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Boost and Overdrive

2023 Best New Boost & Overdrive Pedals of the Year

Acorn AmpsAnasoundsBeetronics FXBest in ClassBispell AudioBlues Driver Style OverdriveBoostBoost and OverdriveBossCKK ElectronicsCrazy Tube CircuitsDecibelicsDriveDumble Style OverdriveElectric LoveFormula B PedalsGecko PedalsHello Sailor EffectsIntensive Care AudioJ RockettJHS PedalsKeeley EngineeringKlone and Transparent OverdriveMarshall Style DistortionMuir Audio DesignNordland ElectronicsODR Style OverdriveOhmless PedalsOPFXSOrigin EffectsOverdrivePoly EffectsREVV AmplificationTark AudioThorpyFXTone For PunkTubescreamer Style OverdriveTubesteaderTweed Style OverdriveWalrus Audio+-
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And so to my roundup of the best gear of the year - apologies of course if I’ve overlooked one of your favourites - and note again that this year I’ve split out Boost & Overdrive - and Distortion separately - as there are so many new pedals that it’s tough to fit them all into a single summary overview. Some of these pedals are incredibly extended range - and if I’ve used them more on the distortion side - you will find those listed in the very next Distortion Rundown article - like say the Messiah Guitars Eddie Haddad BoostDrive as an example.


It’s always tough to arrow down the selection to something manageable - and a very iterative back and forth process across myriad criteria to distil the list down to manageable numbers - where the magic number on this occasion was ’29’.


As per usual I did not manage to secure all of these this year - some alas will never enter the reference collection. The ones I did not get around to adding this year include - the CTC Hi Power, Gecko O-Face, Keeley Noble Screamer, JHS Notaklön, OPFXS Twin Boost, Origin Effects Halcyon, REVV Tilt Boost, and Walrus Audio 385 MKII. Meaning therefore I own 21 of the 29. Most likely next acquisition here is the Keeley Noble Screamer or Walrus 385 MKII - a few of those straggles will for sure be added at some stage.


Here is the final Overview - note that the Longlist is at the foot of this article, also note that there is some pedal Tetris going on for the arrangement - which is closely alphabetical - but not entirely! :

  • Acorn Amps Compact Solid State Preamplifier
  • Anasounds The Sandman Dual Overdrive Klone + TS808
  • Beetronics FX Nectar Tone Sweetener Drive + Fuzz
  • Bispell Audio Saxon V1.5 JTM45 + Super Lead Plexi
  • Boss BP-1W Booster/Preamp
  • CKK SHXC Super Overdrive
  • Electric Love x Wampler Aquatone BD-2 style Overdrive
  • Hello Sailor Effects Compact Dual Gain Anchor Drive
  • Crazy Tube Circuits Hi Power HiWatt + Power Boost
  • Decibelics The Reverend XX OD / Distortion / Fuzz
  • Formula B Eighty Master MIAB Overdrive
  • Gecko O-Face Analog Overdrive with Optical Modulation of Controls
  • Keeley Noble Screamer ODR-1 + TS808
  • Keeley Signature Andy Timmons Super AT Mod Full Range Overdrive
  • Intensive Care Audio Life Support Overdrive + Boost
  • JHS Notaklön Klone with JHS Shamrock Mod
  • J Rockett Archer Select 7 Diodes Klone
  • Muir Audio Design Silicon Steel Silky Smooth Output Transformer Saturating Overdrive
  • Nordland Electronics ODR-CS Custom Special
  • Ohmless Pedals AKC-4 Overdrive
  • OPFXS Twin Boost : Digital Control - Analog Audio
  • Origin Effects Halcyon Gold Overdrive
  • Poly Josh Smith Signature Flat V Dual Channel Overdrive
  • REVV Amplification Tilt Boost
  • Tark Audio 144 Tape Machine Emulator
  • ThorpyFX The Dane MKII Drive + Boost
  • Tone For Punk Trebled Youth 3-Stage Gain Machine
  • Tubesteader EggNog Tweed-voiced Tube Overdrive / Preamp
  • Walrus Audio 385 Overdrive MKII

There are so many stand out pedals that it’s hard to single out individual honours. You will have to see what makes is though to the Best of the Best listing, and what ends up on the final Pedal-Chain Status / Class of 2023 arrangement!


Here follow the individual details :

Acorn Amps Compact Solid State Preamplifier - $179 / £169


Controls - High, Mid, Low, Post Gain, Thick : On / Off, Pre Gain, Normal / Saturation Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch.


Fantastic punchy compact preamp pedal based on Josh Homme's favourite Peavey Decade Combo. Everything about it is quality - beautifully made - and sounds as good as it looks!

Anasounds The Sandman Dual Overdrive Klone + TS808 - €299


External Controls - SAVAGE } Out, Tone, Gain, Clipping : Vintage Ge / Modern Si, Left Footswitch; EGO DRIVER } Mode : Hi Mids / Lo Mids, Out, Tone, Gain, Right Footswitch


Interior Controls - SAVAGE VOICING } T - Treble Focus / M - Mids Focus, EGO DRIVER VOICING } Clipping : 1N914 Diodes / LEDs, Hi Mids Highs, Lo Mids Bass.


Anasounds' Savage Klone and Ego Driver Screamer were already brilliant takes on this two legendary pedals. Here we get the full fat versions together - with all the mods - in one box. This has been on the board since is came out in June - and I've had no reason to dislodge it!

Beetronics FX Nectar Tone Sweetener Drive + Fuzz - $199 & $269 (Custom)


Controls - Volume, Honey (Gain), Taste (Tone).


My favourite Beetronics Babee series to date - although I don't understand why they've ditched their clever double-tap footswitch mode switching as on precious editions. Slightly annoying to have to bend down to flip mode. That said - both Tweed Amp adjacent Drive and Fuzz voicings are very decent - bring back the double-click!


For sure my prettiest pedal of the year too!

Bispell Audio Saxon V1.5 JTM45 + Super Lead Plexi - £170


Controls - Bass, Middle, Treble, Volume, Presence, Gain, Bass Boost Switch (Up for JTM45, Down for Super Lead), Bright Boost Switch (Up for JTM45, Down for Super Lead).


A cool fairly minor but significant update to the pedal's output gain and EQ - which now can deliver a very decent EVH voicing - where the previous model couldn't quite reach that level.

Boss BP-1W Booster/Preamp - $187 | €179 | £159


Controls - Level, Mode : RE / NAT / Ce, Gain, On Rear - Buffer : STD (Always on), VTG (Warmer, only on when active).


Another genius move from Boss - taking the preamp voicings from two of its most legendary history pedals - the RE-201 Space Echo Preamp, and CE-1 Chorus Ensemble Preamp - and then throwing a further third Clean Boost on top. Great sounding pedal for sure - while I would have liked an additional EQ knob just to be able to refine the output a touch further!

CKK SHXC Super Overdrive - $349


Controls - Level, Tone, Drive, Buffer : On/Off.


Another fantastic Mr Wu genre take - massively expands the range of the Klon / Klone and delivers somewhat 3D Dimensionality - somehow magically more immersive

Electric Love x Wampler Aquatone BD-2 style Overdrive - $199


Controls -  Gain, Gain Structure : ↑ Distortion / Overdrive ↓, Volume, Bass, Mids (Active), Treble.


I've just had this for a few days now - and it totally meets every expectation. I was hoping for a more granular and extended range Blues Driver - with all my favourite tones onboard and a little more. In fact it delivers quite a lot more. There's still something wholly magical about my Keeley Freak Fuzz Modded BD-2 - while the Aquatone takes that circuit into all kinds of new territories - it's amazing why no one has through to do this before. A fantastic overdrive / distortion - could well end up as one of my all-time favourites - but it's still a little too early to give a definite verdict - so good so far though!

Hello Sailor Effects Compact Dual Gain Anchor Drive - £200


Controls - Dual Gain (MOSFET 1 + 2 Bias), Volume (Output + Low End in Circuit + Gain).


My very favourite overdrive of the year - simply sounds immense - is easy to dial in, has an incredible degree of versatility via just those 2 controls, has superb guitar volume gain cleanup - and is super loud - just how I like it. Really brilliant every which way - and I love the look of the one that Joe Halliday made for me - currently vying for status as my favourite overdrive of all time!

Crazy Tube Circuits Hi Power HiWatt + Power Boost - €279 / $289


Controls - HIWATT SIDE } Master, Amp Voicing : 103 (High Headroom & Dynamic Response) / 504 (Higher Gain & More Compressed), Presence, Input Channel : Bright / Linked (Both) / Normal, Volume, Bass, Treble, Middle, Hiwatt Footswitch, POWER BOOST SIDE } Master, Voicing : PWR (18V) / ODR (9V), Volume, Treble, Bass, Power Boost Footswitch.


Just recently reviewed - a grand confection of two Gilmourish classics - the HiWatt Amplifier (DR103) and Colorsound Power Boost. Christos loads up the pedal with exactly the right complement of controls for maximum range and utility - fantastic concept - brilliantly executed!

Decibelics The Reverend XX OD / Distortion / Fuzz - €309 / €319


Controls - 2 x Gain, Level, Tone, Mode : I (Crunch) / II (Overdrive) / III (Distortion) / F (Forbidden Fuzz Mode), Bass Boost : On/Off, Clipping : Stock Silicon / LED / NOS Germanium, Footswitch per Channel.


Same formula as the Golden Royale - double up on the killer mini pedal and add more features. And so the Reverend becomes the Reverend XX - with external bass boost per channel and 3-way clipping selector. A truly magnificent Expandora - at its best in the 'Redverend' edition as pictured above!

Formula B Eighty Master MIAB Overdrive - €255 / £225


Controls - Bass, Treble, Gain Structure : 50W / 100W, Mids, Gain, Comp : Some / None / Lots, Modeling (Presence), Volume.


One of my favourite all-time MIAB pedals - just instant satisfaction and killer tones every which way. I would have preferred a vertical orientation enclosure - but this one sounds so good I can totally live with it as it is.

Gecko O-Face Analog Overdrive with Optical Modulation of Controls - $329


Controls - Gain, Tone, Volume, Speed, Depth, Gain Modulator, Tone Modulator, Volume Modulator, Preset LED’s 1-3, Bypass / Alt Footswitch, Tap / Hold Footswitch, Press Both Footswitches to scroll Presets, Mini Midi In and Out on rear of pedal.


An ingenious analog overdrive with optical modulation of gain, tone and volume. Certainly a highly intriguing pedal - where the nearest sort of equivalent to this is Josh Smith's Poly Flat V - but not wholly. I would definitely like to get my hands on one of these some day!

Keeley Noble Screamer ODR-1 + TS808 - $200 / £215


Controls - Tone ±, Tone Stack Switch : OD (Spectrum) / TS (LPF), Drive ±, Drive Clipping : OD (Hard) / TS (Soft).


One of those ingenious 'why did no one think of this sooner' pedals - being able to alternate 2 complementary circuits and their tone stacks - sounds really impressive too. While I feel I already have some of the best ODR-1 and TS808 types - so possibly limited mileage for me overall - still want one though!

Keeley Signature Andy Timmons Super AT Mod Full Range Overdrive - $200


Controls - Level, Tone, Drive, Mode : AT / Phat.


Another great take on the BD-2, while I probably still prefer my original Keeley Freak Fuzz Modded variety - and the above Electric Love Aquatone does a lot more. All are valid though, and I'm delighted to own all three.

Intensive Care Audio Life Support Overdrive + Boost - £184 / £220


Controls - Preamp (Gain), Volume, Boost (JFET Boost Level), Clipping : JFET+MOSFET > LED, 2-Band EQ : Top, Bottom, Overdrive Footswitch, Boost Footswitch.


A very uniquely voiced classic British 60's and 90's pop voiced overdrive with a psychedelic edge - and exceptional note clarity. Really superb nuanced breakup quality with pretty extensive range up to a sort of smooth vintage style fuzz. I named several pertinent sound references in my recent review - could do with a little more output volume for me - but every-way superb - and distinct!

JHS Notaklön Klone with JHS Shamrock Mod - $99


Controls - Volume, Treble, Gain, Shamrock Mod : -/+ (+4dB).


Undoubtedly one of if not the success stories of the year - something like 20,000 sold in just a few weeks - those are proper Boss numbers! Great concept, superbly executed. Nice to have for me rather than essential - but would still quite like one - when the the fuss calms down a little!

J Rockett Archer Select 7 Diodes Klone - $330


Controls - Output, Ground Lift Switch (for DI Output), Treble, Gain, Clipping : 1N270 / 1N695 / 1N34A / D9B / D9E / Red LEDs, Clipping On Footswitch, OA10 On Footswitch.


Superb ultimate Klone with all the mojo Germanium Diodes selectable in the one device - with an additional LED clipping option 2. Sounds superb - kind of like a high quality wine tasting session - my favourites being the OA10 and 1N270.

Muir Audio Design Silicon Steel Silky Smooth Output Transformer Saturating Overdrive - £199


Controls - Level, Drive, Bass, Treble.


Superb silky smooth overdrive heavily reminiscent of the Carlos Santana 'Europa' sound. The combination of superior components and hi-fidelity audio output transformer delivers superior results!

Nordland Electronics ODR-CS Custom Special - €200


Controls - Drive, Level, Germanium Drive Control (Ge > Silicon Clipping mix), Bass, Mid, Treble.


Another one of my all-time favourite overdrives - I really love both the flagship Nordland pedals - and this one has super harmonic breakup to match its extensive range.

Ohmless Pedals AKC-4 Overdrive - $249


Controls - Level, Gain, Blend, Bass, Boost, Treble, Drive Footswitch / Hold for Clipping Options, Boost Footswitch / Hold for Boost Order.
Clipping Options - [Blue] Ge Klon / [Yellow] Schottky Silicon / [Red] Silicon / [Aqua] MOSFET.
Boost Options - [Yellow] Pre Overdrive / [Red] Post Overdrive.


A really smart take on a Klone, doesn't have one of those magical Diodes, but sounds pretty superb regardless. One of the most extended range Klones out there with really clever switching functions via dual footswitches.

OPFXS Twin Boost : Digital Control - Analog Audio - €150


Controls : F2 Push Button } Long Press toggles bettered Preset and Gain Modes; In Preset Mode - short press toggles between total II or III Presets; For Gain Step Mode - short press lets you select dB Gain Increments / Intervals of 1-24, F1 Push Button } Preset long press sets MIDI Channel 0-16; Gain Step short press sets Slew / Transition Rate of 0-99; Gain Step long press Saves Slew Rate; F1 + Bypass toggles between Joint and Separate Boosts; when Separate boosts are selected - F1 then toggles between Blue (Ring Channel) or Red (Tip Channel), Left Footswitch } Preset short press selects Preset; long press Saves Preset; Gain Step short press Ups Increments / Gain Factor; long press decreases them by same interval, Right Footswitch } Bypassed Both Channels; when pressed in tandem with F1 toggles between Joint and Separate Boosts.


Ingenious digitally-controlled twin clean boost with multiple routing and deployment options, including split mode stereo action, auto-swell, and step-up boost, excellent value too - and definitely on the wishlist.

Origin Effects Halcyon Gold Overdrive - £249


Controls - Level, Adaptive (Mids) : 0 | II | I, Drive, Dry (Blend) Voice : KLN / MOD, Tone.


Another Cool Adaptive Origin Effects circuit - this time based on the Klon Centaur. Allows you to control the Mids by turning back your guitar volume, and comes with a smoother and rounder alternative Mod voicing. Another one for the wishlist!

Poly Josh Smith Signature Flat V Dual Channel Overdrive - $399 / £399


Touch Controls - Presets / Banks [Hold], Signature Ident : Toggle  B-Sides / Activate VU Mode / Activate Battery Mode / Save Preset [Hold], HPF / High Q, Volume / Sense. Gain / Speed, LPF / Low Q [Tap header to toggle btw Primary & Secondary Params], Diodes : Schottky / Germanium / Silicon / LED, Waveshape / Blend : Sine, Triangle, Square, Envelope Follower, A > B / B > A Channel Order, Footswitch A / Previous Preset [Hold], Footswitch B / Next Preset [Hold].


Really smart and innovative touch-screen 2-Channel multi-drive with cool modulation function. Can glitch out on occasion, and sometimes looses it's touch-sensitivity - while it's brilliant when it's all cooking. I feel it's better suited to table-top operation than on-the floor. A really cool Reverb has very recently come out in the same format - with less screen contrast - I'm still considering how essential that is for me. The Poly Flat V has been solidly on the board pretty much uninterrupted for the whole year!

REVV Amplification Tilt Boost - $169


Controls - Boost Level / Degree, Tilt EQ, Drive : Drive / Boost, Tight : Top Shelve / Full Boost / Top Boost + Low Cut.


A really clever extraction and enhancement of the killer Tilt Boost side from the Signature Shawn Tubbs Tilt Overdrive - works as a smart overdrive in its own right too - been on the wishlist for a while, although not necessarily a priority.

Tark Audio 144 Tape Machine Emulator - $189


Controls - Volume, IN-Z (Impedance) : Lo / Hi, Trim (Gain / Saturation), Bass, Dynamics (Compander) : On/Off, Treble.


Clever expanded range tape saturator emulator / preamp - which covers you for all manner of smart gain applications up from Boost though to Overdrive and Distortion - with really precisely calibrated 2-band eq too.

ThorpyFX Signature Pete Honoré The Dane MKII Drive + Boost - £265


Controls - Level, Boost, Boost typed : High Capacity (Ge Diodes) / Danish Pete (Original Smooth Dane Boost), Gain, Tone, Lows.


Fantastic evolution of the Thorpy Dane - shrunk down to compact size with both sides of the Heavy Water Boost onboard - and the exact same drive circuit as the original larger edition. Works well for all pickup types - while obviously specially honed for Telecasters!

Tone For Punk Trebled Youth 3-Stage Gain Machine - $165


Controls - Slash (EQ), Push (Gain 1 Feed / Mix), Volume, Riff (Gain 1), Clipping / Diodes : Symmetric Silicon / Asymmetric Germanium, Raff (Gain 2).
Alternatively - Bass > Treble EQ, Boost, Output, Overdrive, Clipping, Distortion.
Or even - EQ Blend, Intensity, Level, Texture, Character, Body.


Super smart 3-Gain-Stage pedal featuring Treble Booster / Range Master at the start - with 2 further gain stages which deliver the full gamut of Boost, Overdrive, Distortion and Fuzz - certainly not an Expandora - but can sort of cover similar territory - albeit a different sound-signature. I really really like this one - and it's been on the board a lot this year!

Tubesteader EggNog Tweed-voiced Tube Overdrive / Preamp - $279 / £223


Controls - Master Volume (Gain), Boost, Volume, Bass, Mid, Treble, Boost Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch.


My very first Tubesteader single 12AX7 Tube-powered pedal - and in Goldilocks fashion - everything is right about this variant - obviously the tonez - but also the size of the pedal, the 350mA 12V power supply requirement and the price tag! I was hoping more of this format would follow on - while the very next pedal made was again one of those larger 2 x Tube editions with 12V 500mA requirement and higher price tag. I hope Olly makes more of the compact format - and soon! As I'm properly onboard for that!

Walrus Audio 385 Overdrive MKII - $250


Controls - Volume A, Gain A, Volume B, Gain B, Treble, Bass, 385 / 385+ Boost Switch, Bypass Footswitch, A/B Channel Footswitch.


The previous one of these had been on the wishlist for quite a while - in fact so long - that they launched a newer better version before I managed to acquire it! The new version is all-round better - with 2 channels essentially - and indeed is better looking - this is a very likely acquisition early in the new year!

The Longlist

  • 29 Pedals 3-way JFET Boost
  • 60 Cycle Hum x BIG EAR pedals Whac-a-Boost
  • 1981 LVL Low Gain Boost and Overdrive
  • Acorn Amps Compact Solid State Preamplifier
  • Anasounds The Sandman Dual Overdrive Klone + TS808
  • Beetronics FX Nectar Tone Sweetener Drive + Fuzz
  • Bispell Audio Proxy Vox UL730  / AC30 style Overdrive 
  • Bispell Audio Saxon V1.5 JTM45 + Super Lead Plexi
  • BJFE Silver Bee OD Mini
  • Bolt & Forge Appaloosa Germanium Overdrive
  • Bondi Effects Del Mar Dynamic Overdrive
  • Boss BP-1W Booster/Preamp
  • Boss OD-3 Twin Drive Modded Edition
  • Catalinbread DirtyLittleSecret Deluxe
  • Catalinbread SuperCharged Overdrive
  • CKK SHXC Super Overdrive
  • Cornerstone Music Gear Colosseum Klon +
  • Crazy Tube Circuits Hi Power HiWatt + Power Boost
  • Decibelics The Reverend XX OD / Distortion / Fuzz
  • Diamond Pedals Drive
  • Drunk Beaver PD6 Kropyvnytskyi Overdrive
  • Drunk Beaver PD10 Sumy Germanium Treble Booster
  • Drunk Beaver PD13 Simferopol Venta OD
  • Drunk Beaver PD15 Zhytomyr Sunset Preamp
  • EAE Citadel JFET Master Lead Plexi Preamp
  • EHX Spruce Goose Overdrive
  • Electric Love x Wampler Aquatone BD-2 style Overdrive
  • EQD White Light Hard Clipping Overdrive
  • Flattley Guitar Pedals Revolution 3-Voice Overdrive
  • Frost Giant Osiris Overdrive
  • Formula B Eighty Master MIAB Overdrive
  • Fuzzrocious Dark Driving V2 Low Gain Overdrive
  • Gecko O-Face Analog Overdrive with Optical Modulation of Controls
  • Greer Black Mountain Crunch Overdrive
  • Hello Sailor Effects Compact Dual Gain Anchor Drive
  • Hello Sailor Effects Alice FreeRange Kossoff Drive + Rangemaster
  • Horrothia Teeth MKII Discrete Low-Gain Overdrive
  • Intensive Care Audio Life Support Overdrive + Boost
  • Jackson Audio Golden Boy Mini Blues Driver Overdrive
  • JAM Pedals Boomster MK2 Boost + Buffer + Volume
  • JHS Notaklön Klone with JHS Shamrock Mod
  • J Rockett Archer Select 7 Diodes Klone
  • J Rockett HRM II Hot Rubber Monkey Dumble style Overdrive
  • Josh Smith Signature Poly Flat V Dual Channel Overdrive
  • Keeley Noble Screamer ODR-1 + TS808
  • Keeley Signature Andy Timmons Super AT Mod Full Range Overdrive
  • KSR Eros & Hera Boost / Overdrive / EQ
  • Marshall BluesBreaker 1993 Reissue
  • Messiah Guitars Eddie Haddad BoostDrive (in Distortion listing)
  • Muir Audio Design Silicon Steel Silky Smooth Output Transformer Saturating Overdrive
  • MXR Wylde Audio Overdrive 20 Year Anniversary Editions
  • Neural Devices Gentlemen Analog Gain Stage
  • Nobels ODR-1 30th Anniversary Gold Edition
  • Nordland Electronics ODR-CS Custom Special
  • Obstructures x EAE Boost
  • OBNE Beam Splitter Automatic Triple Tracker Parallel Distortion
  • Ohmless Pedals AKC-4 Overdrive
  • OPFXS Twin Boost : Digital Control - Analog Audio
  • Origin Effects DCX Boost Tone Shaper & Drive 
  • Origin Effects Halcyon Gold Overdrive
  • PastFX PX76 Punkifriar Funky Drive
  • Pedaltrain Daylight Overdrive
  • REVV Amplification Tilt Boost
  • Sentimental Bob Albert Overdrive + Boost
  • Shnobel Tone Horse Power Overdrive
  • SkyShatter Audio Shatter Drive
  • SolidGoldFX Beta-V Bass Preamp
  • Summer School Electronics Science Fair is Cool Rat + TS808
  • Sutton Instruments Boostopia 3-way Clean Boost
  • Tark Audio 144 Tape Machine Emulator
  • TC Electronic Combo Drive Preamp
  • TC Electronic DC30 Preamp
  • TC Electronic JIMS45 Preamp
  • Third Man Records x MXR Signature Jack White 2-in-1 Microamp
  • ThorpyFX Have Blue Rangemaster
  • ThorpyFX The Dane MKII Drive + Boost
  • Tone For Punk Trebled Youth 3-Stage Gain Machine
  • Tubesteader EggNog Tweed-voiced Tube Overdrive / Preamp
  • TWA Octoverdrive Halloween Edition
  • Universal Audio UAFX Lion '68 Super Lead Amp
  • Unsound Circuitry Woes Dual Band Dual Parallel Superdriver
  • Vemuram Budi-G Gritty Gain Boost
  • VS Audio Platinum Silver Jubilee Preamp / Overdrive
  • Walrus Audio 385 Overdrive MKII
  • Wampler Black '65 Vintage Overdrive
  • Wampler Tweed '57 Original Tone
  • Westerlund ONE Preamp
  • Zvex Box of Rock Yvette Young Edition
Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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