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Boost and Overdrive

Electronic Audio Experiments crafts a Plexi-inspired Preamp - the Citadel - from the guts of its Model feT pedal

BoostBoost and OverdriveDistortionElectronic Audio ExperimentsMarshall Style DistortionOverdrive+-
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EAE’s latest is essentially an iteration of its highly celebrated Model feT Model T style full pre and power-amp pedal - recreating the entirety of that amp’s topology but in transistor format. Interestingly the Model T was based on the Marshall Super Bass, and this new pedal kind of takes things back into that direction. Cleaning up some of that boomy low-end, and bringing more chewy mids to the forefront.


Two paragraphs from the pedal’s onsite description fully encapsulated what this new pedal is about :


"After all, the original Model T was itself a modified take on the Super Bass sound, delivering a distinct variety of the plexi flavor with fuzzy breakup and a huge low frequency punch."


"You can almost think of the Citadel as a re-plexi-fied Model T sound, trading low end sludge for a sparkly midrange focus. In another way, you can think of it as what we’d do if the original Model T wasn’t too sacrosanct to modify"


Controls - Bright Gain, Normal Gain, Master Volume, Bass, Midrange, Treble.


As I’m still somewhat basking in the afterglow of the Sinvertek N5 MGAT-1, the Citadel isn’t really my top priority at the moment. While I will fully intend to acquire EAE’s Model feT some day soon. The Citadel is more of a nice-to-have for me currently.


The Citadel is currently sold out on the Electronic Audio Experiments Webstore - but will likely be back in stock soon - at $249. When back in stock - the Citadel will of course also be available from Joe’s Pedals in the UK, Axe and You Shall Receive in Canada, and These Go To 11 in Sweden. If you desperately want one right now you should be able to find at least 1 still in stock among those dealers.


Anyone here gone for the Citadel already or planning to?


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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