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Spaceman Effects follows up its Voyager I with the compact Delta II Harmonic Tremolo

ModulationSpaceman EffectsTremolo
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The Delta II is Spaceman’s second tremolo pedal after 2015’s Voyager I Optical Analog Variety. On this occasion the emphasis is on the Harmonic style of Tremolo (still Optical) - where a split alternating signal creates the tremolo effect via manipulation of the core frequencies rather than the amplitude. A Harmonic Tremolo is a sort of cross between a phaser and a tremolo - and for certain varieties can deliver some pretty convincing pseudo Uni-Vibe textures too.


Distinct for this variety are the rather specific controls - which allow you to manipulate the Frequencies, Lag and Resonance between those two intersecting signals. The Delta II has 6 smartly calibrated controls - including a Voice toggle-switch which gives you access to a variety of different filter options / signal modulation path options. Otherwise we have 3 main controls - Depth, Rate and Frequency, and two minor ones - Lag and Resonance - interesting that there is no Level or Mix control - which is typically essential for Tremolo style effects.


The Voice switch has 3 Modes - High & Dry (Brightness / Clarity / Sparkle), High & Low (Liquid / Phasey), and Low & Dry (Dark / Throbby / Bassy).


This is obviously going up against the very formidable JAM Pedals Harmonious Monk - which for me is the current champion of that genre - with a beautifully richly textured Harmonic voicing. So the Delta II has a lot to match / live up to. And it deploys quite a different topology to the more conventional Depth, Intensity, Speed, Double Speed, Level and Mix of the Harmonious Monk.


Harmonic Tremolo is by far and away my favourite style of tremolo, and one of my very favourite modulation type effects. I am already predisposed towards all manner of existing harmonic tremolos - and indeed am still to add a Flower Pedals Dandelion and Walrus Audio Monument to the collection. So will be interesting for me to see how the new Delta weighs up against all the usual suspects and where it ends up in my hierarchy - and where on the priority wishlist.


There’s much to admire here as always - as that particular control topology is pretty unusual for this style of effect. While there is no tap-tempo, and somewhat bizarrely no Mix or Level control (at least not on the surface).


The price is pretty reasonable at $229 - and as a ’Standard’ edition there are no specific limits on numbers for Silver, Red or Blue enclosure variants. These can of course be acquired right now from the Spaceman Effects Webstore.


I know that Spaceman has a very loyal following - but then again so does the Harmonious Monk - I’m very interested to hear from Harmonious Monk owners in particular if they are tempted by the Delta II, or so happy with the Monk so as not to even bother considering it!


I will of course be doing further due diligence myself to establish whether this is a must-have or nice-to-have for me. Right now I’m leaning towards must-have - while I of course still love my other Harmonic Tremolos - the Monk obviously, the CBA Gravitas, and Anasounds Ages.


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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