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Dr Scientist unveils a next level Multi-Mode Ring Modulator in the same format as their fantastic Dusk Analog Filter

Dr ScientistModulationRing Modulation
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Ring Modulation is most definitely something of an acquired taste - the sound of early synths to a degree - and indeed the sound of sci-fi - through extensive use in that genre - including Forbidden Planet and Dr Who soundtracks and sound effects. To my ears it can occasionally sound like a cat being tortured. But there are different degrees of Ring Modulation and some of those emanations can actually sound fairly sophisticated - particularly when delivered with some degree of panache.


The name ’Ring Modulation’ comes from the shape of the circuit - or ’ring of diodes’ versus the more commonly misconstrued ring tone association


In terms of its use in music - the effect is often used in combination with others - so for instance for the solo in Black Sabbath’s Paranoid - you have a mix of Laney Amp distortion with stuttering tremolo and indeed ring modulation - which voicing is often thought to have been generated with a Moog.


I am a huge fan of Dr Scientist’s Dusk Analog Filter - whose format and control topology is identical to the Preak - so surely some carry-over there in terms of their common learning curve.


At its core the Phreak pedal has 3 key modes - with some variations. The first mode being entirely Manual and fairly static as such by default - where you dial in the appropriate Frequency via Phreak knob, and of course suitable Mix and Level - so all the top 3 controls. The Left Footswitch / Multi Stomp Hold introduces a frequency sweep movement into the output.


Next you have the Envelope Follower mode - which reacts to your input signal and playing dynamics. On this occasion the Multi Stomp Footswitch Hold triggers a Freeze effect.


And finally you have an 8-Waveform LFO - where you select the Waveform with the right-hand push-button. The Multi-Stomp becomes a Tap Tempo control, and when you press-hold it ramps the rate down.


Controls - Phreak / Frequency, Mix (analog), Volume (analog), Mode push-button : Set (Manual) / Envelope / LFO (8 x waveforms), Waveform push-button: Sine / Ramp / Saw / Square / Step1 / Step2 / Sample & Hold / Random, Multi Stomp Footswitch (Sweep / Freeze / Tap Tempo / Ramp Rate Down, Bypass Footswitch / Hold to tune Ring Mod to input note.


The interplay between Phreak and Mix is all important in getting properly usable and musical output. My good friend Henry Kaiser absolutely loves Ring Modulator pedals and most probably has the most formidable pedal collection for that genre. He arranged for an advance edition of this Preak to be sent to him, as well as the forthcoming Radius Ring Modulator from Red Panda Lab.


The Phreak is decently priced - $219 on the Dr Scientist Webstore. No doubt it will be in stock soon at Joe’s Pedals Boutique. I’ve still to make up my mind if I really want one of these - and if I therefore get a sibling for the Dusk - or wait for the Red Panda Radius to be released.


I believe my only Ring Mod pedal to date has been the long since discontinued Pigtronix Ringmaster. Perhaps I need to embark on another journey with Ring Modulation - and perhaps I should check out both this Phreak and the Radius. I still need to think on it a little more - my dance card is pretty full for the remainder of this year - so possibly a project for the new year - it’s been a while since I did a Ring Modulator roundup in any case.


Where do you all sit on the subject of Ring Modulators - are you Ring Masters - or rather more Dead Ringers!?!

My friend Phil of Pedal Experiments fame has done another great demo here - but I may need a little more convincing that this is a fruitful category for me to explore!


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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