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2023 Best of New Modutility Pedals of the Year

ALABS AudioAlexander PedalsAll-PedalAmbient EffectsAmp and Cab IR SimAmpliTubeBeetronics FXBest in ClassBitcrushing and Lo-FiBondi EffectsBossChase Bliss AudioChorus and VibratoCompressorCrazy Tube CircuitsDeath By AudioDr ScientistDrunk BeaverFjord FuzzFlangerFormula BGuitar Synth and SequencerHarmonizerHologram ElectronicsJackson AudioJAM PedalsKeyztoneLooperModulationModulation WorkstationMulti-FXOctaverPastFXPeterson TunersPhaserPickup ModellerPitchPitch-ShiftingRainger FXRed Witch EffectsRing ModulationRotary SpeakerSubdecay EffectsSwellThorpyFXTremoloTru-Fi Guitar EffectsTunersUni-Vibe and VibeUtility+-
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The Modutility roundup combines Modulation, Utility and Pitch type pedals - it also includes Multi-FX and Multi-Modulation pedals of course. Some years this selection is relatively sparse - while this year it’s totally chock-a-block! In fact it was a struggle to whittle the Longlist down - and inevitably some pedals I wanted to feature did not make the cut - including the Ghost Pedal Multi-FX and Subdecay Prometheus 3 Dual Super Filter.


I still feel that this selection of 26 is very representative of the year though - and includes most of the strongest and most innovative modulity pedals that came out in the last 12 months.


Of this selection I don’t own the Alexander Luminous Phaseshifter, AmpliTube Tonex, Bondi Effects Squish As Compressor, Boss IR-2 Amp & Cabinet, CTC Sidekick JR, Death By Audio Disturbance Lockable Modulator, Dr Scientist Phreak Ring Modulator, Hologram Electronics Chroma Console, Peterson StroboStomp Mini, Red Witch Synthotron III, and Subdecay Tremcoder MKII DLX.


Top of my list of acquisitions for next year are the Hologram Chroma Console and Subdecay Tremcoder MKII. My friend Bruce at Audio Distribution Group has already promised me a StroboStomp Mini - which I will probably pick up at the Birmingham Guitar Show!


Notably we have 3 Phasers and 3 1/2 Uni-Vibes in this selection, a couple of killer choruses and a couple of flavoursome flangers - and most everything else in the singular! I guess you could say that AmpliTube Tonex and Boss IR-2 have some overlap - while the killer feature on the Tonex is its amp profile capture abilities.


Here is the 2023 selection in all its glory :

  • ALABS Audio Orbital Pitch-Shifter
  • Alexander Pedals Luminous Phaseshifter
  • All-Pedal Microdose Phaser
  • AmpliTube ToneX Tone Capture and AI Infused Modeller
  • Beetronics SeaBee Harmochorus Stereo Chorus Harmonizer
  • Bondi Effects Squish As Compressor
  • Boss IR-2 Amp & Cabinet Simulator
  • Chase Bliss vs Goodhertz Lossy Data Compressor Signal Degrader
  • Chase Bliss MOOD II Micro Looper & Ambience Generator
  • Crazy Tube Circuits Sidekick JR 80’s Multi-FX
  • Death By Audio Disturbance Lockable LFO Modulator
  • Dr Scientist Phreak Multi-Mode Ring Modulator
  • Drunk Beaver Tornado V2 2-4-6 Stage OTA Phaser
  • Fjord Fuzz Njord Reslytone style Leslie Simulator
  • Formula B Vintage-Vibe
  • Hologram Electronics Chroma Console Multi-Effector
  • Jackson Audio NewWave Chorus / Vibrato / Rotary
  • JAM Pedals Harmonious Monk MK2 Harmonic Tremolo
  • Keyztone Exchanger Pro Pickup Modeller & Enhancer
  • PastFX 80/A Vintage style Flanger (A/DA)
  • Peterson StroboStomp Mini Tuner
  • Rainger FX Flanger X Rocket Flanger
  • Red Witch Synthotron III Analog Monophonic Synth
  • Subdecay Tremcoder MKII DLX Pattern Tremolo + Sequencer
  • Thorpy FX ER-2 Uni-Vibe
  • Tru-Fi Ghost Vibe

And hereafter follow the individual details as usual :

ALABS Audio Orbital Pitch-Shifter - $109.99


Controls - Rate (Max 10Hz), Detune (+100 Cents L-out, -100 Cents R-out), Dry>Wet Mix, Modes : +Oct / +5th / +4th / +3rd / Root / -3rd / -4th / -5th / -Oct, Glide / Tone knob, Toggle switch : Glide | Momentary / Tone | Latching | ∞ Explore Mode 5s Gesture Control, Footswitch : ∞ + Hold activates Gesture Control for Rate, Detune, Mix, and Tone.


Really cool pitch-shifter with some significant extended features - including the Explore Mode Gesture Control and Expression Ramping. You can get some amazing fluttery transitions - while I feel that it really needs the Tom Morello +2 Octaves Interval - I guess instead of the Root Mode. Other than that it's a pretty perfect execution in function and format - one of the stars of the new ALABS Audio Adam Adventures Series.

Alexander Pedals Luminous Phaseshifter - $230


Controls - CTRL 1-3, CTRL 4 / Page / Menu, Tap / CTL / Expression Ramping Footswitch, Bypass / Preset Footswitch.


Great glow-in-the dark DSP 10-Mode Phaser with some unique features and 32 Presets onboard - and smart Expression Ramping, TRS Stereo In, and Full L+R Stereo Out. Definitely on the wishlist - but not with a definite priority currently!

All-Pedal Microdose Phaser - $325


Controls - Warp (Modify Duty Cycle / Wave Symmetry), Depth, Resonance, Level, Rate, Wave Set / Bank (See Waveform knob) : Alternate / Standard, Stages : 2 / 4 / 8, Blend (Dry>Wet Mix), (Tap) Multiplier : 0.5 / 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 3 / 4, Waveforms : 8 x Standard + 8 x Alternate (see below graphic and details), Tap Tempo Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch.


Amazing Phaser with beautiful surround graphics / paint-job, and in part based on the Spaceman Explorer Deluxe Optical Phaser - while topologically speaking closer to the looks of a Subdecay Quasar DLX. A big part of this one's prowess is its 16 different Waveform Patterns - which deliver some really unique textures in combination with the 9 other controls - just all-round beautifully executed!

AmpliTube ToneX Tone Capture and AI Infused Modeller - $399


Controls - Mode / Select, Press / Back, Parameter / Hold>Alt, Gain / Reverb, Bass / Compression, Mid / Noise Gate, Treble / Presence, Volume / Depth, A, B, C Footsitches - A+B is Bank Down, B+C Is Bank Up.


One of the most well-received pedals of the year - and one that massively undercuts the more expensive amp-modellers / tone capture pedals - your Kempers and like - and supposedly delivery equal if not superior results in certain contexts. No one has a bad thing to say about this pedal - and it's been adopted by quite a number of heavyweight modeller types. Not something for me at the moment as I'm still very much pedal platform based - but I certainly recognise quality, value and innovation. AmpliTube definitely onto a winner with this one!

Beetronics SeaBee Harmochorus Stereo Chorus Harmonizer - $349 / $449 CS


Controls - Ramp / Tone / Pattern, Rate / Mix, Depth / Feedback / Harmonies, Ramp Shape : A stop B stop / Up-Down / Up Only, MODE : Dual / Arp / Mad & Roto / Depth / Sting, Effect : < Harmo / Chorus >, Tap-Tempo / Ramping Footswitch, Bypass / Ramp Direction / Alt Footswitch, Tap both Footswitches simultaneously to Access Presets and navigate Up/Down via 2 Footswitches, Press-Hold to save Preset.


A proper genius and highlight innovative new take on a Chorus - with some very unique features and sounds onboard. So clever in so many ways - while if you case about ease of use - then this has a very steep learning curve - in fact it's not a pedal you can really operate without a manual. I find it even more complex to deploy than its formidable Zzombee Filtremulator sibling - which I had gotten used to. I love the sounds and textures coming out of the SeaBee - but generally I favoured the JA New Wave for its significantly better ease of use! I still love the format and feature set of the SeaBee - but it may be a little too complex to fully gel with for most! Still one of the very best Chorus style effect you can buy though!

Bondi Effects Squish As VCA Compressor - $269


Controls - Output (Makeup Gain of -20dB to +20dB, Ratio : 1:1 to ∞, Sensitivity : -6.3dBu to -46.3dBu, Tone (Tilt EQ), Blend : Dry > Wet for Parallel Compression, Gain Reduction VU Meter - from 2dB to 28dB+.


Bondi Effects follows up its well-loved 2026 compressor with the even more impressive and spectacularly innovative Squish As VCA Compressor. Features fairly unique controls and smart Gain Reduction VU Meter - with intelligent automated Attack and Release times based on your playing dynamics.

Boss IR-2 Amp & Cabinet Simulator - $199 | €209 | £181


Controls - Ambience (Reverb : Room / Hall / Plate) [Bass], Level [Middle], Gain [Treble], Type : Clean / TWN / Tweed / Diamond / Crunch / Brit / Hi-Gain / SLDN / Brown / Modded / RFIER, Short Press = Green / Red Channel Select, Long Press / Hold = Bypass.
Ports - Send, Return, Input, Output A (mono), Output B, Channel Select, Phones port on real, USB-C for IR-2 IR Loader!


Boss scares the bejesus out of everyone in that sector by revolutionising the Cab Sim format with an ingenious compact format take of its own. One of the very best received pedals of the year - described by pretty much everyone as game-changing and revolutionary - which is the mixture of feature onboard and the very attractive price point.

Chase Bliss vs Goodhertz Lossy Data Compressor Signal Degrader - $399


Controls - Filter / Gate, Global / Freezer (Ramp), Verb / Decay, Freq / Threshold, Speed / Auto Gain, Loss / Loss Gain, Filter Slope : 6dB / 24dB / 96dB, Packets : Repeat / Clean / Loss, Mode / Weighting : Inverse / Standard / Phase Jitter, Freeze Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch, +16 dip-switches on rear.


Collaboration with Goodhertz on producing a pedal edition of their Lossy Data Compression Degradation Plugin. A uniquely kind of 80's take on Lo-Fi signal modulation - essentially a softer take on Bitcrushing to a degree - with far more granularity and parameter control - based on early data-crunching techniques.

Chase Bliss MOOD II Micro Looper & Ambience Generator - $399


Controls - Time, Mix (Ramp), Length, Modify (Spatial / Wet), Clock : 2K-64K, Modify (Looper), Modifiers (Spatial / Wet) : Reverb / Delay / Slip, Routing : Input Signal Only / Both / Looper Signal Only, Mofifiers (Looper) : Envelope / Tape / Stretch, Engage Spatial Footswitch, Presets, Engage Looper Footswitch.


A massive update / enhancement of the Mood Micro Looper & Ambience Generator - with full stereo support, and vastly expanded feature set - also includes 'Classic' mode via dip-switches - which mostly preserves the older model's profile - while with some differences on the time-stretching side. Worth the upgrade for most!

Crazy Tube Circuits Sidekick JR 80's Multi-FX - €289


Controls - MODULATION } Depth, Mode : Ensemble (CE-2) / Flanger (BF-2) / Dimension (DC-2), Speed, SWITCHING } Combine Modulation with Reverb FS / Use External XT Switch / Combine Modulation with Delay FS, DELAY } More (Level), Tail (Feedback / Repeats), Time (40ms - 800ms), Mode : Tape / Digital, REVERB : Plate [Gated] / Spring [Exciter] / Hall [Shimmer], Bank : A/[B], Reverb [+Mod] Footswitch, Delay [+Mod] Footswitch.


Superb evolution and miniaturisation of CTC's 80's inspired Multi-FX Pedal - with more features than the original - and in a much smaller box. For my needs this really needs to be full stereo in and out - but for mono rigs this is the best way to infuse some 80's flavours into your signal chain.

Death By Audio Disturbance Lockable LFO Modulator - $250


Controls - Tensity (Intensity), Wave Centre Point, Width (Delay-line Offset), Mode : Filter / Flanger / Fazer, LFO Speed, On Footswtich, Trip / Freeze Footswitch, CV Out.


Pretty cool Modulator where you can 'Freeze' the Modulation at any time in the cycle - which gives you some very unique and unusual textures - kind of like coking a wah pedal of sorts - but rather within an LFO modulation cycle.

Dr Scientist Phreak Multi-Mode Ring Modulator - $219


Controls - Phreak / Frequency, Mix (analog), Volume (analog), Mode push-button : Set (Manual) / Envelope / LFO (8 x waveforms), Waveform push-button: Sine / Ramp / Saw / Square / Step1 / Step2 / Sample & Hold / Random, Multi Stomp Footswitch (Sweep / Freeze / Tap Tempo / Ramp Rate Down, Bypass Footswitch / Hold to tune Ring Mod to input note.


A really cool take on Ring Modulation - in the same format as the much loved Dusk Dynamic Filter. My friend Henry Kaiser had an advance version of this which he really loves - while I've still to decide if I want more Ring Modulation in my life! I'm actually really enjoying the Ring Mod on the Kernom Moho - so maybe I'm warming up to the idea now. Really smart format in any case - and well priced.

Drunk Beaver Tornado V2 2-4-6 Stage Dual Range OTA Phaser - $200


Controls - Effect Level, Resonance, Rate A, Rate B, Stages : 2/4/6, Mode : Phaser 0 (In-Phase) / Vibrato / Phaser 1 (Out-of-Phase), Sweep : Shallow / Wide, Range A : Slow / Ring / Normal, Range B : Slow / Ring / Normal, A/B Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch.


Really cool take and evolution of the Phase Format - where my good friend Vitalii has significantly updated his Tornado Phaser - added features, and put it in a more pedalboard-friendly vertical enclosure - all changes of which I really approve of! The new version sounds amazing and has the perfect complement of controls to get the most out of this format - very need to have 2 settings - for different speeds or textures of phasing - sounds amazing too!

Fjord Fuzz Njord Reslytone style Leslie Simulator - $150


Controls - Rate, Mix, Depth.


Very limited edition pedal of the month issue - not sure how many were made - but it sounds amazing. I believe it's due a comeback in 2024 in a slightly different format - well worth getting in on that action. A really unique and vibrant sounding modulation - sounds amazing with fuzz!

Formula B Vintage-Vibe - €259 / £229


Controls - Volume, Intensity, Speed 1, Speed 2, Mode : Chorus / Vibrato, Engage Vibe Footswitch, Speed 1/2 Footswitch.


Truly fantastic sounding and performing Uni-Vibe in one of my favourite ever editions - has exactly the functionality I like - the 2 Speed Action - would be cool if we could set a ramp speed too! Sound-wise though - this may very well be the best sounding Uni-Vibe currently out there!

Hologram Electronics Chroma Console Multi-Effector - $399


Controls - Tilt (EQ) / Sensitivity, Amount / Effect Volume, Rate / Drift, Amount / Effect Volume, Mix / Output Level, Amount / Effect Volume, MODE BUTTONS } A : Character 1-5, B : Movement 1-5, C : Diffusion 1-5, D : Texture 1-5, A+B = Secondary Functions, C+D = Gesture Control, A+D = FX Setup, B+C = Copy/Save, Tap Tempo / Capture Footswitch, Bypass / Presets Footswitch.
Rear Ports - Input L, Input R, Output L, Output R, EXP, MIDI In, MIDI Out, USB-C, 9V DC [-] 500mA.


One of the most inventive and innovative pedals of the year. Allowing you to Coming 20 Effects Elements in any order by 4 category blocks. With clever Gesture Control - similar to that found on the ALABS Audio pedals, and full Stereo Ins and Outs. This is an entirely new type of Multi-Effector - not necessarily with the most individual element - but he most granular way though in how you can apply them. I'm definitely getting one of these in the new year. Similar to some of my other favourite pedals this year - I feel this one is a little over-sized - while the combination of what it delivers should be smart enough to overcome any slight degree of pedalboard-unfriendliness. I definitely want one and need to figure where it should go on the board - and how I might best fit it in!

Jackson Audio NewWave Chorus / Vibrato / Rotary - $299 / £325


Controls - Mix (Dry > Chorus > Vibrato), Depth / Mode : 1-7 (see below), Speed : 0.1Hz > 2Hz > 10Hz, Tone, Phase / Ratio / Wave Shape, Delay, Engage / Bloom Footswitch, Tap Temp / Speed Ramp Footswitch, Press Both to Cycle through 7 Modes.


My relationship with Jackson Audio has not been rehabilitated, but credit where credit's due - this is a great new and innovative Chorus, Vibrato, Rotary and Harmonic Modulator. It's been on the board for most of the year and I prefer deploying this over the amazing Beetronics SeaBee which I also have. The New Wave is a great sounding and really flavoursome Reverb with lots of variations - and smart presets and controls - and includes unique Solina Harmonic and Solina Triplet waveforms. Really easy to use - but is very sensitive on its (high) power requirement.

JAM Pedals Harmonious Monk MK2 Harmonic Tremolo - €269


Controls - D (Depth), Mode : Up Harmonic / Down Amplitude, S (Speed), L (Level), Waveforms : Square / Sinewave / Reverse Sawtooth, M (Mix), Engage footswitch, Tap Tempo / Speed Ramp / x2 Speed. Press and hold both footswitches to change Tao / Speed Mode, and hold down Engage Footswitch on power-up to set default startup mode : On or Off.


My favourite Harmonic Tremolo pedal made even better in its second edition - with more options and Tap Tempo onboard now. The trickest / juiciest Harmonic Tremolo on the market - as close to a Uni-Vibe as you can get with a Tremolo

Keyztone Exchanger Pro Pickup Modeller & Enhancer - €233


Controls - Pickup Model : Rockabilly (Filter'Tron), P90 (Soap Bar), Modern (Super Distortion), Classic (Strat SC), Hotrails, Vintage (Tele SC), 50's (P.A.F.), Metal (Dimebucker), Tweak : Resonant Frequency / Q Resonance Bandwidth, Level (Pickup Output).


Another genius and much improved model. I play mostly humbucker guitars - and this provides me with Strat and Tele voicings in the main - and superbly so. Much better than coil-splitting or other forms of EQ-shaping. Really delivers on that type of Pickup. Works brilliantly for me - and allows me to deploy the one guitar for near enough everything!

PastFX 80/A Vintage style Flanger (A/DA) - AUS $489 / $315 USD


Controls - Manual, Range, Speed, Harmonics : Red = Positive Feedback / Fuller Sound, Blue = Negative Feedback / Hollow Tubular Sound, Blend (Allows for Mix Reduction - FCW is stock, Threshold (Noise Gate), Enhance (Color / Feedback / Regen), Level / Output.


My favourite all-time flanger - sounds immense - and does the coolest whale sounds ever! Just a really full fat flavoursome Flanger - in my opinion the most flavoursome out there - that MN3010 512 Stage BBD Chip really is magical!

Peterson StroboStomp Mini Tuner - $119


Controls - Menu : Up / Down, Parameter : Higher / Lower.


New and improved Mini Edition of Peterson StroboStomp - every bit as good as the larger one - with the exact same feature set - just smaller - and with top-mounted jacks - which makes it every way superior! 

Rainger FX Flanger X Rocket Flanger - £229 / $230


Controls - Flange (Modulation Width + Pitch-changed Signal Mix), Mod Rate, Analog Rocket Noise (can dial down and out), Output Volume, Feedback, Igor input trigger switch, Envelope Trigger switch.


Fantastic Swooshy Flanger - here described as a Rocket Flanger - with Analog White Noise Chip creating the Swoosh, while the Flanger Voicing is DSP. Sounds superb - and is full of flavour!

Red Witch Synthotron III Analog Monophonic Synth - $599


Controls - MASTER } Gain, Flux, Flux Eng, Dry, CHANNEL ONE } Pitch 1, Decay Level, Decay, Level, CHANNEL TWO } 8ve Down, Delay Level, Decay, Level, CHANNEL THREE } Pitch 2, Decay Level, Decay, Level, CHANNEL FOUR } 8ve Down, Decay Level, Decay, Level, FILTER } Mode 1, Frequency, Mode 2, Velocity, CHORUS } Mix, Depth, Voice, Velocity.


Fantastic 4-voice Monophonic Analog Synthesizer with Filter and Chorus. Great sounding updated and upgraded pedal-based analog synthesizer - a little on the pricey side perhaps - but it really does sound superb.

Subdecay Tremcoder MKII DLX Pattern Tremolo + Sequencer - $349


Controls - Shape / Preset : 0 - 10, Mode : Tremolo / User / Sequencer, Ratio : 0 - 10 / Tap Divisions, Volume, Shape / Warp : 0 - 10, Depth, Rate / Ratio / Beats : 0 - 10, Tap Tempo / Manual Footswitch, FX Engage / Save Preset Footswitch.


Amazing Stereo Pattern Tremolo - hugely expanded from the compact edition with multiple extra features and variations. I kind of ran out of space on this visual - as I wanted to include the Prometheus 3 Dual Super Filter Pedal in here too - both are amazing - I already have the Prometheus 3 and was due to get the Tremcoder MKII in this year - didn't happen quite yet - hopefully early next year!

Thorpy FX ER-2 Uni-Vibe - £300



Controls - Intensity (Photocell Luminosity), Offset (Photocell Lit to Unlit / Dark phase Offset), Speed (Pulse / Throb Rate), Volume (Output), Vibrato / Chorus Footswitch, On / Off Footswitch.


A unique take on a Uni-Vibe - which deliver ultimate note clarity - meaning this is superb for use with higher gain pedals and fuzzes in particular. Maintains its clarity in a real cool way - so you get plenty of richly textured Uni-Vibe - while the melodies and notes still ring out unencumbered.

Tru-Fi Ghost Vibe - $299


Controls - Volume, Mode : Vibrato / Chorus, Depth, Speed.


The thickest and fattest Uni-Vibes of all - sounds beautifully richly textured all of the time - but can get a touch flubby with higher gain and fuzz. For lower gain inputs it really sounds superb - doesn't have the note clarity of the ER-2 or the poised balance of the Vintage Vibe - but is a fantastic vibe in its own way - as with everything - you just need to know how to deploy it! It looks gorgeous too in standard purple - which has a magical sheen to it!

The Longlist

  • ALABS Audio NovaDrift Modulator
  • ALABS Audio Orbital Pitch-Shifter
  • Alexander Pedals Luminous Phaseshifter
  • Alexander Pedals Dynaflanger Moder 213
  • All-Pedal Microdose Phaser
  • AmpliTube ToneX Tone Capture and AI Infused Modeller
  • Analog Music Company So High So Low Resonant Filter & Preamp
  • Asheville Analoger AFG-1 Flanger
  • Beetronics SeaBee Harmochorus Stereo Chorus Harmonizer
  • Bleak District Rec Head Lo-Fi Dynamic Modulator
  • Bolt & Forge Sawbones Optical Compressor
  • Bondi Effects Squish As Compressor
  • Boss GM-800 Guitar Synthesizer
  • Boss IR-2 Amp & Cabinet Simulator
  • Boss ME-90 Guitar Multiple Effects
  • Boss NS-1X Noise Suppressor
  • Caroline Guitar Company Arigato Phaser Vibrato
  • Chase Bliss vs Goodhertz Lossy Data Compression Degradation
  • Colortone Pedals Roundhouse Tremolo / LFO Modualator / Uni-Vibe
  • Crazy Tube Circuits Sidekick JR 80's Multi-FX
  • Death By Audio Disturbance Lockable LFO Modulator
  • Diamond Pedals Comp/EQ
  • Diamond Pedals Tremolo
  • Dr Scientist Phreak Multi-Mode Ring Modulator
  • Drunk Beaver PD5 Dnipro Jet Flanger
  • Drunk Beaver PD8 Odesa Envelope Filter
  • Drunk Beaver Tornado V2 2-4-6 Stage OTA Phaser
  • EHX Walking on the Moon Flanger
  • Ghost Pedal Multi-FX
  • Golden Master Stereo Channel Strip
  • EQD Aurelius 6-Mode Chorus
  • Eventide Riptide Drive & Uni-Vibe
  • Fjord Fuzz Njord Reslytone style Leslie Simulator
  • Formula B Vintage-Vibe
  • GFI System Duophony Advanced Parallel Blender
  • GFI System EniEQma Muti-Purpose Multi-Mode Stereo EQ & Boost
  • Hologram Electronics Chroma Console Multi-Effector
  • Jackson Audio Hour Glass Dual Analog OTA Compressor
  • Jackson Audio NewWave Chorus / Vibrato / Rotary
  • JAM Pedals Harmonious Monk MK2 Harmonic Tremolo
  • Keyztone Exchanger Pro Pickup Modeller & Enhancer
  • KMA Machines AB/Y Mono / Stereo Pedals
  • Krozz Devices Airborn Flanger
  • Line 6 HX One
  • OBNE BL-52 Phase Repeater
  • OBNE BL-82 Chorus/Delay
  • October Audio MNTNS Phase-Vibe-Gain
  • PastFX 80/A Vintage style Flanger (A/DA)
  • PastFX New Division Chorus Flange Vibrato
  • PastFX Rotary Phaser
  • Peterson StroboClip HDC Clip-on Tuner
  • Peterson StroboStomp Mini Tuner
  • Rainger FX Flanger X Rocket Flanger
  • Red Witch Synthotron III Analog Monophonic Synth
  • Ross Compressor
  • Sitek Cristal Signal Buffer
  • Spaceman FX Meridian Time Modulator
  • Spaceman FX Ixion Optical Compressor
  • Strymon Ultraviolet Vintahge Vibe
  • Subdecay Prometheus 3 Dual Super Filter
  • Subdecay Tremcoder MKII Pattern Tremolo + Sequencer
  • Thorpy FX ER-2 Uni-Vibe
  • Tru-Fi Ghost Vibe
  • Univeral Audio Max Dual Compressor
  • Universal Audio UAFX Ox Stomp Dynamic Speaker Emulator
  • Wampler Cory Wong Compressor
Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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