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EarthQuaker Devices Reboots its Sunn O))) Life Pedal once more with a new large format V3 Edition which features additional Octave Footswitch

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So the very first Life Pedal edition was an even larger format pedal which had its controls along the top edge, and two Footswitches on the facia. Next came the much more pedal-friendly Vertical 1590BB-size V2 Edition - with all the same controls and features - this was my preferred version and I immediately snapped it up. I also picked up the Demiurge Doomy O))) which is a compact take on circuit again with all features and functions intact. In fact I prefer the sound of the Doomy O))) as it has a more elegant sounding Octave - using different Diodes to the original, yet retains all the original’s fierceness too!


There’s been rumours for a while that EQD were about to re-release the Life Pedal - but I always thought it would be a slightly updated variation on the V2 Edition. What we have though is a somewhat larger and more cumbersome format versus my preferences - while we do get an additional 3rd Octave Footswitch to exercise more granular control over that element of the circuit.


The Core Controls are identical to the predecessors :


Controls - Magnitude (Volume), Octave (Blend/Depth of Octave), Clip : just the OpAmp (no diodes) applied to the left, Asymmetrical 2 x Silicon + 1 x LED diode in the middle, and dual Silicon Diodes to the right, Distortion (Gain), Filter (Treble-Cut), and finally Amplitude (Octave Volume).


The core Distortion side is activated by the right-hand Magnitude footswitch, and the Boost by the right-hand Amplitude footswitch. While you can also switch the Octave In or Out via the new 3rd / Middle footswitch. EQD report also that they’ve significantly tweaked the circuit for an even more potent output - which means for some that each of the 3 editions are a valid choice, while for me the ideal format really was the V2 edition.


I really like this circuit, but it’s just not practical for me to deploy in this format. Hopefully EQD will eventually reboot the V2 also - which I believe is the most accessible and useful variant of this circuit.


RRP is now a touch higher for UK customers at £369, while to Americans it is priced at $299. It’s a cool pedal for sure, but this edition poses too many challenges for me really - and I’m more than happy with my existing V2 variety. I like the output best with the Octave fully applied - so not having the 3rd Octave Footswitch is no biggy to me.


I’m sure some of you Sunn O))) fans will have acquired all 3, while I would have thought the most practical format for the rank and file was the V2. Be interesting to know what your thoughts are on this - it ranks a little as a lost opportunity, while I kind of understand that the previous versions were Limited Editions - and EQD did not want to negatively impact those who valued that degree of exclusivity. For me - I’m all about sharing the love - I don’t really want to be exclusive - I want everyone to be able to get their hands on my favourite pedals and experience the same!


Anyway - if any of you acquire this edition - would be good to gear your insights - especially how much you feel the V3 has been tuned up from its predecessors.


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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