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Boost and Overdrive

Former pedal sceptic Paul Reed Smith surprisingly launches own range of PRS Pedals

BoostBoost and OverdriveCompressorFlangerKlone and Transparent OverdriveModulationOverdrivePaul Reed SmithPRSUtility+-
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In a somewhat odd turnaround of events - one Paul Reed Smith - who’s trash-talked the very existence and purpose of pedals every which way for years - including “I don’t like pedals, they remove the interaction of the sound between the guitar and the amp” and words to that effect ...


Said self same serial pedal-basher is now eschewing the delights and benefits of the very format he spoke against so frequently. Some might suspect a little mercenary cynicism at play. In fact so negatively has he portrayed ’Pedals’ throughout the years that he constantly has to refer to his own as rather being ’Professional Studio Gear’ as if no one else has made hi-fidelity studio quality pedals before. In fact a little like the British right-wing press that have so denigrated the word ’Immigrant’ that they have to refer to their own Immigrant population abroad as ’Expats’ to avoid stigma!


And Paul then preaches from his pulpit as if we mere mortals had never encountered pedals before - trying to make it sound that only his pedals are imbued with that special studio magic that you cannot find anywhere else. Apparently he’s tried every kind of compressor and they’re pretty much all rubbish apart from his own 2-knob job ’Mary Cries’.


I’ve always felt that Paul addresses the audience in something of the manner of a High School Teacher or Head of Faculty - talking down to supposedly naive and semi-ignorant freshmen. He seemingly addresses us as if we’re all novices. And apart from mentioning the special Germanium Diodes that go into his Horsemeat Transparent Overdrive - he doesn’t really focus on the specificity or nature of the parts - in stark contrast to his highly descriptive break-downs of every single part of one of his guitars. He says at one stage that his pedals use the highest quality THT components and pretty much leaves it at that. 


I don’t doubt these are very well made pedals - and they’re actually very reasonably priced - with the ’Mary Cries’ Optical Compressor at $219, the ’Horsemeat Transparent Overdrive’ at $249, and the Dual Analog ’Wind Through the Trees Flanger’ at $349.


He goes out of his way to say that his Horesemeat Drive is not a Klon Clone, but it is still a Klon killer! So not an identifiable derivative of a Klon - but certainly inspired by one, and Klon-adjacent for sure. In fact I personally would classify it as a Klon type - you don’t have to copy a circuit exactly to not be in the exact same ballpark. In any case it’s the overdrive of all of these which is the most interesting here for me. I really see it as a 3-Band EQ pseudo Klon Clone - where Voice is actually Upper-Mids control!


There is a plethora of superb Studio Style Compressors out there - and while I admit that this one sounds pretty great - saying that it’s better than anything else out there without proper comparative in-context evidence is all a little fatuous really. There are numerous more refined Studio Style Compressors in significantly more compact enclosures - albeit the price-point here is very good, and the Mary Cries makes for a formidable Clean Boost too.


As for the ’Wind Through the Trees’ Dual Analog Flanger - that’s just too big really to be practical - and for sure it should have had two sets of ins and outs so you could separate each Flanger onto a separate Stereo Channel and do various clever cable routings - that seems a missed opportunity to me. If I want to deploy multiple Analog Flangers simultaneously I can run two or 3 of my superb PastFX Flangers together - with even more granularity and variability. The Flanger sounds great for sure though and has some properly neat functionality - but it’s too large for most to be a properly successful and practical proposition.


I actually really like the graphics here - which look like fairly random and abstract topographical contours or ley-lines - while they’re actually the outline contours of some of the PRS Bird Symbols - possibly just different aspects of the main one featured above in the Yellow overlay logo - really cool in any case - and it looks like those lines are properly laser-engraved into the enclosure - but that may just be an optical illusion! The names here are very good too - while ’Horsemeat’ is slightly arrogant in how it’s being used - a nice humorous bent to all of these though - and as distinctive as the trade dress styling here.


I’m not sure this selection has everything it needs to be a runaway success - while I feel that the Compressor and Overdrive will probably do quite well - they’re still mostly within practical means with their vertical BB-size enclosures and top-mounted jacks - they’re both ’nice-to-haves’ for me - while I’ve still to definitively decide if and when these go in on the wishlist. All in all a pretty decent stab as a first attempt actually.


Here follow the usual individual details :


Mary Cries Analog LA-2A style Optical Compressor - $219 / £229


Controls - Output Gain, Compression (Degree of).


A great sounding pretty clear and transparent compressor that enhances all the appropriate parts. Beautifully simple and elegant - while I question why this could not fit into a compact enclosure. Works really well as a a clean boost too with the Compression dialled right back. All in all a decent proposition - while there are a tonne of equally if not more impressive compact enclosure compressors. The $219 price tag does make it appealing though.

Horsemeat Transparent Overdrive with 3-Band EQ - $249 / £279


Controls - Gain, Level, Voice (High-Mids), Treble, Bass.


And the most interesting pedal in this selection for me is Paul's 'Not-a-Clone' but Klon/Clone-Killer! So while it doesn't copy that one's circuit exactly - it is still very much in that ballpark - with hard-clipping and special vintage Germanium Diodes used in a similar vein. Sounds lovely though and extends the range of output with its 3-Band EQ. While again unlike PRS Guitars - we don't get many details here on what the EQ's are cutting or boosting - if some of them are active, or if they're all passive. Regardless of all that - still far and away the most appealing pedal here - this will surely be the most successful among these! I feel this is definitely going to end up on the wishlist!

Wind Through The Trees Dual Analog Flanger - $349 / £379


Controls - LFO 1 } Manual, Depth, Rate, LFO 2 } Manual, Depth, Rate, Mix : LFO 1 / LFO 2, Regen, Added Highs, Dry/Wet.


A suitably impressive whooshy Flanger - where the mixing of two separate Flangers is actually really cool. But we're none the wiser as to the topology and genre here - is this another Electric Mistress at its heart - or something else. Conceptually I quit like this pedal - and it would be killer if it inhabited a vertical BB-size enclosure. But it is a pretty large pedal with a significant footprint. Flanger is typically something of an acquired taste for the average pedal fan - and the expansive dimensions of this one make it very much a minority sport. Would be could to see if they can distil that and shrink it in future editions - while as it is it's too large to be practical in most pedalboard rigs.

Final Thoughts


There's actually much to like here - and all-in-all these 3 are very decent for a first attempt. They certainly look the part and seem to have been well thought out. I'm not sure how well the large format dual flanger is going to do - but I feel the other two will do fine - most likely the overdrive in particular.


It's funny that in stark contrast to Victory's pedal forays - which are based on its own key amp models - PRS however - which has several amps - chooses rather to go with a Klon-adjacent pedal versus an Archon Preamp Pedal, HDRX or MT15 Preamp even. Does this mean that PRS doesn't fully cherish and value its own amps, or is it part of Paul's pedal phobia - where there are just a handful of pedal types that he believes are suitable propositions!


PRS have done a great job at making something so on-brand and distinct. These certainly look individualistic and I don't really associate them with any other brand trade dress - the aesthetics aspect is definitely a success as is the naming here mostly.


I would be interested to hear from the pedal community as to how you receive these - and whether you're interested in acquiring any of these. Also what do you think / feel about Pauls's about-turn on pedals! Is it purely an opportunistic and disingenuous money-grab or something else!


Answers in the comments below as usual please!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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