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Celebrating PastFX's 'Queen of Modulation' Verlie - whose superior hi-fidelity compact Modulation pedals dominate Chorus, Phaser and Flanger disciplines

Best of BrandsChorus and VibratoFlangerModulationPastFXPhaser+-
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So PastFX’s Modulation quotient is up to 11 varieties now - 4 Choruses, 3 Phasers and 4 Flangers - all killer! And all very much favourites in my Reference Collection, where in fact I also have earlier editions of the Elastic Mattress, and Hot For Flanger - so I very much own a baker’s dozen of these!

  • CHORUS - Chorus Ensemble Mini (DLX Boss CE-1), Stereochorus PX65 (DOD FX65), New Division (EHX Clone Theory), Kurt’s Cologne (EHX Small Clone).
  • PHASER - Foot Phaser Deluxe (Foxx Phaser), Rotary Phaser (Maxon PH-350), Classic Phase PX99 (Ibanez PH99).
  • FLANGER - Elastic Mattress (EXH Electric Mistress), Reticon Flanger (Buffalo FX Reticon), Hot for Flanger (MXR 117), 80/A Flanger (A/DA)

All of these are magnificent extended range and extended feature pedals - where the format has also often been massively shrunken down versus the source originals. Interestingly my favourites tend to be the first and last released of each type! Where I tend to favour the Chorus Ensemble Mini and Kurt’s Cologne, Foot Phaser Deluxe and Classic Phase PX99, and Reticon and 80/A Flangers.


Truth is that all of these are pretty distinct and I use each for slightly different purposes. While mostly I gravitate toward the most versatile, and most richly textured varieties. I can’t recommend these highly enough - all 11 are killer - while people will of course have individual and personal preferences.


Some of these currently offer slightly different components (BBD Chips) to what was available at the start of those early runs - while we’re still mostly talking about NOS Matsushita / Panasonic BBD Chips here - obviously while stocks last! Verlie uses the MN3007 most commonly, while there are still some of the even rarer varieties available - at a premium of course.


Some of the earlier editions did not come with level controls - but Verlie very quickly fixed and updated those - where each of these now has the perfect complement of controls for its purposes. If you’re a fan of Chorusing, Phasing or Flanging - then you definitely should be making use of some of these!


The best place to buy these is of course the PastFX Store - where pedals are shipped internationally, and you get to see the prices in your currency!


Typical pricing of standard editions sits at $299 AUS / $210 USD. Several of these modulations take 18V power for higher fidelity and higher headroom output.



  • 80/A [MN3007] - $210
  • 80/A [MN3010] - $349
  • Chorus Ensemble Mini [MN3002] - $201
  • Chorus Ensemble Mini [MN3007] - $349
  • Classic Phase PX99 - $210
  • Elastic Mattress [MN3007] - $210
  • Hot for Flanger [MN3007] - $210
  • Kurt’s Cologne [MN3007] - $210
  • New Division [MN3007] - $210


  • Foot Phaser Deluxe (10 x JFETs) - $210
  • Reticon Flanger [MN3007] - $210
  • Reticon Flanger [RDS5106] - $359
  • Rotary Phaser - $210
  • Stereo Chorus PX65 [MN3007] - $210

There’s certainly plenty to get stuck into here - these are all well loved legendary tones - improved on and expanded.


Individual pedal details as follows below :


Chorus Ensemble Mini (Boss CE-1+) - $210


Controls - Vibrato Rate (Sinewave), Mode : Vibrato / Chorus, Chorus Intensity (Triangle Wave Rate & Depth, Vibrato Depth, Input Sensitivity : High (Crunch) / Low, Level Control, Stereo Out Port.


This is the very first of Verlie's modulations that I picked up - a really smart compact and expanded take on the legendary Boss CE-1 Chorus pedal. I was lucky enough to snag a MM3002 chip edition - which really sounds magnificent. This chorus wholly captures that characteristic brightness and ethereal nature of he CE-1 original - just a perfect encapsulation of that flavour. A really very elegant chorus.

Stereo Chorus PX65 (DOD FX65) - [currently not available] - $210


Controls - Speed, Delay Time, Depth, Level, Mode : Dave (stock) / Andy (out of phase / faux TZF, Blend, Regen (Feedback), Vibrato (Kill Dry). Internal Feedback Trimmer, Stereo Out Port.


A slightly more expansive chorus with dedicated Dave Simpson and Andy Martin voicing modes. This one really leans into Flanger sounds to - where the Andy Mode delivers a Mena sort of faux TZF Thru Zero Flanging voicing. This one is a little more full-on then the elegant Chorus Ensemble Mini - but still sounds fantastic - and overall has a little more versatility.

New Division (EHX Clone Theory) - $210


Controls - Rate, Mode : Chorus / Vibrato & Flange, Depth, Level, Input Gain, Wet Mix, Studio Switch (Cleaner), Edge Switch (Brighter), Stereo Out Port.


Based on New Order Peter Hook's favourite EHX Clone Theory Chorus. You instantly get transported to those iconic New Order Hooky Bassline sounds. This is another expansive take on a chorus, not quite as full on as the Stereo Chorus in some ways, but just as versatile in its own way.

Kurt's Cologne (3 generations of EHX Small Clone) - $210


Controls - Mix, Era : 80's (bold) / 70's (subtle) / 90's (balanced), Rate, Level, Stereo Output Phase Invert, 8-way Depth Rotary (3 = Low Slide / 8 = High Slide (Kurt)), Low Cut Switch, Hi Cut Switch, Stereo Out Port, Internal Stereo Balance and Bias.


In many ways I feel Verlie has save her best for last. This triple era Small Clone take is every way fabulous. The 3 Era voicings - 80's / 70's / 90's give you different variations of mostly intensity and flavour - with the 80's the most full-on warbly, the 70's the most elegant and subtle, and the 90's perfectly balanced goldilocks version. You get instant 'Come as You Are' sounds here which are immediately familiar and evoke a deep nostalgia and deep connection with Kurt Cobain's sound. This is so much more than just Kurt Cobain chorus - being a beautifully textured bright Chorus - which perfectly handles all those classic 80's chorusey songs - including classics like Martha and the Muffins' Echo Beach! Perhaps it's because this is the latest edition and most in my memory - but for whatever reasons I feel that this is my favourite chorus from the range - all 4 are magnificent though - and each on is distinct and has its own optimal deployment!

Foot Phaser Deluxe (Foxx Phaser) - [currently not available] - $210


Controls - Speed, Stages : 6 / 10, Depth, Feedback, Manual/Auto Switch (LFO / Filter), Range : Slow, Medium, Fast, Expression Port.


This is one that was on the wishlist for a wee while - I had intended to get it right at the start - but it took a good year from launch to add it to the collection. This is fantastic sounding richly flavoured 10 x JFET Transistor Stage Phaser. You can even adjust the phase bias via an externally accessible trim-pot on the left side of the pedal. This is an entirely different and fuller flavour beast compares to your most typical 4 Stage Phasers - really beautifully textured!

Classic Phase PX99 (Ibanez PH99) - $210


Controls - Speed, Waveform : Square / Sine, Depth, Feedback ±, Intensity : 6 Stage / 4 Stage, Level, Mini Bias knob, Mini Q factor knob.


This was actually my last acquired of the Phasers - and my favourite to date. It's just perfectly balanced and really easy to dial in. And the additional Bias and Q-Factor Mini-Knobs actually add quite a lot to the overall shaping of the pedal - where you can really finely hone its overall phasing character. This one really sounds pretty immense - while of the 3 Phasers the one overall with the fewest stages, but somehow and regardless of that my overall favourite of the Phasers!

Rotary Phaser (Maxon PH-350) - [currently not available] - $210


Controls - Speed, Waveform : Square / Triangle, Depth, Feedback ±, Mode : 4 / 6 / 8 / 10, Stereo Out Port.


Part of this one's purpose really is those sort of faux Leslie / Rotary Speaker sounds. Actually a really lovely fluttery phaser - and somewhat distinct from the two others in this range. Another fabulous variant of phase and of course one that is quite different from others of this type. Really simple and easy controls here for maximum impact. In some ways not quite as expansive as the others - but funnily enough just as good really!

Elastic Mattress (EHX Electric Mistress) - $210


Controls - Rate, Filter/Matrix : Off/On, Range, Blend, Bright, Color, Level, Stereo Out Port.


I was a little late to this one - while I still have two variants of it - where the later edition added a much needed and most handy additional Level control. Both of mine sound exceptional - while the 2nd iteration really allows you to get the most out of this typically quite bright and sparkly signature Flanger. Where the original Electric Mistress is the most celebrated flanger of all - white I'm also really keen on Boss BF-2 and A/DA PBF varieties.

Reticon Flanger (Buffalo FX Reticon) - [currently not available] - $210


Controls - Rate, Range, Color, Matrix : Off/On, Level, Treble, Blend.


Interesting story here - as I was one of the 100 paid up Buffalo FX customers that was in line for the original source version of this. While Steve Painter mysteriously dropped off the reservation, only actually made around 20 of the 100 Reticons sold - and then promptly did a Lord Lucan and disappeared without trace. Several years later Verlie stepped in - and brought the remaining 80 or so rare BBD chips from the original dealer - where Steve Painter had never paid the balance for those. Verlie then smartly reproduced this wonderful flavourful variant in a slimmer compact edition - with the circuit identical to the original source model. So this is a pedal I weirdly paid for twice over - as I never sought a refund from Buffalo FX - in fact I gave Steve ample time to redeem himself - where to this date his whereabouts are still a mystery. Apparently he suffered a nasty divorce in France, ended up with some mental health problems - and is currently assumed to be living somewhere in England - which is his native country, while Buffalo FX was operational in France - up until his divorce.

Hot for Flanger (MXR117) - $210


Controls - Speed, Waldo / EVH Switch (Ups Clock Capacitance Timing), Width, Manual, Blend, Level, Regen / Feedback, Mini ± Feedback Switch.


This is a fabulous 'Thick and Greasy' flavoured flanger - as favoured by Eddie Van Halen. It's for sure a distinct voicing, and quite different to all the others in this category. I really like it, but find it not to be as versatile for overall classic flanger sounds. For sure does the EVH thing brilliantly though - and pairs really well with my favourite Colombo Audio Eruption Brown Sound Distortion! I have 2 version of this pedal also - the newer variety adds both Level and Regen controls.

80/A Flanger (A/DA) - $210


Controls - Manual (delay time), Range, Speed, Harmonics : Red (Positive / Full) / Blue (Negative / Hollow), Blend (Mix), Threshold, Enhance (Colour / Feedback / Regen), Level, Control Port.


And once more Verlie has seemingly left her best Flanger til last. The A/DA is the most flavourful and expansive of all the Flangers Verlie offers. It is overall the richest sounding - while the Reticon gives it a really decent challenge too. The 80/A also is the most expansive - having all those really cool whale song sounds and some really quirky flange flavours - that the others just can't reach. As I mentioned in the intro - I typically favour the most versatile and full-flavour varieties - and this 80/A is most definitely that. Sound superb every which way. If you weren't a flanger fan previously - you certainly will be when you add this one to your board. I continue to be deeply impressed by each subsequent Verlie release - they just seem to get impossibly better and better. Verlie is for sure a rare talent and every bit 'The Queen of Modulation'. If you don't have one of hers already - then you're definitely missing out. If you just buy one of each - then for me it would be the Kurt's Cologne, PX99 Classic Phase, and this very 80/A Flanger - you really can't buy better!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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