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Boost and Overdrive

28 of the Best Enhanced and Extended Range Compact Tube Screamer Style Overdrives

AudiostormBecos FXBig Tone Music BreweryBoostBoost and OverdriveChellee EffectsChirality AudioCornerstone Music GearEarthQuaker DevicesFoxpedalJackson AudioJAM PedalsJHS PedalsKartakou AmplificationKHDKKing Tone EffectsKuro Custom AudioMI AudioNOC3 EffectsOrigin EffectsOverdrivePLBR EffectsPolarbear EffectsSeymour DuncanTate FXTone InkTubescreamer Style OverdriveVemuramVFE PedalsWalrus AudioWamplerWay Huge EffectsXotic Effects+-
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So the recent launch of Origin Effects’ Halcyon enhanced TS808 type screamer prompted me to refresh my memory on what the competition to that was - and if the Halcyon was quite as appealing as it appeared to be. So I’ve trawled through all my usual resources, including my own memory banks - and come up with this list of 28 suitable candidates.


This list is specifically on enhanced / evolved Compact enclosure Tube Screamer types - so I exclude hybrids - such as Matthews Effects The Broker (TS808 + Bluesbreaker) and Analogworm OD808 MKIII (TS808 + OCD) or anything which isn’t purely TS808 based - you can have two TS808 channels but one TS808 plus another circuit is off limits for this selection.


Some people will undoubtedly ask - where are the original Ibanez and Maxon varieties? Those all typically tend to be 3 knob / 3 controls varieties - while each one in my selection is evolved / enhanced and has at least 4 controls - possibly the Bonsai is the closest to the original Ibanez and Maxon types in that selection - the Vemuram TSV808 looks like it has just 3 knobs - but it also has two tiny trimmers accessible though the rear edge of the pedal - for Saturation and Bass - so that pedal actually has 5 controls. The tiny Becos FX Ziffer looks like a 3-knobber too, but that has 2 further mini-knobs and 2 toggle-switches - for a total of 7 controls!


EQD’s biggest success has been its modern evolved Tube Screamer - the Plumes, while for JHS I had a choice of 4 - 2 different 3-Series types - Overdrive and Screamer, the Moonshine V2, and of course the 9-Screamer Bonsai - which was of course the one I selected. That was the final rule - only one screamer per brand - as several have more than one variety.


And I ended up with these 28 - where I currently have 9 to-date :

  • Becos FX Ziffer Mini Overdrive
  • Big Tone Music Brewery Classic Overdrive
  • Cornerstone Antique V2 Classic Drive
  • Foxpedal The City V2 Overdrive + Boost
  • Jackson Audio Broken Arrow Programmable Dynamic Overdrive with Boost
  • JHS Pedals Bonsai 9-Mode Multi-Screamer
  • Kuro Custom Audio P.h.A. Boost / Overdrive / Preamp
  • MI Audio Super Blues Pro (most recently added)
  • Polarbear Effects Floral Green V2 Dual Overdrive (2 x TS808)

I still have a few on my long-term wishlist - for which the new Halcyon probably gets a top priority - but we will of course review where my mind is at once I’ve scanned through all these options.


The ones I still definitely intend to get for now are :

  • Audiostorm Quad Screamer Ovedrive (5K) - waiting on forthcoming V2 Edition
  • Origin Effects Halcyon Green Overdrive
  • Tate FX Antares Overdrive
  • Tone Ink Tone Creamer Booster & Preamp (needs distribution outside of Brazil)
  • VFE Pale Horse (has to be V2 - 3 regular + 3 small knobs type edition!)

Here follow the usual details per screamer candidate! :

Audiostorm Quad Screamer Ovedrive (3K) - £149


Controls - Overdrive, Level, Tone, Clipping : LED + Mosfet + Silicon + Germanium (15 Combinations), Bright Switch, Dirty High Gain Switch.


A good one to start off with is Sean Mandrake's 9-Controls Quad Screamer - which totally takes the Tube Screamer into uncharted territory as the Clipping options are via push-buttons - which you can combine together in 15 different variations - that is the essence of the pedal. You then have 5 further controls - the classic Overdrive, Level and Tone, but a couple of extra push-buttons on the rear edge of the pedal - Bright and Dirty - the first obviously brightens your top end, while the latter 'Dirty' button ramps up the gain structure. I met Sean at the recent FX Expo - and this is very much his flagship pedal. I might have picked one up then and there, had Sean not shown me a schematic for the updated and forthcoming 5-knob edition, which will very much be the one to get - so I will snap that up as soon as it materialises. The Quad Screamer is housed in one of those cool fluted enclosures - wider at the top than bottom, but not so much as to become pedalboard impractical. A really cool and unique additive take on the Tube Screamer - just really different, and currently pretty unique!

Becos FX Ziffer Mini Overdrive - €149


Controls - Gain, Tone, Level, Clipping : Classic / Asymmetric / LED, Deep Boost, Dry EQ, Wet / Dry Mix.


For quite a while this diminutive little fellow was my favourite Tube Screamer of all - being such a potent beast within its tiny enclosure - but still managing to fit 7 controls onboard - including 5 knobs (2 of them mini). What makes it genius is its Wet > Dry Mix in combination with the Dry Tilt EQ. You then have 3-way clipping and a Deep / Bass Boost switch to ramp things up. The range of gain this pedal covers is extraordinary (especially for its size) - it's a really clever boost with the Dry EQ - and it outperform most full-size Tube Screamers by a country mile - some really smart engineering here which Becos FX have become very well known for. I feel its Mini Boost, Overdrive and Compressor pedals are all killer  and the most appealing candidates in their respective Mini categories!

Big Tone Music Brewery Classic Overdrive - discontinued - $179 when new

Controls - Treble, Bass, Mids, Mids Frequency, Mode : Vintage (Symmetric) / Crunch (Asymmetric), Level, Gain.


A really smart take on the genre by Keith Vonerhulls as part of his EQ'd Vintage Series - which features 3-Band EQ with Parametric Mids. You also get a mode switch - Vintage (Symmetric) / Crunch (Asymmetric) which results in coverage of TS808, OD-1, SD-9 and TS9 types - so a really versatile variety. Shame that the public didn't really pick up on this range - made with the finest vintage parts too! This is the classic embodiment of the evolved and enhanced missions - core Tube Screamer circuit with the same original vintage parts, but with additional controls to get more out of it! Alas this pedal was discontinued as it didn't take off, and no demo was every made for it - really great pedal of its type though!

Chellee Odie Modified Overdrive


Controls : Drive, Tone, Volume, Texture : Asymmetric Diode / Asymmetric Mosfet / Clean Boost, EQ Voicing : Flat / Humped (Classic) / Fat Low-Mid.


American brand Chellee rather reminds me of Vick Audio in that both have a similar ethos of value-minded smart pedals, and since Chellee has recently moved to a monochrome colourway - they have certain similarities in their look too! Chellee in fact do two different version of the Odie Overdrive - a Classic and more Modern Modified version - for which I've gone for the latter - where both are actually enhanced from the original TS808 circuit - but the one I've gone for is more modded and evolved than the Classic variety - I could have gone either way really. Now all Chellee pedals are in black enclosures, while they have really elegant silver milled aluminium knobs too by the looks of it. This screamer is somewhat modified from the Classic for a more modern profile - besides the 3 traditional controls it has 3-way Texture Clipping Options, and 3-way EQ Voicing Options.

Chirality Audio Splinter Overdrive - €227


Controls - Drive, Level, Tone, Clipping : Aggressive / Silicon / Mild. Low-Cut : High / Medium / Least.


Another 'respin' on the TS808 circuit by Irish builder Chiralitiy - with the classic 3 controls, but then 2 additional 3-way switches - one for clipping options and the other for different degrees of low-cut. More range than the original - with more high gain applications - cool looking artwork too!

Cornerstone Antique V2 Classic Drive - €239


Controls - Tone (Mids & Lower Mids), Presence (Highs & Higher Mids), Mids : TS808 / Cut (Flat), Comp : More / Less, Volume, Gain.


A really cool take on the genre by Cornerstone's Emilio - which uses smart EQ and Compression controls to replicate John Mayer's TS10 + Klon sound. This is still an enhanced Screamer for me - so it definitely qualifies for this selection - and this is one of the few pedals that distinctly tries to replicate the TS10 sound in particular. A must-have for John Mayer fans truly but also quite a different take on the screamer circuit for those that love the genre - highly recommended.

EarthQuaker Devices Plumes Small Signal Shredder - $99


Controls - Level, Mode (Clipping) : Symmetrical LED / No Clipping / Asymmetrical Silicon, Tone, Gain.


This is probably the very first of the budget boutique screamers  - which has gone on to become EQD's most successful pedal in terms of sales volumes and is now its main Bread and Butter pedal. In fact such a successful formula that they're looking to do the same exercise with their recent Special Cranker. EQD's success likely inspired JHS's 3 Series too and Fender's new Hammertone series. Last I checked the TS808 Screamer was exactly the same prices as the Plumes - @ $99 - and the Plumes gives you 3 very handy clipping modes which for me makes it easily the preferred choice! Quite an influential pedal truly!

Foxpedal The City V2 Overdrive + Boost - $239


Controls - Drive, Tone, Level, Boost, Clip : LED / Mosfet, Flat Switch, Presence / Brightness Switch, Body (Bass), Boost Footswitch, Drive Footswitch.


Probably my longest-serving Tube Screamer of all time - pretty much the main screamer workhorse early days - really versatile pedal with that smart combination of controls. A really potent take on the screamer circuit and still formidable to this very date, while in my own evolution of screamer pedals this was mostly replaced by the Jackson Audio Broken Arrow and Kuro P.h.A, and latterly the Becos FX Ziffer. I really need to dig this one out and take it for a few more spins - really used to love how it sounded!

Jackson Audio Broken Arrow Programmable Dynamic Overdrive with Boost


Controls - Volume, Boost, Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Drive Mode : Classic 2 Symmetrical / Asymmetric / 4 Symmetrical (Timmy), Red LED's (Marshall), Boost Mode : Bright / Mid / Tailored / Full, Drive Footswitch / Mode (Hold + Step), Boost Footswitch / Mode (Hold + Step).


I was really excited when the Broken Arrow launched - that combination of 4 different Drive Clipping Modes on the Left Footswitch, and 4 different Boost EQ Modes on the Right Footswitch is still revolutionary to this day. Combine that then with full 3-Band EQ and Boost Level Control and you have one of the most potent compact Tube Screamer types ever created. Still one of my favourite screamers despite my fall out with the brand.

JAM Pedals Lucy Dreamer Overdrive - $229


Controls - Level, Dry/Wet Mix, Tone, Gain.


The Lucy Dreamer sports a fairly common enhanced configuration which you see quite a lot nowadays - the core classic trio of controls plus a Clean Blend or Dry/Wet Mix - allowing you dial back in a n equalise your core signal for better playing dynamics and articulation. All JAM Pedals are beautifully engineered from the finest full size components and whoever 'tunes' the JAM Pedals circuits has an exceptionally fine ear for tone - as each f their pedals is capable of a really textured and nuanced output. You can always guarantee that JAM Pedals will sound great - while there are other brands with typically more bells and whistles as it were!

JHS Pedals Bonsai 9-Mode Multi-Screamer - $249


Controls - Volume, Drive, Tone, Mode / Type : OD-1 / TS808 / TS9 / Metal / TS10 / Exar OD-1 / TS7 / TS808 Keeley Mod / TS9 JHS Mod.


All 3 of Josh Scott's Multi-Circuit pedals - Muffuletta, Packrat and Bonsai are wonders of miniature engineering - having actually separate mini circuits inside for each pedal variant covered. And so the Bonsai has 9 separate cleverly routed circuits that you can switch between via the 4th rotary Mode knob. I have the same complaint about each of those in that all those circuits have known weaknesses which could mostly be improved by a single additional Mids control - especially for the Muffuletta and Bonsai. Luckily we have enhanced frequency profile modes - which tend to be my own preferences - so for the Bonsai I mostly use the Exar OD-1, and two Modded Modes which tend to have fuller frequency profiles. I understand there is a focus on authenticity here - while I always try to be practically minded - the flaw with the TS808 is that at lower levels of volume it can sound thin and weedy - with is why we ideally need some compensators to offset that. Most of the enhanced Screamers use fairly similar means to improve the circuit - while for the Bonsai - we have a huge amount of variety - but beyond the 2 Modded and Exar Modes - they don't sound great at lower levels of output. Still a tremendous achievement and one of the essential screamer pedals - its and invaluable reference too for all those different core screamer types - so you can use it for tone and texture exploration in deciding on which your favourite screamer is before you then pursue that separately!

KHDK Ghoul Screamer - $229.95


Controls - Drive, Tone, Volume, Bass Switch, High Switch, Body Switch, Compression : Low / Medium / High.


For a long period the full-size one and its Mini Jr sibling were significant targets in my Tube Screamer quest - while there are so many smart varieties out there now - it's somewhat tempered my need for these particular 2. Still a really clever take on the format - with the core 3 knobs, then a Bass Switch, High Switch, Body Switch and choice of Low / Medium / High compression. The first 3 toggles allow you to boost certain key frequency clusters to totally alter the output profile of the pedal. Not as granular as some - but very neat and effective - and simple to dial in as such. It's still on the nice-to-have opportunist list - so if I come across one at bargain pricing I might just pull the trigger - while that of course always depends what's going on at the same time!

Kartakou Amplification Warmer Overdrive WO-909 Custom - $156


Controls - Gain, Tone, Volume, No Clipping Switch, Asymmetrical Clipping Switch, Bass Boost Switch.


A really cool-looking take from this Polish Boutique - reasonably priced too. Here there is an internal voltage doubler which takes things up to 18V which greatly expands on the gain range - you then also have the 3 cool flip-switches - No Clipping Switch, Asymmetrical Clipping Switch, and Bass Boost Switch which can be applied in any combination. I think the look of these is particularly appealing.

King Tone The Soloist Overdrive - $265


Controls - Drive, Volume, Body, Tone, Voicing - Edge/Stock/Glass.


The Duellist's A / Right-side Overdrive - which is somewhat based on a Stevie Ray Vaughan Texas-style Tube Screamer - extracted to a stand-alone pedal with additional Body control. All the King Tone stuff sounds great - and the 3-way core Voicing switch makes them cleverer than most. I have of course just recently acquired the 2022 Edition Duellist with all those extra external dip-switches - so the stand-alone variety is less of a priority for me at the moment! Another great take for sure!

Kuro Custom Audio P.h.A. Boost / Overdrive / Preamp - €169


Controls - Hi, Lo, Gain, Volume.


Really simple controls - but the P.h.A. is a monster of an everyday overdrive pedal - specially engineered with super low compression and 2-Band Active EQ and with a huge range of gain. It's very much based on the Tube Screamer but is much evolved from that template - Giulio Favaro has engineered this pedal so that you can draw maximum impact and benefit from each of those 4 dials. It's huge range means that it's suitable for near enough every situation - if you just want to boost, enhance or gain things up significantly - one of my all-time favourite overdrives!

MI Audio Super Blues Pro - A$149.00 (£130)


Controls - Volume, Clipping : Silicon / None / Mosfet, Drive, Detail (Mids & Higher Mids), Body (Lows and Lower-Mids), Trim (Secondary Gain / Bite / Sizzle).


I'm quite the fan of Michael Ibrahim's MI Audio Pedals - and had long had the Super Blues Pro on my wishlist - for whatever reason it just hadn't happened yet until I came to doing this very article and spotted one at just the right price and just the right time - so this is my most recent addition to the Tube Screamer Capsule Collection. Michael's Super Crunch Box is one of my all-time favourite distortion pedals too - and this Super Blues Pro makes that 8 for the MI Audio Capsule Collection to date - I really want one of those pristine 6-knob chrome Tube Zones next. As for the Super Blues Pro - another superb enhanced screamer with additional clipping, EQ and a secondary Gain control - really clever all-round.

NOC3 Effects Pure Drive - discontinued - $175 when new, very tricky to get hold of now


Controls - Volume, 3-Way Clipping / Character Switch, Gain, Clean-Blend, Treble, Bass.


Actually still a very much in-demand special take on the Screamer circuit even though discontinued for some time now - rare as hen's teeth really as the saying goes! And a rather very poorly documented pedal as luck would have it - variously being described that the 3-way switch is for 3 types of Character, Clipping or Compression even - so we will say 'Voicing' switch possibly most aptly. Besides the 3-way Voicing we have 2-Band EQ and the every useful Clean-Blend control which we find on a fair few of the pedals in this selection. I've yet to see one of these for sale on - when they do materialise they get snapped up incredibly quickly. Possibly part of the stellar reputation comes form an earlier time - when there fewer super-screamers about - now we have some very clever takes on the circuit and however good the Pure Drive is - it doesn't seem quite so far ahead of the pack any more - at least not to me! I would still like one of course - if one could be had at the right price and in the right sort of condition - at the right time too obviously!

Origin Effects Halcyon Green Overdrive - £239


Controls - Level, Adaptive Circuit : Off / Full / Semi, Drive, Dry, Voice TS808 / Up-Shifted Hump, Tone.


And so to the very pedal that prompted this article - the very unique Origin Effects Halcyon - with its special Adaptive Circuit which raises Low and High Frequencies when volume levels drop. This perfectly solves a core Tube Screamer weakness - where the circuit sounds weak and immaterial at lower levels - with the Adaptive Circuit switched on - the pedal auto-compensates for any deficiency by adjusting the frequency profile. We also have a Dry Blend knob, and a 2-way Voicing selector which allows you to shift up the Mid Hump for an even more cutting mid-range. Overall a pretty unique pedal for sure - beautifully engineered by Simon Keats and his crew - very much one of the essentials here and almost certainly the next Screamer target for me!

Polarbear Effects Floral Green V2 Dual Overdrive - Ltd Edition - €150


Controls -  2 x Volume, Tone, Gain, 2 x 3-way Clipping (Undocumented) : can see 3 Red LEDs, 2 White LED's, 2 Sets of Asymmetric Diodes, and presume middle position is None, Separate Footswitches to Engage Each Channel.


An incredibly rare V2 Dual-Channel Compact edition of the Polarbear Effects Floral Green (I think only 10 or 20 of these were made in total!) - quite different to the former BB-size edition - a sort of streamlined and re-tooled version of that - with the classic 3 knobs per side - but also 3 x clipping options per side which were never documented - consisting of White and Red LED's for sure and clusters of Asymmetrical Diodes. Capable of sounding immense - particularly when combining both sides - and a really cool etched mirror finish. I changed the knobs to crystal clear Boss types - as I felt those looked the best with the mirror finish. Very lucky to get hold of one of these at the time - just in the right place at the right time I guess - I had always intended to get the larger original edition - but that was discontinued before I got around to it. I much prefer the compact edition format in any case - another worthy candidate for this category.

Seymour Duncan 805 Overdrive - $179


Controls - Level, Drive, Bass, Mids, Treble.


This one reminds me the most of the Wampler Clarksdale - both are 3-Band EQ types - while the Wampler has the additional Smooth / Lift Voicing Switch. 3-Band EQ of course allows you to properly manually compensate the pedal's frequency profile if you're playing at lower levels of gain and output - so you can boost the Highs and Lows appropriately and temper the Mids. 3-Band Active EQ is typically my favourite Tone-Stack - I'm very much at ease operating that and you can so easily and quickly dial in your preferred tones. The Seymour Duncan 805 is a really decent candidate - while it's all too easily overlooked!

Tate FX Antares Overdrive - £185


Controls - Gain, Volume, Clean Blend, Tone.


This is another of the 'Clean-Blend' Screamers with a 4th knob which adjusts the Dry/Wet Mix. Stuart Tate has calibrated the Antares particularly well and this is lots of journeymen's favourite overdrive of the type - just really well balanced. I've always said I would get one if Stuart ever tweaked the artwork - I want a 2-tone Cosmic Purple edition - so that it looks properly like a nebula cluster! One of these will hit the collection some day for sure!

Tone Ink Tone Creamer Booster & Preamp - R$647,00 / $126


Controls - Bass, Treble, Gain, Heat (Voicing) : Red (Plexi), Clear (Treble Booster), Green (TS808 / Mid-Hump), Cream (Clipping) : BB (6 Soft-clipping Silicon Diodes) / RC (No Clipping) / COT (2nd Stage Hard-clipping).


I'm actually really keen on the Brazilian Tone Ink brand - which has a number of handy looking pedals in its range - including this very suitable Tone Creamer which has 2 x 3-way Mode / Voicing switches which greatly extend its range - and combined with 2-Band EQ. Really good value too - while not yet in International distribution - I keep hoping they start to extend their dealer network outside Brazil and being to sell on too - but that has yet to happen. I will probably have to go direct eventually if change doesn't materialise - while shipping from the other side of the world is costly if not done in bulk! I'm keen on pretty much the entire range and will definitely look to make inroads if something doesn't change relatively soon!

Vemuram + Ibanez TSV808 Tube Screamer - limited edition - sold out - $450 when new!


Controls - Overdrive, Level, Tone, Saturation (External trimmer), Bass (External trimmer), 2 Internal Dip-switches for TS808 or Jan Ray Mode or Mix of both.


The only actually named 'Tube Screamer' - in this selection - from the 40th Anniversary Ibanez + Vemuram collaboration. I quite fancied the look of the Sparkling Red Anniversary Ibanez TS808 and Anniversary Shiny Gold Edition TS9 - but the only one I really wanted at the time was this TSV808 - priced at a somewhat lofty $450 - which actually somehow combines the TS808 and Vemuram Jan Ray in the one enclosure. While I was making my mind up as to whether the price was fair here - I obviously had other priorities and commitments at the time too - so I hesitated and they were all gone by the time I made my decision. Nowadays they're trading at up to 3 times (correction! - 8 x Ttmes) the original price - which is silly money as far as I'm concerned - I will have to wait opportunistically to capture one at a more reasonable price point - which may never happen! Cool concept - and also while not totally clear in the photo - Vemuram tinted up their usual brass enclosure so that it has a hint of the Tube Screamer green in it - a pricey proposition at the time - but most probably and in retrospect - very much worth it! It's actually much worse than I though - a cursory glance at shows that there are currently 23 scalpers at work - with the lowest price at $1,495 and the highest at $3,550 - or inflated by nearly 800%!!!

VFE Pale Horse Overdrive - $199 when new


Controls - Tone, Compression > Sweet Asymmetrical Drive CCW to Dynamic Mosfet Drive CW, Drive, High (Treble Cut), Level, Low (Pre-Gain Bass Cut).


I am also of course a huge fan of Peter Rutter's VFE Pedals - with 8 of those already in the collection - I like the V2 edition ones the most with the cool silhouette artworks and of course 3 regular and 3 small knobs configuration. I hadn't initially intended on getting the Pale Horse - but so like all my other VFE's that when I come across any that fit my preferred specs I immediately snap them up. All of Peter's pedals that I have are killer - including especially the Alpha Dog, Blues King, Dark Horse and Merman. Peter has kept the circuits alive and is in the process of launching again as more of a kit and PCB supplier - while I will always gravitate toward those cool V2 editions - I don't like the newer artworks or pedal editions nearly so much. Generally I'm a modernist in my approach but here it's the V2's that count for me! I've not come across quite the right variety of Pale Horse yet - or that would be in the collection already!

Walrus Audio Warhorn Mid-Range Overdrive - $199


Controls - Level, Comp : Tight (Compressed) / Open, Drive, Bass, Treble.


Walrus Audio's take on the format includes 2-Band EQ alongside a Compression switch which allows you to open up the output should you wish. It seems that in this selection 4 knobs is pretty standard - it's a decent contender for sure - while I feel that there are other more capable varieties listed here.

Wampler Clarksdale Delta Overdrive - $199.97


Controls - Bass, Mid, Treble, Volume, Smooth / Lift Switch, Gain.


As mentioned earlier - Wampler's take is similar to Seymour Duncan's 805 in that both have full 3-Band EQ. While the Clarksdale has an additional Smooth / Lift Voicing switch best activated for when you're doing a solo - for more full-frequency punch. I like all of Brian's output really - and this was on the wishlist for a while - but there have since been newer and even more evolved editions of the Screamer that are more to my preferences - still a great candidate though and well worth a look-in.

Way Huge Green Rhino Overdrive MKV Smalls Edition - $129.99


Controls - Volume, Drive, Frequency Cut / Boost of either 500Hz or 100Hz (Internal switch), Tone, Curve (High Roll-Off).


Way Huge is a brand that is somewhat underrepresented in my reference collection for whatever reason - in fact the recent Atreides Weirding Modulator is the only one of note I've acquired to date - while I am currently still trying to land the new MKIII Red Llama which is taking an age to reach these shores! There have been a number of Way Huge pedals on my wishlist and I'm generally a fan of Jeorge Tripps - just for whatever reason I've going in a slightly different direction at the time - and as I keep saying you can't own everything! I included this version of Rhino in my top 7 Screamers in the 2020 Key Overdrive Categories Selection - while it's moved slightly down the priority list since then. Of course still a decent contender - but there are a few here that I seem to prefer more. That said - I would like to have more Way Huge in the collection - and if I see one of these at a super appealing price point I certainly won't hesitate to pull the trigger!

Xotic Effects AC Booster - discontinued - $168 when new


Controls - Gain, Treble, Volume, Bass.


And last but certainly not least is another 4-knobber - the still much loved but discontinued Xotic AC Booster take on the TS808 - which most players I believe preferred to deploy as a boost. Another one with 2-Band EQ - but works well with it - I aways feel that Xotic pedals can be overlooked a little - including by myself - but they really do sound great and work well. I personally probably prefer the Kuro P.h.A. in similar configuration - but there's not arguing with the legions of AC Booster fans!

Final Thoughts


Every other time I do one of these features I end up with a lot more pedals on the wishlist  - but here I had several on the wishlist coming into this exercise.


At the start I identified 5 likely targets :

  • Audiostorm Quad Screamer Ovedrive (5K) - forthcoming V2 Edition
  • Origin Effects Halcyon Green Overdrive
  • Tate FX Antares Overdrive
  • Tone Ink Tone Creamer Booster & Preamp
  • VFE Pale Horse

I obviously still would quite like to own a Vemuram TSV808 but no way at the current $1,500 to $3,500 price tag - I also quite like to own a Kartakou Warmer Overdrive and NOC3 Pure Drive - but generally the top 5 is as it was in the introduction.


On the question of the Origin Effects Halcyon being truly worthwhile I have to conclude that yes it's sufficiently different and unique - and appealing in what it does to warrant addition to the collection - and so that remains my top priority of these. 


That's the one that's easiest for me to sort out - I just need to figure out how how my current priorities stack up. The other 4 are more long-term - I need to wait for the new version of the Quad Screamer to materialise - which is still some months away as is any different kind of colourway variation for the Antares. While the Tone Creamer and Pale Horse are more opportunistic. A significant part for us pedal fans is waiting for things to drop into place.

My luck has been pretty much in this year so far - so I'm still expecting good things - while you can expect the Halcyon at the very least to make an appearance in the rig in the next few weeks or so.


Which are your own favourites here - and do you feel that I got the balance about right - or did I overlook something here.


Note that these kinds of articles take a long time to compile and work on so that this mostly preceded the recent Mad Professor new edition of Green Wonder announcement. I feel I have plenty of other options here with 2-Band EQ and more - so I'm not sure it would have made the cut in any case - while Mad Professor is another very solid builder - linked of course to my pal Björn Juhl!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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