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Boost and Overdrive

Brian Wampler briefly revives two of his discontinued Classics - the Black '65 Vintage Overdrive and Tweed '57 Original Tone - only circa 200 of each available

BoostBoost and OverdriveOverdriveTweed Style OverdriveWampler+-
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I had both of these pedals on my wishlist back in the day, but never quite got around to getting either. If I still wanted them - now would be the prime time to real them in. The Black ’65 presumably the ’65 Deluxe Reverb, while it could also be a mix of that, the Princeton and Super Reverb - the details aren’t clear on that point. The ’57 Tweed is most likely a Custom Deluxe, but could also be a Custom Champ or a mix of both. Essentially you’re getting two of the most iconic Fender Amp flavours.


I’m not as keen on the Blackface variants - my Boss FDR-1 will have to do for that. While as I have the Tubesteader Egg Nog - a tube-based Tweed preamp - with 3-band EQ and boost, I no longer feel I need to add the ’57 Tweed. Meaning these both qualify really as nice-to-haves for me. If I was more flush with cash I would probably snap them up, but as I’m in the process of building up income from scratch - there’s not really enough scratch to cover that at this time - and I would expect these to sell out relatively quickly as only a couple hundred or so of each will be made.


They can both only be acquired via the Wampler Pedals Webstore - where both are going for the typical Wampler Overdrive price of $199.97.


Black '65 Vintage Overdrive - $199.97


Controls - Bass, Middle, Treble, Volume, Boost : Off / On, Gain.


As mentioned in the intro - most likely a take on the Fender Deluxe Reverb - or possibly an aggregation of that period's blackface amps. I'm generally a huge fan of Brian Wampler's output and have even given him the 'King of Drive' moniker in the past.


At one stage this was on my wishlist as a maybe-maybe - but other priorities pushed it aside. It's not particularly a variety I favour these days. While if I was flush with cash - I may just have picked up the pair for sentimental reasons. A decent take on those Fender amps - obviously all-analog vs Boss's CMOS style FDR-1 pedal - while that did come with a Reverb algorithm too!


Definitely nice to have - while the window of opportunity on this occasion is rather small - just 200 or so of these being made - which should mean they snapped up fairly quickly.

Tweed '57 Original Tone - $199.97


Controls - Bass, Middle, Treble, Volume, Input : Normal / Bright / Linked (Both), Gain.


I'm a fan of the Tweed format - and this was on the wishlist for the longest time - alongside Wampler's SLOstortion also - while in more recent times - there have been preferable varieties of those pedals - at least for my preferences. The actual Soldano SLO-100, and the recent Tubesteader Tweed-style Egg Nog Tube Preamp with Boost.


Again - were I flush with cash - I would probably have grabbed at least the Tweed '57 here - it was one that was on the wishlist for quite a number of years. But it is really very much a 'nice-to-have' candidate - and money's a little tight at the moment.


Both of these are pretty decent - but there is plenty of competition out there nowadays, I still think these will get snapped up quick enough.

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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