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Boost and Overdrive

Horizon Devices Tease Forthcoming Flux Echo Compact Stereo Reverb and Delay Pedal

Ambient EffectsDelayDigital DelayDigital ReverbEchoverbHorizon DevicesReverbShimmer Reverb+-
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I’m still picking off some of the stragglers from the recent NAMM show - and I was waiting for a few more details on this pedal to emerge - where we now at least have a decent reference photo, but no sign of price or availability yet.


This looks like a really cool pedal - a 3-mode combined Reverb and Delay with very simple controls. It has 4 knobs - Mix, Tone, Reverb Decay and Delay Feedback - to go with its 3 toggle-selected modes :

  1. Ambient Reverb + Analog Delay
  2. Modulated Reverb + Reverse Delay
  3. Shimmer Reverb + Tape Echo

Impressively here the input and output is full stereo - which is very rare for this category and format of pedal, it also has a second Tap Tempo Footswitch - which when you press and hold triggers a Freeze effect on the Reverb.


This looks like an excellent upgrade on something like EQD’s Dispatch Master - and provides the simplest means of combined Reverb and Delay for a stereo rig. If you want an elegant one box solution for stereo reverb + delay - then this surely is the one for you.


I will update this post with further details and videos - as they materialise.

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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