David describes his new Submersion guitar pedal as serving as both a clean blend octave-up fuzz and a clean boost. The way it does this is by having the Octave Fuzz as a parallel blend on the Surface control - meaning it works in a similar way to the gain of a Klon Centaur pedal - where the gain is blended in - in parallel.
So with the Surface control all the way down - you’re very much getting a Clean Boost - and then as you ramp up that control it introduces progressively more Octave Fuzz texture in an incredibly controlled and reliable manner.
Controls - Volume (Level), Surface (Upper Octave Fuzz Blend).
David has spent a long time perfecting his own particular voicing of Octave Fuzz - endeavouring to produce a more refined and consistent octave fuzz voicing - which is smoother and more sustaining - and incredibly controllable / adaptable with just 2 knobs.
Part of the secret sauce is definitely the parallel Surface blend - while there are further circuit enhancements to give you so many varied usable and musical voicings of octave fuzz.
If you thought you had already had Octave Fuzz covered - then know that the Submersion renders somewhat differently - and is going to deliver rather distinct textures and timbres by way of how the circuit is set up. For those of you for whom the Octavia is a little too brash and raw sounding - then the Submersion is your new perfect candidate.
At launch the Submersion Octave Fuzz is going for $150, and once the Kickstarter campaign is concluded - the price will rise a fraction to $165 - so it definitely pays to get in early!
The Submersion is the 3rd of David's pedal designs - each of which has had the same high level attention to detail - with quality artworks and beautifully colour-matched knobs also. David's first release was the Winter Storm Highly Adaptable Gain-Stage - Boost / Overdrive / Distortion, while the Spellbook Self-Oscillating Fuzz / Distortion was the first Kickstarter campaign, where both came out last year. Those other two are available direct from the David Ross Musical Instruments Webstore for $200 each.