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The Fuzz Pedal Olympics!

Analog Music CompanyAnarchy AudioAnasoundsAnimal FactoryBest in ClassBig Muff Style FuzzBixonicBJFECarl MartinCornerstone Music GearCrazy Tube CircuitsDecibelicsDr ScientistDrunk BeaverFjord FuzzFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionGamechanger AudioGated and Velcro FuzzGermanium FuzzGuitarSystemsLichtlaerm AudioMad Professor EffectsModulated FuzzMojo Gear FXMooerOctave FuzzOddball FuzzOpAmp FuzzOscillating FuzzPolarbear EffectsRed Witch EffectsShift LineSilicon FuzzSpaceman EffectsSuper-Fuzz StyleThorpyFXTone Bender Style FuzzTX Pedals+-
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Ryan (Clarke) of Dr Scientist is actually responsible for this article for the most part. He mis-identified my previous ’World Odyssey’ article as a Fuzz roundup - and referred to it as the ’Fuzz Pedal Olympics’ - which it really wasn’t although Fuzz as probably the biggest overall category / genre in that roundup - or 7/25. In any case I decided that for Ryan’s sake - we had better have that ’Fuzz Pedal Olympics’ proper - which this finally is! And obviously the 7 Fuzzes from the previous selection get carried over!


The rules as before are that these have to come from my own 35-Country strong 1,270 Pedals Reference Collection. Interestingly over half of the 1,270 is comprised of fuzzes - with the leading categories there being Big Muffs numbering more than 110 now, Fuzz Faces over 100, and around 50-odd Tone Benders - heading for 60. I’ve not especially counted up just the fuzz pedals recently - while I believe that around 700+ pedals in the collection are Fuzzes - where though they mostly come from just 2 countries - UK and USA - so some of the countries featured in this listing are a little slim on fuzz candidates - vis-a-vis my Reference Collection of course!


The pool is obviously the same 35 countries as the previous ’World Odyssey’ rundown - while there my selection comes from slightly different countries - where there are 4 necessary swap-outs - as follows :


From the previous World Odyssey - Austria, Brazil, Indonesia, and Venezuela drop out - as I don’t own any fuzzes from those countries.


And in come - Bulgaria, India, Netherlands, and New Zealand. Bulgaria features the only pedal I have from that land, while there are at least 2 from each of the other 3 countries added - that I had to select from! There are also several modded pedals in the collection - which depending on the degree of modification I might rather assign to the modifier than the original country of origin! So on balance this seems about right - but it doesn’t meant that I necessarily have primo candidates for each of those countries / slots - while a lot of my all-time favourite fuzzes do very much feature here!


I decided to include which fuzz categories these pedals fall into - note that there will be some significant overlap - as regards say - Fuzz Face, Octave, and Oscillation - the New Zealand Red Witch Fuzz God IV falls into all those categories - so you can and will have multiple entries! :

Fuzz Categories :

  • Bee-Baa Fuzz : 1
  • Big Muff :  5
  • BossTone : 1
  • Circuit-Bent Fuzz : 1
  • Doom Fuzz : 5
  • DSP Fuzz : 1
  • Expandora : 2
  • Fuzz Face : 7
  • Gated & Velcro Fuzz : 3
  • Germanium Fuzz  :  5
  • Modulated Fuzz :  5
  • Multi-Fuzz :  5
  • Oscillating Fuzz : 3
  • Octave Fuzz : 4
  • Opamp Fuzz : 9
  • Plasma Fuzz : 1
  • RangeMaster : 1
  • Shoegaze Fuzz : 1
  • Silicon Fuzz : 9
  • SuperFuzz : 2
  • Tone Bender : 4

I feel my selection of 25 covers most of the obvious type categories - albeit not so much in the genre variation by individual pedal designations. But exceptionally broad range coverage all things considered!


I thought it opportune to drop in my highly detailed map here once more - a lot of work went into that - and it’s a shame not to use it as much as is appropriate! The map indicates all 35 originating countries that my 1,270 pedals come from :


And here is the full 25 Countries / Fuzzes rundown then :


AUSTRALIA: Anarchy Audio Baa Bzz Fuzz (Roland Bee-Baa)

BULGARIA : Mojo Gear FX Mojo Fuzz Deluxe NKT275 Fuzz Face

CANADA : Dr Scientist Frazz Dazzler Dual Channel High Gain Fuzz

CHINA : Mooer Triangle Buff

CROATIA : Polarbear Effects Drowner Shoegazer - Fuzz + Crush + Reverb

DENMARK : Carl Martin Purple Moon Vintage Fuzz 'n Vibe

FINLAND : Mad Professor Golden Cello

FRANCE : Anasounds Crankled Bitoun Otave Fuzz

GERMANY : Lichtlaerm Audio Altar Heavy Doom Sludge Fuzz

GREECE : Crazy Tube Circuits Constellation V1 OC45 Germanium Multi-Fuzz

INDIA : Animal Factory Baron Samedi Fuzz (Jordan Bosstone)

ITALY : Cornerstone Nero Dumble-Fuzz (Gladio SC + Fuzz Face)

JAPAN : Bixonic Axentrix A1 Modern Day Expandora Crunch + Overdrive + Distortion + Fuzz

LATVIA : Gamechanger Audio Plasma Coil Fuzz / Distortion  Fuzzstortion

NETHERLANDS : Guitarsystems Tone Bender Tool Mini Custom Fuzz

NEW ZEALAND : Red Witch Fuzz God IV Fuzz Face + Octave + Oscillation

NORWAY : Fjord Fuzz Gjallarhorn Super Fuzz adjacent Fuzz

POLAND : Drunk Beaver Seattle Driver Octave Muff Fuzz (PW-2)

PORTUGAL : TX Pedals Animalizzer Muffer-Fuzzer Multi-Muff Fuzz

RUSSIA : Shift Line Termofuzz Multi-Fuzz

SPAIN : Decibelics The Reverend V2 Mini Expandora Crunch + Overdrive + Distortion + Fuzz

SWEDEN : BJFE Bone Bender 1 TB MKI Fuzz

UK : ThorpyFX Boneyard Multi-Bender Multi-Fuzz

UKRAINE : Analog Music Company Evil Pumpkin Ghazala Circuit-Bent DS-1

USA : Spaceman Effects Sputnik I Germanium Fuzz


As mentioned previously - the vast majority of my fuzzes come from the UK and USA - there are some countries that do quite well with that format - obviously Japan is a strong fuzz country - but generally most of the fuzzes emanate from their original country of origin - which mostly happens to have been UK and USA - it's in the music really!


Here below follow the individual details as usual :


AUSTRALIA : Anarchy Audio Baa Bzz Fuzz (Roland Bee-Baa) : Since October 2018 - $165 / £126 [via]


Controls - Shift (fade between 2 Classic BB Modes), Filer (Up = Hi-Cut), Input Gain, Tone (High Mids), Master Level.


So there were two Australian fuzzes that were likely to win this category for him - both from Anarchy Audio - the Deadwoods High Gain Fuzzstortion, and this Baa Bzz Fuzz take on the Roland Bee-Baa. In the end - the slightly more extended versatility of the Baa Bzz meant that one won it by a whisker. A really beautifully textured full-on fuzz - which can also be elegantly tempered to your preferences. Really smart control topology and a beautiful output! Really like this one!

BULGARIA : Mojo Gear FX Mojo Fuzz Deluxe NKT275 (Fuzz Face) : Since January 2019 - $165 / £126 [via]


Controls - Fuzz, Volume, Smooth (Input Impedance), Bias.


This is one of those categories where I only have one fuzz from said country - so there's not much competition here. This essentially a Mojo / Deluxe edition of Germanium Fuzz Face, while the NKT275's in question are those skinny grey market ones, not the actual original 60's Newmarket varieties. But then again King Tone uses similar grey market NKT275's in its miniFUZZES. And don't forget that the original Newmarket NKT275's were cheap knock-offs of the AC125 - so it's simply more of the same essentially. Identical topology to Thorpy's 4-knob Tacti Blue. Actually this Mojo Gear FX fuzz is a good sounding fuzz - while it had a somewhat distracting badly scripted MF label on the facia!

CANADA : Dr Scientist Franz Dazzler Dual Channel Aggressive Fuzz : Since July 2017 - £197 []


Controls - Bass, Mid, Treble, Mix, Gain, Volts / Starve, Volume, Gain Channel I / II, Engage Fuzz.


Obviously just recently covered in the World Odyssey article, in fact one of the most covered pedals on the site - and a perennial favourite of mine. Still probably my all-time favourite fuzz pedal - as it's just so versatile! Ryan should add one more 'Octave' switch or mini-knob to truly make it the ultimate all-rounder fuzz / multi-fuzz! 

CHINA : Mooer Triangle Buff (Triangle Muff) : Since June 2024 - [discontinued] - £48 [via]


Controls - Volume, Tone, Sustain.


I actually don't have too many Chinese Fuzzes - it was really mainly between two minis in the end - the Tone City Matcha Green Muff, and this Mooer Triangle Buff Muff. On a different day the selection might have been the other way around - there's not much to separate them really - while the Triangle style of Big Muff is normally my favourite variant of Muff. These sound surprisingly good for their size - but could both do with a little more output volume! I heavily considered having my HSE-Modded Joyo Voodoo Octave Fuzz here - but that is now more of an HSE pedal really - it would not have been right to feature that here - but it deserves a mention - as it is quite superb in that format!

CROATIA : Polarbear Effects Drowner Shoegazer - Fuzz + Crush + Reverb : Since June 2-21 - €199 / £169 [Direct]


Controls - Dry/Wet Mix, Reverb (Decay), Shimmer (Amount), Reverb & Crush Volume, Order : FCR/FRC, Sample Rate Frequency, Crush Signal Mix, Fuzz Volume, Crush On/Off, Left Footswitch Engages Reverb & Crush, Right Engages Fuzz.


A proper Shoegaze Fuzz - which combines Fuzz, Bitcrushing and Reverb in various ways - with two different orders of effects. A great all-in-one Shoegaze-in-a-box - really sounds great. There's another differently named variant of this pedal which swaps out the Reverb for a PT2399 Delay. Great combination in any case!

DENMARK : Carl Martin Purple Moon Vintage Fuzz 'n Vibe : Since July 2020 - £95 [via]


Controls - Depth, Level, Speed, Fuzz (Gain), Level (Fuzz).


This is kind of similar to Fjord Fuzz's later SOL concept - Fuzz-Vibes both of them - this one has a few more controls for more granularity - while the Fjord Fuzz SOL probably has the superior texture overall - even though I prefer other Fjord Fuzz Fuzz Face and Uni-Vibe combinations. The Purple Moon is really easy to dial in for satisfying results.

FINLAND : Mad Professor Golden Cello Smooth Overdrive / Fuzz : Since February 2017 : £149 [via].


Controls - Delay, Drive, Volume, Tone.


This to me is that kins of super smooth Eric Johnson adjacent tones. They typically label this as an Overdrive - but for me it's more of that singing smooth fuzz sound - which delivers those Cello-like tones so well. A wonderful sounding pedal - where the Amber Overdrive is supposedly mainly the same circuit just without the Delay part! I still need to get in the Custom Amber Overdrive variant - that's on my list for sure - along with the Bluebird and Sky Blue Overdrives - all in good time as I say!

FRANCE : Anasounds Crankled Bitoun Otave Fuzz (Fuzz Face + SuperFuzz) : Since February 2019 - [discontinued] - €249 / £211 [via]


Controls - Volume, Tone, Buzz (Fuzz Face Gain), Fuzz (Super Fuzz Gain), INTERNAL } Bias, Ring Freq (Modulation), Feed (Input Gain), LED Brightness.


For a long time this was my very favourite Octave Fuzz - while it may have been finally ousted by my recent HSE Voodoo Sailor edition. The Crankled Bitoun is still very much in the running though - as it delivers a supremely thick and expressive, richly textured octave flavour - really sounds superb!

GERMANY : Lichtlaerm Audio Altar Heavy Doom Sludge Fuzz : Since May 2024 - €199 / $219 / £179 [via]


Controls - Bass (±18dB), Mids (±18dB), High (±18dB), Boost (+36dB), Gain, Level, Grind (Boost EQ / HM-2 Curve), Depth (Input Saturation), Comp (Clipping Style Fuzz/OD/Distortion), Boost Footswitch (+36dB), Bypass Footswitch, Internal Doom Switch (↑ UP).


I had a few options here - but I'm so impressed by the 4 Licthlaerm pedals I currently own - that I had to choose the Altar - surely the ultimate Doom Fuzz nowadays - along with the Blackhawk Balrog. The Altar has exceptional tone-shaping and a simply phenomenal output texture - which gets really heavy and bassy - but still maintains its tight percussiveness!

GREECE : Crazy Tube Circuits Constellation V1 OC45 : Since April 2018 - [discontinued] €229 / £194 [Direct]


Controls - Volume, Gain, Mode : Fuzz Face (1966) / Vox Tone Bender (1966) / MK I.V Tone Bender (1966) / MKII Tone Bender (1965) / RangeMaster (1965) / RangeMaster > Fuzz Face.


I've collaborated quite extensively with Christos on the 3 models of Constellation - OC45, OC41, and CV7003 (Mil Spec OC44). Overall the first one is my favourite as that delivers overall the best fuzz texture - while each of the others has its strong points too. The OC45 V1 Edition though is my favourite here - and covers so many different flavours. It would have been nice to have externally accessible bias trimmers, but the pedal sounds plenty great enough already in any case!

INDIA : Animal Factory Baron Samedi Fuzz (Bosstone) : Since July 2021 - [discontinued] : £174 (via].


Controls - Life (Tone), Death (Bias / Gate), Burial (Lows / Cut), Voodoo (Volume), Rum (Gain).


I had 2 to choose from here - both from Aditya Nandwana's Mumbai-based Anima Factory - where he's mostly about Eurorack and Modular Synths - but used to make the occasional pedal - which department is currently on hiatus - while he's promised me that the pedals will return eventually. In the end I went for the Baron Samedi Boss Tone variant as it sounds superb and has great extension - while the Chemical Burns Super Fuzz suffers a little form volume-drop - and could do with more output. Both texturally sound fantastic - and the Baron Samedi is perfectly calibrated!

ITALY : Cornerstone Nero Dumble-Fuzz : Since April 2024 - €269 / £269 [via]


Controls - Volume, Gain, Comp (Parallel Fuzz to Gladio Mix / Temperament), Tone, Bias 1 (Gritty > Smooth / Fuzz > OD), Bias 2 (Gritty > Smooth / Fuzz > OD), remote - Bias 1/2 switching port.


This is both a fantastic concept and a superb execution - blending the Gladio SC Dumble Drive voicing with a classic silicon Fuzz Face for a more easily accessible / approachable fuzz sound. You still get beautiful fuzz textures - but slightly smoothed out and tempered by the Gladio circuit - so ideal for those that struggle with the rawness of all-out regular fuzz. As a fuzz fanatic I love all flavours of fuzz pretty much - and this is its own exceptional voice!

JAPAN : Bixonic Axentrix A1 Modern Day Expandora : Since January 2023 - $220 / £169 [via]


Controls - Gain / Hold for Gain Type : Crunch [Green LEDs - as pictured above] > Overdrive [Orange LEDs] > Distortion [Red LEDs] > Fuzz [Purple LED] / Bass EQ, Tone / Hold for EQ Mode / Mid EQ, Accent : Dynamic Range / Compression / Hold for LED Brightness, Level / Hold for Low Frequency Profile Mode : Guitar [Red Footswitch LED / Bass [Blue Footswitch LED], Save Preset Button, M1 Preset, M2 Preset, M3 Preset, Bypass Switch : Buffered [White Footswitch LED] / True Bypass.


A modern DSP take on the Expandora with all manner of additional controls - including 3-Band EQ, 3 Presets and a really smart Accent control. Takes you above an beyond the standard Expandora - where the is capable of some exceptional searing fuzz sounds - actually sounds really decent - more need to get onboard with this - but the fuzz crowd can be a little traditional and old school in its appreciation!



LATVIA : Gamechanger Audio x ThirdManRecords Plasma Coil Yellow Ltd Edition : Since July 2023 - $390 with delivery / £306 [Direct]


Controls : Voltage, Mode : Boost / Octave Down / 2 Octaves Down / Octave Up / Octave Down + Up / 2 Octaves Down + Octave Up, Volume, Low Freq, High Freq, On/Off Footswitch / Engage Secondary Effect Footswitch.


This is another pedal carried over from the World Odyssey article - a superb different type of super-tight electrical charged fuzz / distortion - here with additional Octave Up / Down and Boost modes. The only Gamechanger pedal I own - but absolutely perfect for my preferences and needs - a really unique voicing!

NETHERLANDS : Guitarsystems Tone Bender Tool Mini Custom : Since February 2023 - €265 / £248 [via].


Controls - Volume, Fuzz, TFM / EQ (Treble Full Mid), Bias.


I covered this brand in an extensive feature last year - where I have limited expanded editions of their  MKII Tone Bender and Hybrid Ge/Si Fuzz Face. Really distinctive look on these pedals - with proprietary PaulSwitch Footswitches - these sound really superb! I went for the slightly more flavourful Tone Bender in the end - but both are really excellent!

NEW ZEALAND : Red Witch Fuzz God IV Fuzz Face + Octave + Oscillation : Since October 2020 - [discontinued] - $239 / £185 [Direct].


Controls - Max Gain / Dip-Switch Bypass, Max Treble / Dip-Switch Bypass, Volume, Fuzz, Wrath (% Oscillation), Sputter (Transistor Bias), 2 x unspecified internal trim-pots, 8 x Tone Dip-Switches. Awaken Main Bypass Footswitch, 8VE / Octave Footswitch, Oscillation Footswitch.


The Fuzz God IV is an exceptional all-rounder fuzz - with a superb extensively shapable Germanium Fuzz Face at its core - with a plethora of dip-switches, trim-pots and controls. And Octave and Oscillation in addition to the fuzz - with 3 footswitches to kick in the individual elements. A really great execution of a multi-fuzz - shame that it's discontinued! Hopefully we will get another iteration of this circuit soon - I'm sure a Fuzz God V will be in one the schedule at some stage!

NORWAY : Fjord Fuzz Gjallarhorn Pure Muscle Octave Fuzz (SuperFuzz) : Since October 2019 - [discontinued] - $235 with delivery / £185 [Direct]


Controls - Volume, Gain, Tone / Filter 1 (HPF), Octave Bias, Tone / Filter 2 (LPF), Momentary Tone Bypass Footswitch (Mid Boost), Bypass Footswitch.


Another carry-over from the World Odyssey - I've been trying to persuade Daniel at Fjord Fuzz to do another iteration of this phenomenal booming foghorn wall-of-sound of a fuzz - somewhat based on the Super Fuzz - but so thick and imposing that you almost feel as if you can touch it!

POLAND : Drunk Beaver Seattle Driver (Boss PW-2 + Octave) : Since August 2024 - $175 / £135 [Direct].


Controls - Fat (± Bass centered @ 80Hz, 5.06 Q), Muscle (± Mids centered @ 875Hz, 5.5 Q), Air (± Highs centered @ 1550Hz, 4.58 Q), Exhaust (Volume), Vacuum (% Ring Mod Upper Octave), Power (Drive).


I guess I could have carried over the Heavy Bat from the World Odyssey article - as Rats qualify as both Distortion and Fuzz variant. While I've always loved the Drunk Beaver Fluff Octave Fuzz, and Mykolaiv Grunge - Boss PW-2 take, So this Drunk Beaver Seattle Drive which combines the best aspects of both the Fluff and Mykolaiv. So this Seattle Driver is a shoe in here really - basically a super searing and sustaining Muff Octave Fuzz - sounds amazing! I could also have selected the Bloom Expandora here which is another exceptional take on that format - but on balance I decided that the Seattle Driver should be the ambassador here!

PORTUGAL : TX Pedals / Tone.Electonix Animalizzer Muffer-Fuzzer Multi-Muff! : Since February 2021 - €150 with shipping / £137 [Direct]


Controls - Bass, Mid, Treble, Volume, Fuzz, Stage I Clipping - LED/Open/Silicon, Stage II Clipping - Open/Germanium/LED/Silicon, Depth, Pre-Gain (Boost).


I'm not sure what more can be said about this ultimate MufferFuzzer which I've loved since I first got hands on it in 2021 - the ultimate all-rounder Multi-Muff - while he KMA Chief Disrupter is also exceptional - the Animalizzer still has the edge for me - Rikk has so cleverly engineered and selected those specific Clipping Diodes - so you get no discernible volume drop - even on Germanium Mode!

RUSSIA : Shift Line Termofuzz Multi-Fuzz : Since April 2018 - $165 with shipping / £122 [via Shift Line store]


Controls - Level, Dirt (Self Oscillation . Random Octaves / 8 Bit / Glitch, Gain, 3-way Harmonics Switch - Less / More High Frequency Harmonics, Mode Dial : Low Gain, Gated, Octaves Down / Up, Arpeggiation, High Gain etc.


I mentioned in the Wold Odyssey entry - that this was one of my all-time favourite multi-fuzzes - which has so many tones and textures onboard - including octaves and oscillation. Oleg at Shift Line has shared some shots on a follow-up prototype he's working on - I'm really looking forward to seeing how that one turns out - it's got a lot to live up to. I often cite the Termofuzz as a secret weapon of mine - and it's been going for some ridiculously high prices on recently - definitely time for a follow-up now!

SPAIN : Decibelics The Reverend V2 Mini Expandora with Remote Switch : Since August 2024 - €175 + €45 / £149 + £38 [Direct]


Controls : Gain, Level, Tone, Mode : I Crunch / II Overdrive / III Distortion / F Forbidden Fuzz, Clipping Dip 1 : Stock Silicon / LED, Bass Boost Dip 2 : Boost / Off. Footswitch is intelligent and automatically senses Momentary and Latching behaviour.


My new edition of this pedal hasn't landed yet - should be any day now. But even based on the previous V1 model - this is a shoe-in for best Spanish Fuzz for me - while there was some competition from the El Musico Loco Wee Beaver Regulus VIII Fuzz. On balance the greater range and versatility of the Reverend V2 wins out - particularly with those new dip-switches and Remote Forbidden Fuzz Mode trigger. A really ingenious pedal all-round - and like its Golden Horse and Angry Swede siblings - should be in every pedal collection!

SWEDEN : BJFE Bone Bender 1 : Since July 2022 - £279 [via]


Controls - Volume, Fuzz, Bias.


I didn't have too much competition here - so a Björn Juhl take on the Tone Bender MKI easily wins out this particular category. I also have a Bearfoot FX variant of the same circuit - which sounds quite different - the Bone Bender 1 is a really smart take on that well loved but difficult to tune-in circuit!

K : ThorpyFX Boneyard Germanium Multi-Bender : Since April 2022 - [discontinued] - £299 [Direct]


Controls - Level, Attack (Gain/Fuzz), Feed (Volts), Mode : 3 Transistors / 2 Transistors, Tone, Engage Fuzz Footswitch, Tone Bypass Footswitch.


This is another multi-fuzz that features at the top of my favourite fuzzes list - a proper full on Multi-Bender that covers you for all Tone Bender flavours in the most brilliant way - MKI, MK I.V, VTB, MKII, MKIII and MKIV! Really superb - and we will be eventually getting an all Silicon version of this circuit - albeit that is some months off still!

UKRAINE : Analog Music Company Ghazala Edition Evil Pumpkin Reconstructive Circuit-Bending Experimental Noise-Machine - evolved from Boss DS-1 : Ghazala Since January 2023, Original Evil Pumpkin DS-1 Since August 2020 - Donation [Direct]


Controls - LFO Rate, Tone, Volume, Gain, Theramin/LFO Switch, Light Sensor, 1-11 3-way Circuit Bending Switches.


I'm actually waiting on a new fuzz to land from Konstantin - which he's been working on for a couple of years now. In the meantime you can't go wrong with his 2 Evil Pumpkin Circuit Bending takes of the Boss DS-1 - which delivers all manner of flavours and textures, including a few really handy Fuzz style variants!

USA : Spaceman Effects Sputnik Germanium Fuzz Red Cyrillic Edition (2nd Hand) : Since June 2018 - €730 with shipping / £653 [via Italy]


Controls : Signal (Volume), Scan (Scramble/Corruption), Range (Fuzz Gain), Drift/Sync (Engage Scan), Calibrate (Tone), Filter Engage : Engage = Bass Cut + Mid Scoop.


And last but certainly not least we have the wonderfully searing Red Cyrillic Edition of the Spaceman Sputnik I Germanium Fuzz - with 3 expertly selected Soviet flying saucer type transistors onboard - can do both classic and edgy / otherworldly sounds with each - via Scam / Drift modes!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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