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Boost and Overdrive

2022 June Pedal-Chain Update - Episode VI - Thorpy Milspec Precision

Beetronics FXBig Muff Style FuzzBlues Breaker Style OverdriveBoostBoost and OverdriveBrown Sound DistortionBufferChorus and VibratoCompressorDistortionDriveEnvelope Filter and Auto WahEQFlangerFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionGated and Velcro FuzzGermanium FuzzKing Tone EffectsKlone and Transparent OverdriveMarshall Style DistortionMetal DistortionModulationMulti-DriveMulti-FXOctaverOld Blood Noise EndeavorsOpAmp FuzzOverdrivePedal ChainPhaserPitchRat Style FuzzRedbeard EffectsSilicon FuzzThorpyFXTone Bender Style FuzzToneQuestTremoloUtility+-
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So most of you won’t have realised that I’ve been down with Covid since last Tuesday. In fact the first 3 days were particularly painful - while since then I mostly fell concussed - just plain knocked out really, and while only a few aches now linger my vision is still somewhat blurry - and I’m still suffering a touch of brain fog.


All that said, I never let an illness get in the way of progress, and I have endeavoured to work my way through it - even though like wading through treacle at times. I most likely caught the dreaded ’Rona’ at the recent FX Expo - I would still rather have been there than not - so sometimes you need to pay a price!


As good friend Adrian Thorpe was launching his new Preamp / Overdrive this month it made sense to dust down all my Thorpy pedals - and have a fully fledged Thorpy month - where all 14 of his that I own are deployed in the chain! I picked up a Deep Oggin at the same time as the Scarlet Tunic, and am not just missing a Dane, FLIR Buffer, and Fat General Parallel Compressor!


You should be familiar with most of my favourite Thorpy’s by now - obviously the Heavy Water is near permanent, as is the Peacekeeper, Camoflange and Boneyard. In fact there is not shortage of superior Thorpy pedals and all of them acquit themselves really well on the board as such. The Scarlet Tunic is probably my favourite of Thorpy’s overdrive pedals - and I expect to see that in extended rotation.


And while Thorpy ism't quite as wide ranging as Boss yet - per last year's July Boss Month, it still manages to cover most of the key pedal functions. I look forward to seeing Adrian roll out some time-based effects next year or so!


Some really cool new releases during the month - where I alas managed to miss the first Gen Loss MKII order window - should be a new one opening soon! The sudden arrival of the Beetronics Zzombee Filtremulator and OBNE Screen Violence Stereo Saturated Modulated Reverb - kind of took out any surplus budget for the month.


There's quite a few pedals that were preorders too - so not due to land until July at the earliest - so we have that to look forward to.


Just 10 new pedals in the collection for June - but some really decent ones among them. Covid has means that I've not really been able to test evertyhing to its fullest potential - so a little catching up to do once I fully recover my senses!

Acquisitions Update

So for the month of June we have 10 new pedals in the collection, including of course the ThorpyFX Scarlet Tunic Analog Amp Emulator, and Deep Oggin Analog Chorus. I also picked up my long-awaited King Tone Duellist, 20th Basic Audio Kay Octave Fuzz, and the Reeves Zo Zonk finally landed!


A pretty cool month all-told - and particularly heavy on Modulation and Modulated effects!

2 Overdrives


2 new favourites for sure and both superbly versatile - and destined for legendary status! :

  • King Tone The Duellist 2022 Silver Edition
  • ThorpyFX Scarlet Tunic Analog Amp Emulator

3 Fuzzes


I've really not had too much time with these - in fact I've still to play the Basic Audio Kay and SGFX BC183 MKII - so they will likely feature more strongly next month! I did get to have a proper session with the Zo though - which is superb really - another Markus Reeves classic! :

  • Basic Audio Kay Octave Fuzz
  • Reeves Electro Zo Silicon Zonk II
  • SolidGoldFX If 6 Was 9 BC183 MKII

5 Modulations


And so June has become largely about these Modulation types - 3 of which are straight on the board - Zzombee, Screen Violence, and Deep Oggin of course. I had a fair session with the Glowfly Retroflect too, while I've still to really put the Futura through its paces :

  • Beetronics Zzombee Filtremulator Analog Multi-FX
  • Glowfly Effects Retroflect Lo-Fi Tape Style Modulator
  • OBNE + Chvrches Screen Violence Stereo Saturated Modulated Reverb
  • Paradox Futura Multiparametric Envelope Chorus
  • ThorpyFX Deep Oggin Analog Chorus

June Pedal-Chain Status


Obviously June is Thorpy Month - and all 14 of my Thorpy's are in the mix. Where there are actually just 4 properly new pedals in the chain - 5 if you include the Deep Oggin. Slots #4, #5. #8. #9, #10, #11, #12, #15, #19, #20, #21, #23, #24, #27, #30, #31, #32, and #34 are all impacted - or 18 of 41 slots have been impacted.


This is not the first time I've done a Thorpy theme - while there are significantly more pedals in the collection this time around. I will continue to do specifically themed months at major release junctures - depending of course on how serendipitously they might impact the chain. Of course I need to be have suitable numbers in order to achieve such aims - which does limit the rollout a touch. For sure I now have 20 Basic Audio pedals - but they're all fuzzes! Which means they can only impact gain pedal slots - possibly Spaceman might be next!

Slot #04 : Envelope Filter / Auto-Wah / Fixed Wah / WAH


Still early days on the Beetronics Zzombee Filtremulator Analog Multi-FX - it's only just fairly recently pitched up, and its fair to say I've not fully got to grips with it - but it's impressing me so far!

Slot #05 : Germanium / Sensitive Fuzz


Of course the star of the recent Multi-Bender rundown - the ThorpyFX Boneyard Germanium Multi-Bender Fuzz truly is a thing of wonder - so congrats to all who got their hands on one. I fully understand that Germanium fuzzes don't always have universal appeal and some don't like their temperature sensitive temperament - while for me that's all part of the fun!

Slot #08 : Texturising / Harmonic Saturating Germanium Tertiary Boost


A near permanent feature in the chain - the ThorpyFX Heavy Water Dual High Headroom Boost still continued to do the business for me - just a superb 3-in-1 texturizer - which really enhances the core tone and texture of the chain.

Slot #09 : Neutral / Light / Organic / Transparent / Klone Overdrive


Probably already my favourite ThorpyFX Overdrive - the Scarlet Tunic Analog Amp Emulator's impact is pretty much instant - just really phenomenally dynamic and easy to dial in - a truly fantastic and versatile Preamp / Overdrive.

SLOT #10 : Mid Gain / Dynamic / Blues Breaker / Harmonic Overdrive / JTM45 / Screamer


My former favourite ThorpyFX Overdrive - the Peacekeeper Low Gain Overdrive still has a fixed place in the chain - it's slightly tricker to dial in that the Scarlet Tunic - but can yield similarly rewarding results for all low-gain applications. I mostly used it as a Soft Klone - which it really excels itself at!

Slot #11 : Mid Gain / Blues Driver


Thorpy's supreme Utility Pedal - the Team Medic Buffer, EQ, Boost and Boost+ is best at carving out particularly frequency clusters, and being deployed as a tone-enhancer - while it's a decent and articulate overdrive on its own too!

Slot #12 : Mid Gain / Dumble / Expandora / Fuzzy-Drive / Mostortion / OCD / TrainWreck


Thorpy's take on the Rat format - the Warthog Distortion takes you into uncharted territory for that type - just a much greater range, where the Calibre dial really helps you fine-tune the pedal's nuances. This is a superbly versatile overdrive / distortion with all manner of uses. Lots use this as an all-rounder Overdrive / Distortion pedal.

Slot #15 : Main Multi-Drive - Oversize


I had kind of wanted one of these for a while - King Tone The Duellist 2022 Silver Edition - where the new 2022 editions with all those external options made this finally a must-have for me. I've had it for a while now - but have mostly had Covid for that period too!

Slot #19 : Multi-Fuzz / Fuzzy-Drive


My very first Thorpy acquisition - the Fallout Cloud Triangle Muff Fuzz is still one of the very best of that type. Coincidentally Triangle is my favourite variety of Muff and I have a number of favourites in that area.

Slot #20 : Silicon & OpAmp Fuzz / Big Muff / Octave Fuzz / Oscillating Fuzz / High Gain Fuzz / PLL / Rat 2


Thorpy totally nails the classic Veteran Fuzz Face plus RangeMaster Boost formula - exactly the right number and variety of controls for maximum impact!

Slot #21 : High Gain Fuzz 1 / Fuzzstortion


The ThorpyFX Field Marshal Big Cheese Fuzz is probably his most versatile fuzz to-date - incredible range on every one of its dials, and it makes the JHS Cheese Ball sound very ordinary indeed!

Slot #23 : Brown Sound / EVH / JCM800 / Liquid Distortion


My only disagreement with Thorpy to date is that for me his Gunshot Overdrive is more Plexi than JCM800, where officially Gunshot is JCM800 and The Bunker the Plexi variety. Generally the Gunshot has more gain overall, but also goes softer and warmer than the Bunker which for me is slightly sharper. Together they give you every Marshall flavour you would need - with a degree of overlap. Would be interesting to here if you use your Gunshot more as a Plexi of JCM800 type - and what you then do with The Bunker!

Slot #24 : High Gain Fuzz 2 / Modern Metal 1 / Mid-Pushed High Gain


The Bunker JCM800 Intermodulation Distortion, based on the Lovetone Brown Source - presumably 'Brown Sound' variant - which was actually designed to go into already driven amp. For those purposes you would somewhat temper the output of The Bunker, while for us pedal platform guys - we go in clean and hard - and to my ears this comes off more as a JCM800 with that mode of use. A fantastic companion pedal to the Gunshot - which I still very slightly prefer owing to its greater range.

Slot #27 : Modern Metal 4 / High Gain Metal 3 / Extreme Saturating Distortion / Rectifier / Diezel / Orange


I don't really need an excuse to bing back in one of my favourite high gain pedals - Redbeard Effects' Red Mist MKIV Orange Distortion - indeed another Thorpy-made classic!

Slot #30 : Analog Flanger


I've often said it - the ThorpyFX Camoflange Analog Flanger is the very best Vintage style Flanger you can get - it just has that magic sparkle!

Slot #31 : Analog Phaser / Rotary


Thorpy's Pulse Doppler Analog Phaser / Vibrato / Tremolo beautifully completes his analog modulation trifecta - each of these is stunningly textured and versatile, and the Pulse Doppler is uniquely capable as an Analog Phaser - and can take you into unusual territories like no other!

Slot #32 : Analog Chorus / Vibrato


Thorpy's Deep Oggin Analog Chorus is best described as effortless elegance - a really pristine vintage style chorus which is incredibly easy to dial in.

Slot #34 : Glitch / Multi-FX 1 / Other Modulation


Another very recent arrival - the OBNE + Chvrches Screen Violence Stereo Saturated Modulated Reverb is a perfect Shoegazer stye pedal for me, and all the better for being Stereo. While I've not had too much time to explore it yet - it promises great things though!

Final Thoughts


It's a minor miracle I managed to complete this missive as I'm still down with Covid and suffering brain fog and blurry vision. I apologise for all the extra typos you've likely encountered - I simply don't have the energy to apply more polish on this occasion.


Everything since my FX Expo report has been something of an ordeal as I had full blown Covid on the day that one went live. I'm far from back to normal yet - while I am finally starting to improve now.


I would have liked to have shared a few more thoughts on the FX Expo which I found really inspiring - but then of course have a whole load more collaborations and acquisitions ahead - which is daunting too.


I've also suffered a fairly unusual month in terms of slamming and revolving doors - this industry is often horribly cold and uncaring - and you need a proper steely determination to survive. I do get tired of chasing my own tail though - some months everything just seems a little bit more tricky than before. People don't volunteer the details they used to and yes frequently forget you even existed despite valiant former works on their behalf.


I'm really not sure where I am with all of this now - but that could just be the Covid brain talking.


Seems like I'm a little short of inspiration these days ...

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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