Treble, Volume, Voicing : Norm / Hot, Gain, Buffer push button on side.


I doubt these will be available for long, while orders are still open on the Wampler Webstore as I'm writing this up. Where this Germanium Tumnus Deluxe goes for £309.97 currently - we members paid a little less on Wednesday.

UPDATE - all supposed 2,500 units were sold shortly after I completed this write-up last night - Brian says that inevitably there will be some cancellations - so there is a slim hope that a few still remain in that way!


Yesterday Wampler members like myself received an email at 14:05 BST time - where the Wampler website then proceeded to crash at various points over the day - sometimes not even giving access to the site - lost of 504 errors. At one stage you were being asked to enter a server admin password - and at all times the Cloudflare system was reacting abysmally. I think I must have made 50 attempts - where I had to key in my details again - while there were glitches at every turn - whether selecting shipping, payment method etc. And the site just continued to crash over and over again - it seems something of a fluke then that I was able to make an order at circa 23:30 BST time - with confirmation receipts and all - while I'm aware of many that had even more complicated issues than me.


I'm somewhat badly down with covid at the moment - and I feel I may have entered some wrong details along the way - particularly for the phone number! Fingers crossed that it all goes smoothly in any case, not sure exactly when these are shipping - while this will definitely be an August pedal for me!


The Wampler Tumnus has a fairly unique frequency profile - and therefore if you're into Klons - it's definitely worth getting in. Nice to have the original Diodes onboard now!


I will report more on said pedal when it lands!


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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