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Guitar Pedal X is way first with an Onsite Conversational AI Pedal Chatbot!

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Note that there are additional costs in running an onsite AI, and for now if you want to use the GPX AI - it’s a Perk for Paying Patreon Member$ (starting from as little as $1/€1/£1 and equivalent per month). You also need to be registered and logged-in on Interestingly a number of Patreon supporters are not registered on this main GPX site - they will certainly need to if they wish to avail themselves of this new facility.


So what is a Conversional AI Chatbot you ask? It’s actually a really smart semi-intelligent service - which can dynamically answer a variety of questions you put to it, and where you can then do follow-up questions and clarifications within the same conversational context and sequence. You should note that the AI can make a mistake on occasion (known as an ’AI Hallucination’) but by and large it gives really decent answers on a wide variety of subjects.


The data set as such is currently 2,057 of my detailed Blog Posts - some of which are incredibly detailed and far ranging - and particularly suitable for this style of AI service. It does require the AI to apply some connected logic, but in terms of creating content for such a service - it helps if you know a little about how the AI thinks. It needs key words and descriptions to latch onto - it’s not necessarily a walking thesaurus as such - meaning it can’t really wholly paraphrase and condense verbal concepts - but it does have some degree of verbal reasoning smarts. Generally though - there need to be reference anchor points within the content for the AI to latch onto!


For instance - during the set up of the AI service - I knew that I had featured a number of Croatian Pedal Builders on the site - while mostly I had not referenced them to that particular country. So I recently did the ’Best of Croatian Guitar Pedals and Pedal Builders’ article - which ties everything together - and allows the ’Suggest 10 Croatian Pedals’ prompt to work. Note also that the AI isn’t particularly hot with typos yet - so if you misspell words - you won’t necessarily get what you seek! I’ve not made a feature of tagging each post with a country designation - while it is something I may do at a later stage - that would help the AI join a few more dots together!


On most pages of the site you will see the AI Chatbot Button as below on this very screen - pulsing away in the lower right hand corner of the screen - clicking on that pops up a menu panel - where you can get answers within that framework - or else be redirected to the main GPX AI Page! If you believe you should have access tp the AI but currently don’t - then do send me a note to!


To set the scene and give you a suitable contextual reference framework, I have enabled 6 rapid AI prompts - which help define what this service is about, those are served up in 4 random rotated prompts on the main GPX AI Screen, and are as below. 



  • ’Suggest 10 of the most capable delay pedals’
  • ’What is 12 Degrees of Saturation?’
  • ’Suggest the most versatile fuzz pedals’
  • ’How to Diodes work?’
  • ’How many pedals should a pedalboard consist of?’
  • ’Name 10 Unusual Japanese Pedals’


  • Asking the AI to recommend 5 or 10 pedals from a particular category - ’Suggest!’ / ’Name!’ / ’Recommend!’
  • Asking the AI ’How certain things work?’ - Diodes and Transistors for instance
  • Generally asking for suggestions works very well - it will depend on the specificity of your wording and the matching data set that is at the AI’s disposal - whether or not it makes a connection - and how significant!


  • ’Where’ and ’When’ can be problematic - AI is not great with the concept of timing or geography necessarily - there is a tick box to ’Search Recent Content’ which limits the data set to recent articles, but generally ’Recent’ and ’Latest’ are problematic concepts for the current generation of AI - this will mostly be remedied soon enough
  • ’Why’ and ’How Many’ are problematic too - the AI doesn’t alway have the full context to make those determinations and it’s never going to trawl though the entire database to count up how many Boss pedals I have mentioned on the site - while you can prompt it to suggest / make a list of a defined number of Boss Pedals
  • Being overly specific with your query might mis-fire too, and the AI may not be able to verbally connect that with the underlying content of the site. The GPX content is incredibly richly detailed - but it has its own idiosyncrasies per any style of editorial - you will need to experiment with what works well for you and delivers satisfactory answers compared with other patterns and permutations of queries or prompts that do not!

Of course the AI is constantly being ’trained’ and refined - and there will be leaps and bounds improvements coming with each new generation release of the underlying AI technologies - which is very encouraging indeed.


The standard of conversational AI is already pretty great as is, and I and a few others so far have had great fun exploring GuitarPedalX in this way. It’s almost as good as talking to me! And the AI has a better memory overall! Obviously I still have the advantage in some areas - but generally the AI Chatbot is a really useful and fun resource - while you occasionally need to take its replies with a pinch of salt - it can be fallible too in getting hold of the wrong end of the stick as such every now and again... Either way - really ever so useful, and fun! If you’re already supporting me on Patreon - you should definitely be giving it a go!


If you believe you should have access but currently don’t - then do send me a note to! I believe I’ve enabled all existing Patreon Member$ who are also registered on this side!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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