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Boost and Overdrive

Meeting EarthQuaker Devices' Pedal Power Couple - Jamie and Julie at GuitarGuitar 20th Anniversary Camden in-store Event

Audio Distribution GroupBig Muff Style FuzzBoostBoost and OverdriveDistortionDriveEarthQuaker DevicesFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionGated and Velcro FuzzGermanium FuzzGuitarGuitarModulationOctave FuzzOpAmp FuzzOverdriveRat Style FuzzTone Bender Style FuzzTubescreamer Style OverdriveUni-Vibe and Vibe+-
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So I attended a GuitarGuitar Camden 20th Anniversary EarthQuaker Devices Showcase Event last Tuesday the 24th! The guests of honour obviously being Pedal Power Couple - Husband and Wife team Jamie Stillman and Julie Robbins. This was actually only their second visit to the UK - the first being another whistle-stop tour in 2018 or thereabouts. This time around they were being chaperoned around by good friend of ours Tom Bodfish from Northern Europe EQD Distributor - Audio Distribution Group.


Jamie, Julie and Tom had already hot-footed it along through parts of France, The Low Countries, and Scandinavia - and just arrived at Heathrow from Copenhagen at 11 o’clock on the morning of the event. They arrived in Camden just a little before 3 o’c, ahead of the 3:30 start, and were due to be heading off to Brighton that same evening where they had an event the following morning at the GAK Store. And then on the evening of that day they were due to see their friend Oliver Ackerman’s band ’A Place to Bury Strangers’ at No#90, Hackney Wick - the next-door venue to the recent London Synth and Pedal Expo, and the Boss In The Loop event before that! Oliver Ackerman obviously also the Founder / Head Honcho of Death By Audio!


The main reason for an EQD mini tour of Europe was the Mannheim Guitar Summit running from the 27-29th of this month. After the Summit they will be chaperoned to a few more European EQD dealer destinations by Filling Distribution - which covers central and southern Europe for EQD.


It was lovely to meet Jamie and Julie for the first time - and I had a pretty decent chat with both of them across the 3 hours they were at the store - though they were a little fatigued at the time understandably - but still very buoyant and personable - I've no idea how I came across to them - I can be a little much for some!


I think we got along pretty well - and there was no way I was going to miss this opportunity to connect with such a great pedal brand. I tasked them with naming their 10 favourite EarthQuaker pedals of all time - but that task proved to be too big an ask on the day - and I will give them a week or two once they're settled back in Akron, Ohio - before I chase them up on that again - they will certainly have had plenty of time to consider their options!


In the meantime - and per the bottom strip of the top and below visual, I've selected my own 10 EQD pedals in fact - that's actually all I own of that brand to-date. Hopefully there will be a lot more with some collaboration opportunities following this famous meet-up! In the hands of fate and destiny to a big degree - and I'll see if they still remember me after their whirlwind tour of Europe. I did encourage them to make a tour shirt to commemorate the occasion!


In any case - I picked up my 10th EQD pedal at the event - the Zoar Discrete Transistor Distortion - which I had been intending to get for a while. I was always going to get a souvenir to mark the occasion - and the 10% discount offered on the day was just a nice bonus!


There was a significant flurry of activity around 2020 for me - when I did a series of EQD articles on the site, and following on from that period there have been roughly a couple of additions each year - while I have a number of further acquisition earmarked already.


At the event, Jamie mostly showcased his recent 3-Mode / 4-Knob / 6-Preset Pedals Series - which I'm calling the 346 Series (3M-4K-6P)! That started with the Aurelius Chorus/Rotary in April of 2023, followed up by the Ledges Reverb, then Spatial Delivery V3, Time Shadows II, and most recently the Silos DAT Delay (Digital-Analog-Tape). Jamie's obviously a huge fan of Reverbs and Pitch-Shifters in particular - with significant time spent on the Aurelius, Time Shadows II, and the Astral Density - a little bit on the Afterneath too.


Jamie also spoke of how his Artist Collaborations came about - particular the Sunn O))) Life Pedal, and Boris! (Wata) Hizumitas Fuzz Sustainar - and how he will only collaborate with musicians whose music he loves and respects. There's another intriguing Overdrive+Fuzz Artist Collaboration coming down the line very soon - which he dropped some serious hints for - I can certainly say that this band is somewhat idolised!


There was a decent Q&A session at the end, with a fairly compact and bijoux crowd - but probably as many as you might expect to gather on a somewhat grey Tuesday afternoon with the threat of rain ever present in the air! Some decent questions asked and fielded for sure - and Julie even gifted me a cool EQD pennant at the en - which I need to figure out where to hang!


Special thanks to Tom at ADG, and the staff at GuitarGuitar Camden for organising the event so well - including store boss Alexandra, and key staffers Dan and Adam - who were all very helpful on the day!

My own 10 EarthQuaker Devices to-date!


So these are my 10 EQD pedals to-date, alongside the rough dates I acquired them on and roughly for how much - all transactions recorded in £ on this occasion as mostly through UK dealers - while increasingly there seems to be something of a $|£ parity in pedal pricing nowadays - with a circa £10 float each way! Meaning you should be able to easily extrapolate to your own local currency! :

  • Black Ash Tone Bender MKIII Fuzz : January 2020 - £224 [via]
  • Sunn O))) Life Pedal V2 LM308 Rat Octave Distortion - £289 [via]
  • Dream Crusher AC125 Germanium Fuzz Face with custom Bias Knob Mod : February 2020 - £126 [via]
  • Hoof Hybrid Germanium Green Russian Muff Fuzz : February 2020 - £130 [via]
  • Bellows Fuzzy Drive : February 2020 - £129 [via]
  • Special Cranker Overdrive : May 2022 - £119 [va]
  • Hizumitas Crushing Fuzz Sustainar : November 2022 - £159 [via]
  • White Light Hard Clipping Overdrive Reissue : March 2023 - £120 [via]
  • The Depths Analog Optical Vibe Machine : August 2023 - £209 [via]
  • Zoar Dynamic Audio Grinder Discrete Distortion : September 2024 - £116 : 10% off at EQD GuitarGuitar Camden Event

That's really only the start for me - where there are a number of fuzzes in particular I still need to snag - many of those long-since discontinued by now. I definitely need to complete the capsule collection indicated by the following below visual - that I first posted in February of 2020 - it's largely about getting those discounted editions in as pristine a condition as possible - and for the right sort of price - which involves a waiting game of considerable stoicism and enduring patience and then being able to pounce at a split-second moment's notice when the right opportunity finally appears!


Here follows my next 10 - or 10 More EQD's still on the imminent Acquisitions List (alphabetical) :

  • Acapulco Gold Power Amp Distortion
  • Blumes Low Signal Shredder (A Dirtier / Gainier / Bassier Plumes!)
  • Dirt Transmitter Fuzz Driver V2 Compact Edition [discontinued]
  • Erupter Ultimate Fuzz Tone (special colour) [discontinued]
  • Fuzz Master General Octave Fuzz Blaster [discontinued]
  • Park Fuzz Sound Vintage Germanium Fuzz Tone
  • Rainbow Machine Polyphonic Pitch Shifter
  • The Talons High Gain Overdrive [discontinued]
  • Terminal Destructive Fuzz Device (Companion Fuzz) [discontinued]
  • Time Shadows II Subharmonic Multi-Delay Resonator

For the demo I particularly liked the sound of the Aurelius, Time Shadows and Astral Destiny. While I really want the Aurelius to be in Stereo - for a properly immersive Rotary output - Jamie has done such a good voicing on that. The Astral Destiny is also alas only mono - where the last 3rd of my chain is stereo - and I only really have need for stereo delays and reverbs and other similarly spatial and immersive effects suitably for that part of the chain.


I would no doubt have snapped up the Afterneath and Astral Destiny had they been stereo. Jamie said that generally stereo reverbs weren't that much more work than the mono variteties - so let's have some VX stereo variants of those pedals then - for us more immersive types!


I generally tend to lean more into gain pedals - and fuzz pedals in particular - my '12 Degrees of Saturation' methodology is what I'm best known for to-date. I also like interesting, atmospheric and fully immersive stereo effects, and a variety of modulations - I already have more than 1300 pedals, and storing all those is already an issue - so I have to be fairly circumspect on what I'm adding and why - although I seem to have limitless capacity for fuzzes!


Here then follow the individual details on my 10 EarthQuaker Devices to date - including how and why I acquired them! Listed in rough alphabetical order like the main visual - while the above listing is by rough acquisition date!


Actually before that - there is also this best of EQD visual I did back in 2020 - while it would look quite different if I did it again today - it still contains a number of my ongoing targets - so make sense to include it here also!


Black Ash Endangered Fuzz Tone Bender MKIII Fuzz : January 2020 - £224 [via]


Controls - Fuzz/Gain, Top (2kHz-10kHz), Level


Fantastic authentic but enhanced take on the Colorsound Tone Bender MKIII - made with primo THT components inlacing rare NOS parts - sounds fantastic, and is beautifully put together!

Sunn O))) Life Pedal V2 LM308 Rat Octave Distortion - £289 [via]


Controls - Magnitude (Volume), Filter (Treble-Cut) and Distortion (Gain), Amplitude (Octave Volume), Octave (Blend/Depth of Octave), Clip :  OpAmp (no diodes) / Asymmetrical 2 x Silicon + 1 x LED diode / Dual silicon diodes to the right. The core Distortion side is activated by the left-hand Magnitude footswitch, and the Octave side by the right-hand Amplitude footswitch.


I loved the sound and look of the very first edition - but it was too large for me, and not at al pedalboard-friendly really - the V2 really was the perfect format. I'm a huge Rat fan as is, and a Rat + Octave + Boost takes an already great sound and makes it even more magnificent. I have several different takes on the Life Pedal now - but will always have warming feelings for this V2 edition - which was the first of that kind for me!

Dream Crusher AC125 Germanium Fuzz Face with Custom External Bias Knob Mod : February 2020 - £126 [via]


Controls - Fuzz, Level, Bias (Custom).


I'm not sure I was specifically looking for a Dream Crusher at the time - I think I was actually rather trying to hunt down a V2 Dirt Transmitter - and could not find one in the right condition or at the right price for my sensibilities and preference - although I did come across this really cool AC125 Fuzz Face take I think it is - with custom modded externally added Bias knob. It's kind of a must for me that my Germanium Fuzzes need to have an external Bias - but where the 2-knob nature of the standard Dream Crusher meant that it was never going to be a suitable target - unless I accidentally and serendipitously found one with that mod! Interesting fact is that the very first 10 Arbiter Fuzz Faces were supposedly made with AC125 transistors - before Arbiter switches to the cheaper Newmarket NKT275's - which yes were cheap knock-offs of the AC125. Analog.Man's Mike Piera has been scouring the world for 1 of those 10 AC125 Arbiter Fuzz Faces for years - while not one has been found to date! Probably unknowingly sat in someone's attic, basement or storage facility - they will materialise one day for sure!

Hoof Hybrid Germanium Green Russian Muff Fuzz : February 2020 - £130 [via


Controls - Shift (Mids), Tone, Level, Fuzz/Gain/Sustain


A really fantastic warmer and more harmonic take on the Green Russian Big Muff variant - with some Germanium elements in the mix. Loe Sounds base a number of their own evolved Big Muff takes on this pioneering circuit. Probably the best Green Russian Muff variant to date! Alongside the Loe Sounds She Fuzz and Cha'Cha Fuzz!

Bellows Fuzz Driver / Fuzzy-Drive : February 2020 - £129 [via]


Controls - Level, Drive.

Typically I prefer at least 3-knob pedals - where you can more shape the character and tonality of the output. But there are occasional 2-knob pedals which work fine without further embellishments! I have a love for Fuzzy-Drive pedals - that straddle both Overdrive and Fuzz flavours - and particularly the in-between overlapping varieties. This is a fantastic example of that genre. I have somewhere around 60 pedals in my reference collection which I loosely file as 'Fuzzy-Drive' pedals - I hear the Bellows - and had to have one of those too!

Special Cranker Overdrive : May 2022 - £119 [va]


Controls - Level, Mode : Ge/Si, More (Bias/Gain), Tone.


An enhanced and evolved sort of reissue of the Speaker Cranker - supposedly Jamie's favourite ever overdrive circuit - while he seems to have a few of those - hence my asking him for his 10 all-time favourite EQD pedals - so we can have the definitive take on his favourite Overdrive, Fuzz and Distortion choices! This one has a proper garage punk feel to it - and can get wonderfully sort of raspy. A pretty distinct overdrive - which is why it's in the collection!

Hizumitas Crushing Fuzz Sustainar : November 2022 - £159 [via]


Controls - Sustain, Volume, Tone.


Based on Wata from Boris! own personal Elk Fuzz Sustainar - this take on that Japanese Triangle Muff evolution - with unique Tone Stack sounds like no other Big Muff. Really crisply and aggressive textured Big Muff tones with a lot more treble content than is usual - for a pretty raunchy and cutting tone! If you're a Big Muff connoisseur - you definitely need one of these - I already had near 100 Big Muffs in the collection when this one materialised - but boy does it sound good - one of the quickest and easiest pedal acquisition decisions I ever made!

White Light Hard Clipping Overdrive Reissue : March 2023 - £120 [via]


Controls - Gain, Comp±, Level, Weight (Low-end Input Gain & Saturation).


A limited 2,000 unit reissue from 2023! I belive Jamie and I most certainly have an overlapping taste in unique richly harmonic fuzzes and distortions - where this distinct overdrive/distortion sits well within that category. I think I picked this up direct from the ADG stands at one of the shows I attended in March 2023 - most likely London Synth and Pedal Expo that particular March! Has a very distinct breakup character for sure. I loved the demo - and instantly decided I had to have one - made sense to pick one up at the show, as since ADG are based in Denmark it's not always the easiest for them to get pedals to me!

The Depths Analog Optical Vibe Machine : August 2023 - £209 [via]


Controls - Intensity, Rate, Voice : Thinner and Midsy <> Fuller and Fatter, Level, Throb : Degree of Low End Pulse.


I was doing one of my typical genre rundowns - in fact my own Personal Uni-Vibe Capsule Collection feature, and just doing the due diligence on which ones I had acquired to date and which were still on my wishlist. I obviously mostly favour compact edition pedals - and realised that I had long intended to acquire The Depths - but just had not gotten around to it yet - I have a lot of priorities to juggle every day of every week - it's no surprise that a few of those shake loose every now and again. This is not your classic uni-vibe - not being based on that specifically authentic 'bulb' mechanism - but still very lush in its own way - while there are throbbier examples out there. It's the combination of controls here that allows you to do so much with this format - which in part elevates its status - while it pretty much sounds lush across its range. And of course works wonderfully in combination with all fuzzes! Here it's the combination of form factor and control topology which makes it extra special. Obviously an LDR / Vactrol device - so no longer really saleable in Europe - as for most other Uni-Vibe types.

Zoar Dynamic Audio Grinder Discrete Distortion : September 2024 - £116 10% off at EQD GuitarGuitar Camden Event


Controls - Level, Weight (Low End Frequency Input), Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble.


And finally - the most recent one added to the collection. A discrete transistor distortion with 3-Band EQ, and some fuzz dynamics to its output - as you get for a lot of transistor-based devices. Another one with a wonderfully complex and richly textured / harmonic output profile. I earmarked this one for acquisition as soon as I clocked it - just other priorities got in the way. So I pretty much already knew this was going to be my 'Souvenir' for the event. I really should have negotiated harder for a B-stock discount in addition - as this pedal had already been used on the demo board. It was however the only one available in the store, and I was determined to have it!

Final Thoughts


This is actually the first part of 2 - as this is supposed to help stimulate Jamie and Julie towards identifying their own favourite 10. And we can then debate the differences in selections.

I'm sure people will be saying - why did I prioritise this one over that etc, - and surely every proper EQD fan would have a Rainbow Machine in their collection already. But in truth that's just not how it happens. Especially for me - I get a myriad opportunities on almost a daily basis - and I have to go with my gut at the time - and follow the appropriate. Obviously a lot of brands send me pedals these days - which is my favourite 'price' for several more I have to negotiate a favourable rate each time, and for yet others those doors aren't open to me - some despite some sprites knocking!


So your path can lead you in a variety of different directions. I was a little late to EQD, and didn't have that big exposure to the brand earlier on like many of you did. I do love Jamie's ear for tone though - and we definitely seem to have overlapping taste in various departments. That doesn't mean we have to automatically like exactly the same things - that just not how things work - we're all idiosyncratic and products of a variety of different experiences and exposures.


I've identified probably a dozen different EQD follow-up targets - but priorities shift all the time for me. A new pedal will come out, and it will make sense to do a roundup of that category - a capsule collection / comparison, in-depth analysis or similar - and that will determine which the next acquisition is. It's always the need to service the blog and to create interesting and inspirational content which determines the direction of flow as such! We pivot and react to current trends and news flow, and need to chart a best-fit path through those categories. 

Of the circa 10-12 EQD targets I still have - I really want to round-off that compact fuzz capsule collection, and the Rainbow Machine into the collection - and I really loved Jamie's demo of the Time Shadows II - so that is an imminent priority too. But how that pans out over the next weeks, month and years is anyone's guess. Even if I had infinite funds - which could not be further from the truth - I would still need to plot a best fit course thought that territory. I can only really cope with a circa 20 pedal intake per month - and more than that means I can't dedicated enough time to getting the most out of those pedals - and those months which I've had over 30 pedals land - that's kind of nightmare territory for me - it can be disheartening to see quite so sizeable a backlog!


In any case I hope this article is well received by my new friends Jamie and Julie - and that they will give me the ammunition to do a follow up feature - with their own favourite 10 EQD choices.

Would be good to hear from all of you EQD fans as to which are your own favourites - and which ones you think I may have overlooked. Do remember though that I'm rarely going to be in the market for a Mono Delay, Reverb or Rotary effects - those all really need to be full fat immersive stereo for me!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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