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Boost and Overdrive

Frost Giant's Osiris is a cool new take on an all-rounder Overdrive - with fairly unique controls

BoostBoost and OverdriveDistortionDriveFrost Giant ElectronicsOverdrive+-
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When I first read the blurb for the new Frost Giant Osiris - including the inclusion of the D9B Clipping Diode and 9 to 18 internal Voltage doubling - I though this was yet another take on a transparent / Klone style overdrive, while although this shares some similarities - this is a distinct and slightly wider ranging overdrive - even touching on crunchy distortion tones.


Controls - Volume, Gain, Depth (906Hz Cut / Boos), Blend (Overdrive Intensity).


So the Depth and Blend controls are very specialist - where the latter is not at all a dry > wet blend as you would usually assume, but rather more of a Gain / Overdrive Intensity control - where you can set different centre-points / unity gain levels and fine-tune at that level - giving you much tighter control over your degree of breakup and distortion.


With just 4 controls it’s a very easy overdrive to operate and actually gives you something somewhat distinct and different. It’s very much intended to be an all-rounder everyday overdrive which covers as much ground as is practically possible - and it sound really quite impressive.


I have so many different favourite overdrives now, and several with somewhat extended features and granularity which reach areas that these simpler pedals can’t quite get to, while I’m certainly intrigued enough to include this on my wishlist. I’m something of a Frost Gian completist - particularly at compact enclosure size, so I will likely get this in at some stage - when it reaches these shores most likely.


Pricing is really at around the level you would expect at $189 - and the first batch has evidently been popular as it’s currently sold out on the Frost Giant / Fuzz Worship Webstore. Some of the other American dealers though still had a few in stock when I last checked.


The overdrive pedal market is so saturated already - that you really need to offer something quite distinctly different to cut through all that ’noise’. Seems that Frost Giant have done the required amount to get their Osiris on the map - while there of course remain some incredibly impressive overdrive pedals already out there.


Most likely I will have one of these soon enough.


Have any of you been tempted to hit the trigger on this one? 


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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