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Boost and Overdrive

PastFX brings back the bounce with its compact extended range PX-101 Lowpass Filter take on the Moogerfooger MF-101

Envelope Filter and Auto WahModulationPastFX
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In typical PastFX fashion we have an exacting compact replica of the MF-101 using all primo components - and the truly smart addition of an Output Level control.


Besides the new Output Level knob, the control topology is identical to the 1998-2018 original. Of course the original had a couple of larger format rocker switches - which have been replaced by space-saving toggle switches on the PX-101 - but otherwise the topology and layout is exact!


In terms of comparative sizing, the now discontinued Moogerfooger MF-101 was 130mm x 230mm - where the PX-101 is just 60mm x 112mm - meaning it’s less than one quarter the size of the original!


For me this is such a 70’s sounding effect - for your classic Funk / Boogie / Disco tones. And I made really good use of the Audiostrom MXP-1 Expression Pedal to get the most out of the PX-101. Internal dip-switches within the PX-101 allow you to select which expression value you impact - where the 4 switches  target  : Mix, Amount, Resonance, and Cutoff. You also have Sensitivity and Cut-Off Frequency Trimmers - as you can see in the below visual :


The PX-101 certainly injects a lot of bounce into your signal. And I had a lot of fun working my way through the various tones onboard. I really love those Star Wars / RD-D2 / Pew-Pew sounds you get with Resonance fairly cranked, Fast Envelope, and 4 Pole Filter - those are some killer sci-fi sounds!


Controls - ENVELOPE } Amount, Smooth/Fast; Mix, DRIVE } Drive, Master Level;

FILTER } Pole : 2/4, Resonance.


And the new Level control comes in real handy for tweaking your intensity. Generally I have the Drive set fairly low and use the Level control to adjust the output. Both the below guitar demos are accurate to my own experience of the pedal - and you get a good understanding of the tones this delivers.


This has long since been considered a legendary effect - and to be able to get it in this pedalboard friendly format is just phenomenal. The original MF-101 is way too large to ever feature on my board - and besides the size - the extra Level control makes the PX-101 the superior pedal - albeit you don't get the wooden side panels!


Note that this effect doesn't just work brilliantly with Guitar, Bass and Synth - but also with drum machines / beats - as you can hear in the last demo - It has a really interesting impact on percussion!


I understand this is currently on introductory pre-order, and so does not yet feature on the site. If you want one you need to order via the PastFX Webstore - where it will currently set you back $299 AUD or around $195 USD. Well worth an investment - and particularly for bass funk players! Get your Bootsy Collins on in style!



PastFx PX-101 Lowpass Filter - "Honey, I Shrunk The Moogerfooger!"
PastFX PX-101 Lowpass Filter Demo
PastFx : Low Pass Filter - inspired by the Moog LPF | Bass / Bass VI | theoandhispedals
Moog MF-101 Demo
Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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